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Posts posted by saraece

  1. i feel for you. It wa a hard decision for most of us. i know we had to give up a few things by having a DW, like FI mother isn't coming, and it was difficult to get his sister there. The obvious advice is "It's your wedding do what you want" but my reality is that having my family around was more important and if they couldn't go I would have to come up with something else.

    I am geographically challenged when it comes to the states but maybe a beach that is a 5-6 hour drive away which means people will have to book a hotel room. I bet will drop your guest list down while family would still come. It could be a mini DW and if it was near a major city you could fly off to your homeymoon right away.

  2. When people started booking for me I did my best to match up the singles so no one had to pay the single rate. (as it sounds you did) Well by BM decided to change plans and arrive on a different day and hadn't even given a thought to her roomy who would be now on the hook for the extra single rate. I politely laid out her options and let her know that it wouldn't be fair that her roommate may have to pay extra for her change and she would have to help with that. I am glad to say my BM decided to fly on the same day as us. Sometimes just laying out the whole situation for everyone helps. Why change anything, leave the rooms as is and get them to change sleeping arrangements. A room for a couple is just the two beds pushed together.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kati View Post
    I am the same way... I have tonnes of things to do! But not stressing about it. I have the dress but need to do alterations still. 77 days til the big day. I am just super excited, and I am sure everything else will fall into place.

    But starting to wonder what I should get for my girls?
    I finally decided to do a special OOt bag for them. I picked up little things like cute sandals, pashmina's, nail polish, t-shirts, I am sewing bathing suit wraps for each of them...nothing cost very much so if anything gets left behind it will be OK. I am still picking up small things every week, so who knows what else will go in it. I decided against necklaces as each of them has a different neck line for their dress and I wasn't sure what would go with all of them.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BachataBride View Post
    This is so me!! FI is going to kill me when he finds out how much money I'm actually spending!!! LOL
    Sign: Leo (July 22-August 22)
    Personality traits: Ambitious, loyal and generous.
    Bridal pro: A natural-born leader who enjoys being the life of the party, youâ€ll definitely love the attention of wedding talk with whomever. Youâ€re easy to please and wonâ€t be throwing tantrums when your stretch limo arrives in white instead of the black one you ordered.
    Bridal con: Because of your extravagant nature and urge to splurge, you may find yourself deep in the budget hole. Keep a book nearby to record all your expenses and spend wisely.
    Hey, I'm a Leo too! I knew I liked you for some reason, now I know. Same location, both Leos, both Ontario girls...elefant.gif hee hee.
  5. Hey, first.... welcome welcome! This forum is a blessing and a curse. You find out a ton of information but then you want to do and get all the cool things that are mentioned on here. I am getting married at the Bachata (beach wedding) on Jan 3rd 2009. I haven't been there before and am glad to meet someone who has been there and still wants to get married there, sometimes the neg reviews get me nervous.

    Best of luck planning!

  6. My Prediction....

    Fact - Chloe had sex with someone to get preggers. She was knocked up on a date that wasn't when her and Cain "had sex" fact - Cain wasn't ruled out as the father...didn't day he was the father just that he wasn't ruled out. I believe the father is ........Billy! He and Cain would share some DNA and that is why he wasnt' ruled out. Now that he is coming back, he has the hots for Lily and sleeping with Amber.jiggy.gif


  7. I love Zumba! It totally gets you in the mood to party in the Carribean!! If anyone is worried about how they dance this is the class for you. it teaches you teh merengue, cha cha ... and more. Even beginners can master this easily and look good while doing it!

  8. I ran across explanation of TTD and thought it was worded well. I had never heard of it this way, maybe I am just slow though...smile116.gif


    "Trash the Dress" is a movement where a Bride will record the destruction of her Wedding Dress - after her wedding - to show her husband the depth of her commitment to him. She's telling him she'll never need a wedding dress again. It's edgy, sexy, and a lot of fun to shoot.

  9. Glad I am bringing my own photographer. But things like this can happen to anyone! I am making sure as many people who want to take photos do. If I can end up with 12 good shots of my wedding day I will be happy.

    My sister got married in town and her photographer (who used film 10 years ago) got all roles exposed in the developing stage and lost them all. It can happen.

  10. To keep costs down we are buying most of our OOT stuff through points. I have a shopper optimum card (Shoppers drug Mart) and I buy all my diapers (for my home care ) on 20x days I have earned about $600 shoppers money already this year. So I have been using that to buy my OOT stuff. I also get PC points at Loblaws and am doing the same there. So far I have only spent about $4 a bag and I have klennex, travel mugs, chap stick, snacks, first aid stuff, aloe lotion, kids toys, hand sanitizer, post its and pens. I have not bought the actual bags yet and I want to get magazines, and sudoko/crosswords and a few more small things with my points.

    Oh, one per couple (except mugs and chapstick) and one for each single, which is approx 20 bags.

  11. To post a pic you have to go through another website. Here is thread that helped me figure it out. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t16832

    As for my dress here is my thread I posted while trying to pick colours to go with my non white dress. In the end the BM can pick whatever dress they want to in creamy beige. My MOh is getting the convertable dress in that colour

    http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t24514 So picking jewlery as their gift can be tricky since they may all have different necklines on their dresses. So I am not sure yet what I will do.

    That is completely unacceptable fo your TA. We know she is making a money off you and your group and she should at least get back to you. I hope this is a temporary situation and she gets her act together.

  12. I have people coming out of Calgary ($1899) and a few out of Toronto. But the bulk are out of Ottawa. We have 35 coming so far and a possible 7 more if they can get a good rate with their points. I think I will canvas my group and see if anyone had a portable Ipod player with speakers. Better not on rely on the resort and be disappointed.

    I am also getting my hair done and their flowers. I have three BM and 3 groomsmen and two flower girls and a ring bearier. I didn't intend for our party to be large but who could I cut?? So we will need a few flowers.

    I am not sure of our atttendent gifts yet. There is a cool spa outside Ottawa that I may treat the girls to. But since none of my grils live in Ottawa it may be too much to organize them right before Christmas. There is always jewlrey and ther are lots of ideas on this forum, just nothing has hit my fancy yet.

    Did you check out the Dominican' web site yet? 01_home It has great information on all the paper work that needs to be done. We are in the process right now of getting our long form Birth Certificates since they need our parents names on it. All the paperwork is going to cost a bit, but hey still way cheaper then doing it here and we get a vacation out of it!! What is on your list of things to do this week?

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