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Posts posted by Bride010101

  1. I am old fashioned and wanted to wait until I was married. Plus I know that I am no where near ready to support a child right now... its tough now that many friends are having them because I love kids! We'll see how the cards fall... but I have told my FI from the beginning that I want kids before I am 30. (no clue where that number came from... but its stuck in my head hehe)

  2. I am doing one! I love the pictures previous brides have gotten... they are so beautiful and fun. My mom and I have been arguing whether to use the real dress or not... I think we have finally decided that I will use my wedding dress because a) I will never wear it again B) my daughter will want her own dress c) budget d) most brides say that there dress comes out just fine anyways

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by currier73 View Post
    I live in PA and I am not getting married here first. I was told that our marriage will be legal in the States. I do know that you will have to wait awhile to receive your documents (about 15 weeks).
    Yep I believe that most of the states recognize the wedding as legal. Lots of couples choose to not marry ahead of time and have Jamaica as their one, true ceremony. Maybe for peace of mind you could call your local courthouse to make sure your specific state recognizes it.

    The only thing to note, is that some resorts require you to be on the island for certain lengths of time before marrying you. For ex. ROR requires 2 business day - not counting arrival day to be married though... however some girls have been able to wave this
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chiquita View Post
    How big is the Palm tree stamp that you have? All the ones I see seem to be 1" or so in height.. which is too small for the cover. I'll have to check out Michael's again on the weekend :)
    When we were at Michael's there were 2 sets of punches... the small ones (mostly) and then the jumbo ones.

    When I measured the palm tree punchout I used was between 1.5 and 2 inches.

    I can't seem to find it online... I have no clue what brand it was. I'm not at home to see if it says anything on it - but don't really recall any brand on the punch. It was blue in color and relatively big (and heavy). I'll keep trying to find it. It was one with the circle punch you press down on - as I look now alot seem to be more lever like. Wonder if that would work any better w/ the cardstock?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
    I think I started the palm tree punch thing...No, yours was not defective, the punch just doesn't like cardstock. At one point I was placing them on the floor and stepping on the thing to get the punch to go through!
    Good to hear its not just me! I was doing the stepping on the floor thing as well because my arms just weren't strong enough... thats when my mom started making fun of me so Sean stepped in and helped. ; )

    Also... FYI - Sean went to pick up stamps for them today because I wanted cute ones and also was concerned that with all the cardstock it might weigh too much (no clue what the limit is?)... well teh weight was fine, but because I have the ribbon tied in a knot it costs an extra 20 cents due to the bulk.
  6. We are getting married Monday January 5th at ROR.


    So far we have sent STDs, started working with a TA, ordered my dress, ordered BM dresses, and purchases the guys wear. We have our wedding date booked and I have requested the reception locations I want. I also have ordered my flowers from AA.


    We just finished our invites and will be sending them out this week so that our guests have the TA info and can start booking their trips. We were going to wait... but with prices the way they are... we want to get info out ASAP.

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