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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lilpaisley View Post
    Yah Christa. I'm so excited for you.

    I completely forgot about the mower. Joel said you guys could have it. It's been sitting unused for over a year...so it's going to need a tune-up or maybe a little work as a result. We really have no idea. But itâ€s yours if you want to come pick it up.
    Ooooh, cool~! I will tell Rafael & let you know.

    Originally Posted by starchild View Post
    Christa I am so happy you get to move, I know you weren't feeling apartment life at all!! Can't wait for more pics, it looks beautiful from what I've seen :)
    "not feeling apartment life" is an understatement! Dude, our new place is so f'ing big!! I feel like a miniature person there, especially in our bathroom. We've decided it's because our apartment was like a Japanes business man's hotel.

    Originally Posted by CourtneyV View Post
    I feel the same way Ann does, I can't believe you're already moving in!! Your house looks fantastic! But you really do need to post pictures of your beautiful back yard view. If I remember correctly, it's pretty stinkin' impressive!
    Thanks Courtney. Once we get our internet access set up at home I will be uploading pics.

    Originally Posted by EDYTA View Post
    That is so exciting Christa...CONGRATS!! I can't believe how quickly time goes by i still remember when u posted a pi of just the lot that u guys purchased
    Hey Edyta!! Thanks so much :)

    So, I gotta say, it was a LONG weekend. My plans of not doing a thing didn't really pan out. My ass, hamstrings, calves & biceps hurt so bad! And sadly, I didn't get to don my wedding dress like I'd planned - but I did find it! So that will be an upcoming event.

    So great being in this house! We totally need furniture...so that will be my mission next weekend. And, I'm thinking we need to put some color on the walls too...but I'm so chicken to pick a color!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ncainey View Post
    Haha! We should have a reunion at Cabo Surf someday. Seriously it has become so many of our friends and family's favorite vacation spot! Thanks Christa :)
    I know, my fam/friends loved it too! Aren't their margaritas the best?? I really wish hubby & I could have returned this year for our first anniversary... soon though, very soon.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
    Ooops- don't mean to worry you. I bet your honey is more careful than mine. My dad was the worst culprit though.

    I was totally bossy too. Even if you mark rooms though, stuff gets shuffled everywhere. During the move, I lost a BM dress. Luckily I found it after a week.

    My recommendation- get drunk and then it's all peachy. haha
    Well, we also have 2 teenagers that will be moving stuff - so that's a bit worriesome (is that a word?) too. But, yeah, I definitely plan on dealing with the kitchen stuff & drinking my way thru it.

    Ooooh, your lost BM dress makes me realize I'll get to have my wedding dress out of storage finally! I think maybe I'll wear that tomorrow while the boys are moving - what do you think??
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
    I like to vacuum but i hate all other cleaning. For whatever reason I will start cleaning something- say go through all my makeup/ beauty crap and the next thing I know I have a larger mess than I started with and spent 3 hours rummaging through the crap instead of just sorting out the crap and getting rid of it.
    Haha Rachel! I do the same thing! I have like ADD when it comes to cleaning...I'll start doing one thing, then go to get something in another room & get completely side tracked doing something else. After a couple of hours I have 5 half-done projects. Nice.

    Overall, I clean because I value organization & hate living in chaos, but I really dislike cleaning. Luckily my husband is a little OCD in that department - he can clean the crap out of a stove top!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
    I won't celebrate with you yet. Moving sucks :) We moved last month and while I tried to hide and wait to all the heavy lifting was done, I still had tons to do. Plus the guys were so rough I keep finding little dings in ALL our furniture. So make sure you are there to supervise!
    Dammit Rachel - these things you point out are all things I have been busy trying to NOT think about! I am most worried about dings in the new house.

    I am fighting my need to organize/supervise/boss people around on this...it's so hard! It's like, ok honey, don't just throw all the shit from the drawer in a box & mark it "hutch drawer" - maybe some of it we don't need? Maybe you could mark the actual ROOM on the box? I don't know. It's going to be a mess that will take a month to organize - but OH WELL!!! At least we'll be in!
  6. OMG Carly! You are too funny. How could you have possibly run out of things to buy woman??


    I have a laundry list of stuff I need to buy. I seriously need some new bra's...I think I've logged into VS like 15 times in the last few months to do this & then abandon the process cuz I get busy.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kat81 View Post
    I close on my house the 25th! I am with you on the loan process. They were pissing me off so bad. As soon as they told me they had everything they needed they would call me back and tell me something new they needed !!! BLAH! Anyway, I understand your frustrations on it. AND YAY!!! I am so happy for you.
    Dude - exactly! I had the same thing happen over & over & over....I'm so scarred from it I can't even talk about it anymore because it just gets my blood boiling! I swear I am lucky I didn't get fired because I'm pretty sure all I've done for the past few weeks is handle mortgage crap.

    Originally Posted by AnnR View Post
    OMG - I know you'd disagree, but I feel like that went so fast! I remember when you bought the lot ... and it seems like it was just last week. CONGRATS!
    LOL Ann! I know what you are saying. And I will agree, right now it does feel like it went really fast! While we were in the middle of it all it felt like FOREVER. Seriously though, once they broke ground it went crazy fast. And then of course at the end I was wishing it would slow down because I was still gathering money for closing costs!
  8. Hey ladies -


    We closed on our home on Wednesday and are actively in the process of moving! I can't believe it's finally almost over. 7+ months of being in an apartment...finally over! Woo hoo!


    I was so f'ing stressed and pissed over the whole loan processing debackle that I just can't even handle anything else right now...so my wonderful hubby has taken the reins on the moving project 100% Thank goodness!


    Ok, here are a few recent pics...I'll post some more later so you can see the fricking ACRE of grass we now have.

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.

  9. Oh yes, definitely if you have a muscle relaxer & you don't have to go anywhere - take it!


    I feel really bad for you because I know exactly what your are feeling...it almost feels like two bones are crushing together and the slightest movement can result in pass out level pain. You poor thing sad.gif


    Also, another thing I thought of...if you are motivated enough to get yourself to an urgent care/doctors on duty type clinic, they will most likely give you a shot of Toradol to cut the pain & start relaxing the muscles. Then they can write you a script for some relaxers maybe.

  10. Oh yikes - I totally know what you are talking about. Like you couldn't even lift your head off the pillow because it seems like it weighs a ton. And then you probably had to literally roll yourself out of bed...totally been there.


    Definitely take some ibuprofen if you are able to do that - like I would take 800 mg personally. Ice the area if possible - I know, not pleasant, but really a good thing to do at this point. Also, laying flat on your back with your legs elevated can start to straighten things out a bit. I used to see an osteopath to straighten things out when they got really bad too.

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