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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. Wow girl. Way to make a really tough, but obviously RIGHT decision! I know you are probably sad in ways, but you followed your gut, and that is the best thing you could have done.


    Cheers to your continued strength & positive outlook!

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yari View Post
    Dear Wedding Guest Who Emailed Me Yesterday,

    SERIOUSLY...WTF?! You have the nerve to ask me if you can invite your close friends to my wedding...um no! Do you think this is a carne asada BBQ? It is my freaking wedding. Also, thanks for making me feel uncomfortable emailing you telling you basically no way can your "close" friends who I have never met come to MY wedding.


    A bride trying to keep it together
    OMG Yari - seriously?? I guess this kind of BS happens to all of us in one shape or form. Hopefully this will be the only insane request you encounter. I'm hormonally raging right now, so I could totally tell them off if you'd like !!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
    LOL- def need pics! OMG too bad you didn't have one of you falling down then landing on the giant blow up penis....
    I was totally thinking this too - that would be great if some how the giant blow up penis came to the rescue...or even if it got killed by a stilleto!
  4. Excellent! It's so nice to have that monthly payment back & still have a car! When I paid off my car a few years ago, I just started funneling the payment into my savings, since I had figured out how to live without that money for so long anyway, I figured that was the smart thing to do. And, I still have the car! It's about to turn 100K miles!


    My BFF is the kind of girl that would turn around & buy a new car cuz she'd paid the old one off...I always thought that was kinda silly. Glad to hear someone else thinks like me wink.gif

  5. LOL Jessica, exactly.


    So, I just caught up on this thread & you guys have all come around to where I started with BB10! When it first started I could hardly stand to watch it because of all the whiney voices and over-reactors. Now, I'm kinda getting into it!

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
    OMG this is really funny!

    OK - you are all going to think I am dumb as rocks BUT when i was younger I thought that "Islands floated" ... yes, i really thought that islands floated and if you swam deep enough you could go under HAHAHAsmile105.gif
    Islands don't float? I'm crushed! Seriously, I used to think that too Alyssa. I thought it was weird how they could put them on maps since they were always moving. DRRR smile120.gif
  7. Ouch! For my guests it varied, because they all stayed for different amounts of time & stayed in different places. Those that stayed a week rented a condo & saved a ton of dough. I specifically did not go the AI route because I did not want to "force" people to pay for my choice of hotel. It really worked out well this way - those that wanted to spend money did & those on a budget were happy too.

  8. So wow! Too bad I didn't know about this a long time ago. Apparently I have tortured myself sufficiently and found my perfect jeans on my own! The site recommended the exact jeans that I love so much: Lucky Brand Sweet n' Low and 7 for All Mankind Boot cut. But damn, can I tell you how many near break downs I had on this journey? I think the hardest & best thing I ever did was go up a size.

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