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Posts posted by beachbride08

  1. A few years ago I gave $75-100, but now that I have had close friends get married and have gone through with my own wedding I realized how much weddings actually cost. I was always told you pay at least enough to cover your plate and back in the day that was about $30 (depending on the location). Now it is easily $80-100 pp so I usually give $200. If I am invited to the wedding, but don't attend I usually send $100 since they aren't paying for me to be there.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tvt View Post
    Michelle, any news when you're coming to AZ?
    I think we'll be flying in on Jan. 18th, but we'll probably get there late since Mike will have to work on Sunday, and then we'll probably leave on the 21st. he should know for sure this week if his days off got approved so we can book our trip.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 View Post
    Hey Michelle,

    I can't remember if I asked you this before, but did you get your make up done for your wedding at El Spa? Would you recommend their makeup services to other brides? I want my makeup done for me but I don't want to end up looking overdone or trashy lol. Your makeup looks really pretty in your pics!!
    I had my hair and make-up done at the spa on the wedding day, but I did both myself for our TTD pics. They used a lot of spray in my hair on the wedding day, and it really helped my hair stay in place all day and night. My hair fell out after the first couple TTD pics and was blowing all over the place when we were outside. It was really annoying, but I didn't want to spend the money to get it done when it was just going to get wet anyway. I liked the way they did my makeup, but when I got back to my room I had to curl my eyelashes since the spa did not do this and I have very straight long lashes. I then went over the mascara they put on with my waterproof mascara since I wasn't sure if there's was waterproof. I asked the girl and she didn't make me very confident that it was waterproof. I also put my shimmery eye shsadow over the neutral eye shadow colors they used so I guess my makeup was a mix of what they and I did. The only thing I didn't like was I didn't have any powder in the color they used to touch up my face later on. I also used that makeup spray stuff to set the makeup which seemed to work pretty good, but I felt I needed a little powder touch up to degrease a bit since it was so hot on our wedding day and I was crying a lot. Overall the spa did a good job and I would recommend them. My MIL, SIL and one of my BMs all got their hair done there and it turned out nice. They did screw up all the appointments though that I requested with the WC in advance so when you get to the resort I would stop there to make sure whoever needs appointments is booked at the right time and for ALL the services they want. My BM wasn't able to get makeup done even though I requested in advance and confirmed with the spa the day before when I went for my trial when I found out all the appointment times had changed except for mine!
  4. I wax my own upper lip using the Sally Hansen kit and I find my skin gets less irritated than when I get it done at the salon and it usually lasts 2 weeks. I do get my eyebrows waxed professionally with no issues, but I have been doing that a lot longer. It does hurt, but only while the strips are being pulled so for a few seconds. I would receommend getting it done if you think you need it, but I'm guessing since you never had it done you probably don't have dark hair above your lip. My is mostly blonde, but there a few hairs that have gotten darker as I have gotten older so I get it waxed. Had that not happened I would have left it alone!

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BBtoB View Post
    Hi Michelle,

    We are thinking of upgrading on our wedding night for a total of two nights at the Grand. logistically, do you think it would be worth it for only two nights to for us to pack up and move? Is the Grand very far from the Lindo? Most likley we will be going back and forth since some of are friends will still be at the Lindo and we will go hang out with them for a bit. Any suggestions? We are torn.

    It is definitely worth it to stay at the Grand even if for only two days. It is like a completely different world over there. When we packed up to transfer we just threw stuff in our suitcases to get packed, and then repacked everything before we left to go home (this was also how we forgot that the vanilla we bought in PDC was in our carryon! Oops!). They will drive you over to the Grand with your luggage on one of the golf carts since they will take you to the front entrance. You could walk to the Grand from the Lindo on the beach so if you did want to go visit friends or family it is a short walk, or you can ask your butler to drive you over to the Lindo (they will take you anywhere on the resort on the golf carts you just have to ask!). However, we never went back to the Lindo after getting to the Grand! It is just that amazing, and after spending a few days with everyone up until the wedding it was nice to have time alone with Mike and have an actual honeymoon.
  6. I love all the decorations! My favorite is the present wreath, did you buy that or make it. Either way it is super cute!


    All we put up this year is our two stockings and those are just hanging on the doorknobs of a closet since we don't have anywhere else to hang them. Our apartment is lame! We did buy a tree on clearance last year and I bought a bunch of beachy ornaments, but I don't have lights or a topper yet. Maybe next year I will actually be able to decorate.

  7. Welcome back Amy! You were a beautiful bride. Congrats!


    I forgot who asked, but I am almost ready for Christmas. I sent out our Christmas cards along with our wedding thank you cards on Saturday. We also got our photobooks, but the prints that we ordered should be arriving today. I got prints made for our family and my two BMs along with the photobooks for Christmas. I must say I am a little disappointed with the photobooks. I ordered the 5x7 size and assumed they were a hard cover book, but they're not. I ordered ours a size larger 8.5x11 and that was hard cover, but online it looked exactly the same as the 5x7. I just need to wrap them, but I want to wrap the prints with the books. All I have left to do after that is bake which I will do next week. That is probably my favorite things about Christmas is baking cookies since a lot of them I only make at Christmas time.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CantWait! View Post
    While Madonna looks a little scary, robot-like looking, and it's probably not completely "natural"... The trainer that she and Gwenyth Paltrow use, has this awesome workout that you do just about anywhere and most of the moves don't require any weights.

    I saw a magazine that showed some of these exercises, but now I can't remember which magazine it was.

    Any of you know what I'm talking about and might know where to find this?

    Thanks very much!!

    She was on E or Extra or one those shows awhile back. There was one exercise where she did these half arm circles. You basically make a C with your arms extended. I can't remember any of the other exercises though.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by pdcbride09 View Post
    Yes, our dinner is going to be at Playasia on 5th here's the link:
    Playasia Restaurant, Playa del Carmen

    It looks awesome!! As you can see from the pics, it is very exotic looking and definitely no room for dancing or anything like that. I think we will all be sitting at one big table. We are getting married via Blue Parrot Weddings. On the beach in front of Blue Parrot Beach Club. We are a little worried that the beach will be too crowded and that their may be boats..but who cares. That area is too cute.

    That's what I heard, that the ceremony is only around 20 mins. so I think 3 hours will be enough for us then. I just don't know when we would be able to take pics on 5th ave. after the ceremony or before or what? grrr. I'm hoping we'll get enough of pics in there. I would LOVE to do the trash the dress photo session but that's too $$$. It looks like so much fun and I honestly think those pics always turn out better than the actual wedding day.

    How you liking this 17 degree weather we are having today? It's pretty brutal out there! Thank God there isn't a strong wind today! Especially for me since I work downtown!
    We saw that place from the outside when we went to PDC, the inside looks awesome! Honestly, it took some convincing for me to get my now hubby to agree to take pictures before the ceremony. He is very traditional, and I'm not! We did have our legal ceremony here before Mexico so then he was alright with it since technically we were already married. Afterwards, he said that was a really smart thing to do since we were able to get all the bridal party pics out of the way in the locations we wanted. We wouldn't have been able to go anywhere besides take pics by the gazebo after the ceremony. It got dark pretty quick and it started to drizzle. We didn't take a whole lot of pics on the wedding day of just Mike and I so I'm glad we did the TTD to get more alone pics of us. Plus, it gave us the opportunity to take pics at the Grand which is beautiful!

    This weather is ridiculous! I was downtown yesterday for a meeting and I thought my face was going to fall off after walking from the el. This is precisely the reason we are moving to AZ soon! I love Chicago, but I hate the weather here. I'm not looking forward to going out to the post office soon, but I need to get stamps and mail our thank yous and Christmas cards.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by pdcbride09 View Post
    Thanks for posting all of your pics! That really eases my nerves a bit. We booked Citalli for May 8th 2009. I'm just nervous that we won't have her for enough time. I booked her for 3 hours. But, we are doing our reception at a local restaurant in Playa..so no dancing or anything like that..just the normal dinner so didn't think I needed her longer than that. There ceremony only takes 30mins so I figured 1 hour of photos for the cocktail hour, 30 mins for ceremony then maybe 30 mins of getting ready?? That's two..then the rest I would assume would be extra.

    One thing, you took pictures w/ your husband BEFORE the ceremony? I was thinking about doing that and taking pictures down 5th ave..but not sure if I want to do that. I want him to be surprised too. I guess I can always ask Citalli.

    There are not many posts on here w/ Citalli's/Claudia's crew pics. So again, thanks from a fellow Chicagoan (brrrr) for posting! you guys look great!!
    Yes, we took pictures of the bridal party and Mike & I before the ceremony. Citlalli came to my room first and took getting ready pictures for about 30 minutes or so. She got there before my girls were there so I think 30 minutes is plenty of time for that. Mike and I planned out where we wanted to take pictures in advance. The gazebo that we met in to see each other for the first time was in the building next to where our room was, then we walked over to the checkerboard garden and then the beach. Me and the girls had to wait in our room for the WC so we took the rest of the pics in the courtyard of our building so we basically walked in a circle to take all the bridal party pictures. This worked out well since we weren't wasting time walking all over. Citlalli went with the guys over to the wedding gazebo to take the set up pictures and some guest pictures. Our ceremony was only about 20 minutes, and then we took family and guest pictures afterwards and a couple of shots of just Mike & I so we missed most of our cocktail hour. We had Citlalli for 6 hours on the wedding day, but she took a couple pics at dinner and the rest during the reception. She left after the speeches so we didn't get any group dancing shots, but did get the first dance and parent's dances. We had 2 hours for the TTD. I think pictures on 5th Avenue would be pretty cool, is that where your dinner is going to be?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tvt View Post
    Steph that sounds like a cool job!!

    Michelle - if you need any help with AZ things at all PLEASE email me!! I think you have my email address, if not I can PM it to you. I know how hard it is looking for a place to live when you're so far away! Or if you want me to drive by places and take pictures, whatever, you just let me know - I'd be more than happy to do it!

    Celina, when are you coming here? We need to get together! Especially since it didn't work out for us in PV

    Ugh, we're painting our 2nd bathroom... for the 3rd time now. We can't pick a color to save our lives!
    Thanks Tara, I may just take you up on that offer. I think we are going to go ahead and book our AZ trip soon. Things on the job front are looking up for both Mike and I. I was just assigned to a new group this week (one that I have no experience with!) and it seems like they will be keeping me busy for awhile which is good. Mike might be able to get a promotional opportunity and there are more openings in AZ at that level than his current. Our move may just end up working out as initially planned so I'm feeling a lot better about moving forward. I tend to overanalyze situations, especially when it comes to spending lots of money, and freaked out for a moment.

    I think I am the oddball here, I love to pick paint colors and paint! That is the one thing I am looking forward to once we get in our new place. We were able to paint our current place, but we kept it pretty neutral so we wouldn't have to change it. I can't wait to be able to be a little more creative with colors.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dbellie1414 View Post
    Your pics are beautiful! We have Citalli for our wedding I am super excited! You got your pictures back really quick! Was Citalli's assistant taking pictures too?
    The assistant on the wedding day was just holding the flash, she didn't take any photos. Her sister is her other assistant and she was taking pictures the day of the TTD session.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by lucy106 View Post
    New job started Monday. Since I had to retire from my love, being a police officer. I decided I still wanted to be in the public service field. So I got hired by an agency who dispatches for 7 area police departments and fire departments.
    That is great that you still get to work in the industry that you love even though it is not as a police officer. Best of luck to you!!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ryan's girl View Post
    I was wondering the same thing. Thanks Michelle! It is so helpful having you on here with all of your expertise. Be prepared...as my date gets closer I'm sure that I'll have a ton of questions for you!!!
    No worries, I'm glad I can help!

    Here is the post with a link to all our pro pics from Citlalli if any of you are interested.

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by lucy106 View Post
    Michelle, I cant believe we both had Citlalli and didnt know it!! That is hilarious! I love your siggy pic. Cant wait to see more! Where in Arizona are you moving, my Uncle is selling his house in Glendale? I love love love Arizona, can I come visit?

    Celina, WTF is up with your guests, jerks!!! They deserve coal this Christimas.

    Sorry I have been absent but I have been sick and I started a new job on Monday, yeah!

    I hope you all are doing well!
    You could totally come visit. We'll be somewhere in the east valley, not exactly sure where yet as we'll figure that out when/if we still go in January to look at places.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BBtoB View Post
    Does anyone know how the DJ will hook up an ipod that we bring? I know people have mentioned using one before for the reception. I am wondering what I will need to bring for the connection. Also, do they give you a mic to announce?
    We didn't bring any connections for the ipod to work. We had brought CDs as a back up and during the ceremony they used our CDs and not the ipod. We used the ipod in the Los Vitrales room, but the DJ left before we were done with our ipod still playing so I don't think you even need him if you are using the ipod only. We had created a continuous mix on one playlist and that played the whole time. Araceli gave us the microphone so I think that is part of their speaker equipment. They just have one speaker, but it was loud enough. You do get more speakers if you book the outside DJ with the lounge set ups and lighting packages.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sandinmytoes View Post
    Beautiful pics but we are all dying to know what was going on with that banana? wink.gif
    There is a story behind the banana! I didn't have time to eat anything since I was trying to pick up our room so there wouldn't be suitcases and clothes all over when the photographer came to take the getting ready shots, and then I had to be at the spa for my 9:30 appointment. Since the flowers were late getting to the spa I didn't have any time to grab lunch. After I had gotten my dress on, my BMs asked me if I ate and I said no. Both of them and Citlalli were like you need to eat something or you are going to pass out especially because it was so hot that day and I was already sweating from taking bridal party pictures. Well, all we had in the room was the fruit basket they gave us when we arrived, which had strawberries, bananas and grapes - all fruits I hate! They forced me to eat a couple grapes and soem of the banana. I was literally gagging while I was eating the banana and they all thought it was hysterical, and in the meantime Citlalli is snapping away hence the infamous banana shot. Everyone that has seen it thinks I'm doing something perverted, but honestly it was G-rated I just really hate bananas!
  18. Now that we have our pictures I wanted to write a quick review about our photographer Citlalli Rico. We hired her through Claudia Photo. I would highly recommend her as Mike and I are so happy with our pictures, and we had a great time working with her. She photographed our Friday wedding at the Iberostar Lindo with an assistant, and we scheduled our 2 hour TTD session for the Monday after at the Iberostar Grand (we switched hotels after the wedding for honeymoon). We had to pay a $50 guest pass for her and her assistant for the wedding day and $150 guest pass for them to come to the Grand. I'm not sure why there was such a difference in the guest pass prices, and we didn't find out until the day of the TTD so we just went with it. We had to pay the resort photoshop $300 for hiring an outside photographer for the wedding, but we only had to pay that once. The guest passes were charged to our room, and we paid the photoshop with travelers checks.


    I had sent Claudia a list of some of our must have pictures and some other shots that I liked from other weddings. I also gave her a list of all our guest names with pictures ahead of time to help know who everyone was. Citlalli was calling people by their names on the wedding day so it must have helped! She has the patience of a saint because Mike's nephew doesn't listen and apparently doesn't cooperate very well for pictures. She still managed to get some cute pictures with him even though I know it had to be really frustrating. Mike was aggravated with him and had to hold his arms down at one point so I can only imagine what she was thinking. Ha ha!


    Citlalli had some great ideas and went along with other pictures that we wanted. The colors of the pictures are amazing! We got a photo album filled with color and black and white 4x6 prints, a bunch of 8x10 and 5x7 prints of color and black and white, and all our digital negatives on 4 CDs.


    Here is the link to our pics if you want to check them out:


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