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Posts posted by Cassondra2009

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BillysBride View Post
    Heck I'm having a hard enough time just finding singles PERIOD.

    I'm more thinking of the heat than anything else, thats why I'm leaning toward Gatorade/Powerade. Just for the electrolyte value. If I was gonna do 'em based on taste, I'd definitely go with Tang..lol. I AM suprised they still make it!

    I found gatorade singles at Walgreens. I'm not sure if you have one of those by you, but they had them for a good price. I think I saw some at Target as well. Good luck!
  2. I decided to re-read The Time Travelers Wife after reading this thread...still one of my favorite books! The movie is coming out on August 14th and I can't wait.


    I just ordered the 3 Emily Griffin books that everyone is mentioning while we are away at our DW...NEXT WEEK!!

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by frazali View Post
    We had cupcakes. Our colors were fuschia and orange.

    Here is the inspiration:

    Click the image to open in full size.

    And here is an aerial view of our cupcake tree (I've just received a few teaser shots from the AHR):

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Can't wait to get the full-on shot to really show our tree. It came out so well!

    These are fantastic! This is what I want to do for my AHR. Was it a DIY project or professionally done?
  4. I don't have any pictures at the moment. It fits me pretty snug and I usually wear a size 8 in pants, jeans, etc. My guess is that it would probably fit.


    It fills out my dress pretty nicely, but I have some layers to my dress too. So I'm not sure how much of the poof is my dress and how much is from the slip. Is there a Davids that you could go to and try it on with your dress? I will definitely sell it to you for WAY less than $50!!

  5. I agree. I think sending announcements after the wedding to let your friends and family know that you're married seems like a good option.


    As for sending the invites to the 4 couples, I think that is totally up to you. If they have all of the information that they need an invite seems like something that is completely optional.

  6. I'm so sorry that this is happening to your family! Something very similiar happened to my father in 2003 following a heart attack. Circulation problems lead to an amputation below the knee. It is very,very difficult to go through, but it will be okay. My father was determined to walk again quickly and his determination lead to a speedy recovery. Your FMIL's positive attitude and the support from her family will get her through these challenging times. I wish you and your family the best of luck.

  7. I recently ordered steins from factory_21 to put in my OOT bags but now I'm having buyers remorse after reading that Lisa's guests got drinks in fancy glasses or bottles (something like that...forgive me if I'm misquoting you Lisa!) I thought most resorts gave drinks in dinky plastic cups?!?!


    Those of you who have been to Dreams...do you think the cups will be useful? Or should I order more and use them at the AHR?!?! Opinions wanted!



    And thanks to everyone who answered my question about the number of guests per table...and sorry for all of the questions!!

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