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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JENGONDA9 View Post
    One huge mistake we made was setting the RSVP date too early. We sent our invites 6 months in advance and made the RSVP 4 months in advance. We ended up extending it to 3 months and then 2 months. It is hard to make big financial decisions until you have a good estimate so this has been sooooo very frustrating. And top it off with an FI who refuses to call his friends and check in!

    Also for Christa, airlines have their cheapest fares either >6 months or <60 days so that time period in between is tough for people to commit to the fares. They will come back down as it gets closer.

    I've been to 2 DW's and one had 30 people and the other had 70. I would say that 70 is borderline unmanageable so I actually wish we had not been pushovers and kept it smaller. Good luck!
    Well, I'm so sorry you had to go thru all that crap, but thanks so much for sharing your story! It helps, it really does. I am going thru so much the same scenario. And, I know, you are right about the airfare, I'm letting go of all of my hang-ups slowly...just can't control other people.

    And also, good to know about the experience with 30 vs 70 at a DW. We will have closer to 30 (I think)
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gkashmira View Post
    Maye Cortinas also told me $650/bonfire... Christa - you may want to check to make sure they're going to have them for you! Or maybe it's a new policy that they're telling new clients...
    I asked the specific question of her a few weeks ago because a few of you had mentioned this. Her response was to forward me her invoice for all of the items she's taking care of for me, including the rehearsal dinner. There is no $650 charge...
  3. Hahaha! Totally! I can't even believe I started this. A funny thing - I even conviced myself I was going to make our invites...I came down from that ceiling earlier today when I stared at the sample paper I had in our dining room and could even begin to imagine actually doing it. The directions seemed so simple...but the reality is, I think it would drive me insane!


    I just realized we only have file folder label size clear labels, so I'll need to go get the larger shipping size labels some other day. But I'll definitely give this idea a try.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MERRYME View Post
    They have clear 8x10 labels at Office depot and the company that makes them has templates(word format) online that you can download. So instead of printing on the vellum paper you could just print labels with your logo, names, etc... The templates contemplate several sizes and designs and this way you can center by hand when you stick on names.

    What a practical idea! I think I got so carried away that I was even doing a "project" that all common sense left my body. I actually have those labels here at work. I'm gonna print some up & see how they look as a luminaria toinght! THANKS FOR A SIMPLE IDEA!!!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NHPT View Post
    i know you are probably aware of this- but i see this ALL the time- people take medications which relive pain but it also overly relaxes you so that when you sleep you tend to sleep in very weird positions that lead to increased pain in your neck. its a vicious cycle. so i know pain is awful but try not to take meds to close to bedtime so that you arent SO relaxed when you fall asleep!!! just FYI!!
    Good point. Actually what I try to do when I feel like this is make sure I'm in a good position when I get into bed. I'm basically on my back, pillow under my knees, one supporting my R arm (side where the pain is referred) and I place a rolled up towel under my neck (instead of a cervical pillow). I stay put pretty well.
  6. Thanks Sarah, yes I did have luck w/the PT. I have some info on home excercises that I'm going to do (part of the PT I did). Ummm, maybe the vicodin is why I'm so irritable? LOL! Yeah, I'm pretty functional on it. I"ve only taken one today, only because the pain is so intense I literally can't sit still. Yes, first order of business at 5 is to go home & relax my brain!

  7. Karla -

    First off, STUNNING picture at the end of your post! It looks like it's out of a bridal mag.


    Thank you for the detailed review. I'm sorry you had so many disappointments w/your coordinator. It does sound like you & your guests had a fab time though! Can't wait to see more pics.

  8. Thanks ladies.


    Sarah - I've got Vicodin & Skelaxin. The Vicodiin is cutting the pain. But god - I mean even my teeth hurt! This is one of those things that reminds me about making sure I go to sleep in a "structured" position and that I need to do my pilates. I do remember some things from PT - like chin tucks - that I'm doing.


    I took a nasty spill down an outdoor flight of stairs about 4 years ago that cause several injuries - namely this c6 issue. I just think I get lazy about doing all of the things I should do when I feel good. This is my body's not-so-nice way of reminding me. BLAH!


    And holy mackerel, I could totally just whack the boss today! She's super hyper & full of herself - almost like she's on some sort of upper. It's almost over!

  9. OK, I finally went to the doctor yesterday because my neck has gotten worse (this started last weekend). This is something that happens from time to time - I wake up & can't move without an excruciating amount of pain. Advil just isn't doing it. So the doctor said I've got a pinched nerve at my C6 vertibrae, same place as always. It's called Cervical Rediculitis...yeah, pretty fricking rediculous! He gave me some pain killers so I could sleep. I slept much better last night. But I am so over this. I feel irritable & edgy, and now add Vicodin to that & I pretty much feel like I shouldn't be dealing with people. So uncomfortable!


    And, of course, today my boss decides she wants to review all this work that I did almost a year ago. Seriously, like I'm supposed to be able to remember why we did this or that. It's taking every ounce of self restraint I have (and a lot of deep breaths) to make it through this day. I just wanna go home & put my jammies on. msncry.gif

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gkashmira View Post
    Christa - Don't worry! I don;t ACTUALLY know how many people are coming! It's totally just a guess and based on what people have told me/my parents/my FI/my FILs. To get my apprx. count I did this;

    m using the Knot''s guestlist manager. I gave everyone who I htink is going to come an "A" and everyone I think it not goign to come a "B" (FYI: This is because I did not do a "B-List" invitee list). And that's how I came up with the number - I can certainly be WAY off but trust me - No one has booked anything! Actually even WE haven't booked anything yet! wink.gif
    I have a spreadsheet w/all of my guest contact info, how many invited & how many verbal RSVP's I have, and also # of rooms verbally comitted to at the wedding hotel. We've invited 45 and I have 30 verbal RSVP's. And, 5 rooms (including ours). But yeah, the panic is that these people have not booked anything. And flights have seriously gone up from $400 (in May/June) to $550 now! I'm afraid that as people continue to wait the flights are going to keep going up, and then they will decide not to come.

    But, as you say we just have to go with it. If we have 10 people, then we have 10 people.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ryjaxs19 View Post
    Girls, I would be going nutz if I were you. I find it so odd that people wait till the last minute. I have never ever booked a vacation last minute. I cant stand last minute. Heck I dont even like making dinner reservations last minute. What happens if there is no room at the resort when they go to book or no flights left on the day they wanted to arrive? I dont get it.

    Bad Bad guests! shameonyou.gif fryingpan.gif
    Umm, yeah! Exactly!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AQHARIDER View Post
    I hope my post didn't come off wrong- I think they look really good- I would definitely work on getting them more centered and i'm sure you'll end up with other vellum or different designs. I don't think they look sucky, just have room for improvement. I'm sure my first attempt will be very similar. I definitely agree that they should be shorter. I've been trying to think that through- probably I'll just cut a couple inches off the top. I think it's great to see that "real" people like us can actually do this! Thanks for posting them...
    Oh, no no no Sarah! No worries. Believe me, I am so not a crafty person, so this is a big thing for me that I'm even considering doing this.

    Yours look fantastic! Darker ink definitely makes a big difference. And they do look great when lit up in the dark (we did that last night). Your presentation was much nicer than mine :)

    I will try on w/our logo when I get a new printer cartridge - cuz I know all the blues are done on ours! Actually, I think it's cheaper to buy a new printer - how rediculous is that?
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