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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TammyB View Post
    Christa looks great, I love the pillows, where did you get them? I'm looking for blue pillows but I can't seem to find ones I like right now.
    Thanks Tammy...I trust you would tell me if I'd done something whacked out...right?? I got those pillows (and the rug) at overstock.com. They have tons and cost approx $20 for two.

    Originally Posted by LALA View Post
    I love the coffee table! I need to come visit and check all these new purchases out.
    I need to have a party and invite you!!!
  2. Hey gals. So in addition to recieving my awesome Mid Summer gift from Jessica yesterday, I also had a visit from the Fed Ex guy in the am - he came bearing my new living room rug. Here are a few pics on the evolution of the living room. Next move: deal with the mantle. Need to choose some great pics to hang there. I also want to find a great light fixture to hang...


    Stage 1: new couch & coffee table

    Click the image to open in full size.


    Stage 2: paint

    Click the image to open in full size.


    Stage 3: throw pillows & rug

    Click the image to open in full size.


    better angle:

    Click the image to open in full size.

  3. I came home from a day at the lake yesterday to a BOX from my secret elf!! My husband was like "what did you order now?" LOL! What a fun selection of awesomeness. The box smelled so lovely by the way. Jessica is my elf (Jessicalovesbrian). She went way above & beyond. Thank you so much Jess!!


    Here's the view of the entire lot:

    Click the image to open in full size.


    Lovely fuzzy socks that I cannot wait to wear (need it to cool down first), 2 pair of dangly earings, a set of wine themed coasters, 2 candles w/holders - one gardenia (I think this is what the whole box smelled lik!) and one orang mango scented. Also a lovely set of note cards with envelopes and a travelsize lotion. It's totally like Christmas in July!


    Thank you so much Jessica :)


    More pics:

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.

  4. This is a great lesson in why you and FI need to be on the same page about things before discussing them with others! I think it's completely ok to set your limits when it comes to who you invite to your wedding. For me it was important that only our most important people in life were at our wedding...we didn't do any courtesy invites, but we were both clear about that from the start. It kinda sounds like this whole thing came out of the gate before you two were clear, hence you haven't communicated a clear plan of action to "outsiders" aka FMIL.


    With the state of the current situation, I would def invite the twin. There is no guarantee she will be there, but you've made the gesture & calmed some nerves.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tvt View Post
    This monday, in particular, sucks!!

    Not only does a monday after a long weekend suck, but my Monday started with an 830am performance review.... to which I did NOT GET ANY RAISE!!!! Are you serious? Lovely way to start off this monday.

    some bs about not being with the company long enough and there is a "policy" yeah. whatev.
    That is straight up BULL!! Did you at least get some good feedback & promise of future riches??
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by starchild View Post
    LOL thanks...I'm off to go shower now, I've been in my jammies all day and it's 3 pm - gotta love a day off :P
    Yeah, you had to throw the jammies in there, didn't you?? Dang. I am jealous. HAVE A BLAST!!!

    Originally Posted by Kathie View Post
    Hi Christa. Love the rug! Looks like the colors will go nicely with the colors in the room. Overstock is great. I am coming off a 4 day weekend. Took Thursday off to veg and ended up cleaning my house. Never ends!
    Thanks Kathie! I must recommend a do-over for your 4 day weekend gone awry. Cleaned the house?? That's blasphemy!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maura View Post
    christa i love your new rug! i cant wait to see how it looks with everything in your living room.

    you are def not the only person jonesing for the weekend again... i took a 2 hour lunch today and answered personal emails most of the morning, and have been doing wedding related stuff and surfing BDW this afternoon since i got back from my 2 hour lunch. thank god i have friday off to prep for my legal day on saturday but i feel like i have so much going on at home in the evenings to get ready for my inlaws to arrive on friday at noon, that i am seriously wishing it was going to be another quiet weekend. instead i have to go get married LOL so no relaxing for me.
    Excellent! I like your style Maura. I did not take a 2 hour lunch, only because I plan to leave here around 4:00 to go to my yoga class...so short lunch = no guilt for Christa!

    Legal day! Holy crap! That is a great reason to slack at work wink.gif

    Originally Posted by starchild View Post
    I'm on a 4 dayer so I'll let you know tomorrow lol...but I assure you it will suck!

    Love the rug! Your house totally looks like a home now, last I saw it the place was empty. Very nice!!
    Ugh, you are my hero. I am definitely taking more days next year. And thanks...I'm excited by the rug. The paint color looks a little weird in the pic...but I am confident the rug is going to marry nicely. I still don't have pictures on the walls...I reminded myself that I do not have any business trying to hang things on my own (you have to find a stud? use a level? what?) I will def post pics as it comes along.

    So whatcha doing?? Are you having a icey beverage? with alcohol in it??
  8. Jeez! Can I just say - I loved my 3 day weekend! It's the first time in months that I have not done anything work related for one entire day, much less 3. I left my laptop in the trunk of my car until yesterday afternoon.


    Today is filled with people feeling a lot like me, and people that aren't here because they were smart & made a 3 day weekend into a 5 dayer. So pretty much I am relaxed and completely disenchanted with the prospect of work right now.


    So, wanna see what I'm thinking about instead? I purchased this rug on overstock.com yesterday:

    Click the image to open in full size.


    I'm going to put it in our living room to add a layer of texture.

    Click the image to open in full size.


    Rug goes under the coffee table/couch. I purchased some beautiful large tropical plants for the house yesterday, so that will add some interest as well.


    So now I am searching for lighting. I'm thinking of a chandelier or pendant to replace the lame ceiling light over the coffee table. I've found some fun stuff at lampusa.com

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.


    Anyway...am I the only one being so rebellious today??

  9. The dreaded wrath of Drea is what drove me to this thread today! I don't feel too horrible that I haven't gotten my gift mailed out yet, but only because I haven't received one yet!!


    My hectic pace is finally slowing down, and Monday is the day! I am getting my secret summer girl's package in the mail, I swear!

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