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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MARKSBRAT View Post
    To pack it...

    I left it in the dress bag and right before I went to the airport I laid the bottom of the dress bag into the suitcase leaving the top out.
    Next, I laid some other items of clothing on top of it.
    Then I folded the top half over the things in the suitcase and zipped it up. By placing things between the fold you avoid a crease. This is a great way to pack dresses, mens suits, or just about anything you would hang when you get to your destination. Another key is to keep each item of clothing seperated by plastic, like the plastic that covers your dry cleaning.
    I took my dress out as soon as I got to my resort and it didn't even need to be pressed. (Marks outfit was done the same way and his was fine as well)
    I know Dreams will press your dress and your FI suit for free when you get married there.
    Great packing strategy! I feel like I would be to nervous about something happening to the dress to put it in a checked bag though.
  2. Welcome Stephanie! I would highly recommend doing all of the leg work early on by yourself (if you have time). You can definitely book your venue and photographer/videographer on your own. I personally hired Maye as my "day of coordinator" and have also used her to secure a few things like flowers & to set up my rehearsal dinner. Especially with the help of this board, you should be able to do most "big" things on your own - i.e. save $$ on the planner/.

  3. Hmmm, sounds like you could end up in a battle similar to other brides on this board. Generally speaking, only you nearest & dearest will be willing to travel out of the country for your wedding. That's our plan anyway. So I am only inviting those close to us. Sometimes parents think its just polite to send everyone they know invites - but what if they all come?? Who's paying for your wedding? If you are I think it's easiest to take control of the guest list. Good luck!

  4. Hello & welcome Lenita! I'm getting married March 17 in Cabo. I totally know what you are saying about the lack of DW info out there. It seems like everything out there is driven by somebody trying to sell you something.


    Welcome in!

  5. No joke! Actually I've found it a nice escape from the accounting world when the numbers aren't working. It really does help to focus on something else for a while - and we don't have games installed on our workstations - hahaha, now I'm all over the arcade. Tammy, I am going to beat your score on breakout one of these days!

  6. Hey Lauren, welcome in. I was totally overwhelmed by the new site at first. Give it a chance, its actually fairly intuitive.


    FYI - I'm a Cabo Surf bride, so if you have any questions, give myself or Janet a holler.

  7. Hay Tammy, I am getting a canopy w/fabric only (read: no flowers) for $250 from Maye. It's a bamboo chuppah type thing - just pretty & flowy, light & airy. Just what I wanted!


    I got a horrendous quote for the same thing from Fun & Motivation some time ago, it was like $800 plus delivery, plus set up, plus tax & service. Total came to over $1K. Fricking rediculous, huh? Anyway, I think $300 should be about right.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NATASHA View Post
    That's so funny Christa. My dressmaker was saying something about packing it in a rollie bag which sounded really strange to me. I'll call her and see if I can get more details - she does this all day everyday so she knows better than me! I agree, a heavy dress could be a problem if you're actually carrying it on a hanger.
    Well I'll certainly be interested to hear what you find out!
  9. Congrats! It's kinda unreal feeling, huh? This is really happening :)


    I had the same exact thing happen to me. I ordered in June thinking it would arrive Nov/Dec. It came in last month! So I was excited, but no - I wasn't planning on paying the remaining $$ on the dress for a few months. Now I have this gorgeous thing in my closet for another 6 months...I worry something is going to happen to it. Hello paranoia!

  10. I know! I've decided that there must be some rule of the universe that says for every happily engaged couple on the planet there must be an inversely proportionate # of people with issues that come crashing down on them! I swear, since I got engaged in April, my best friend has filed for divorce (married fo 10+ years!) and my mom has stopped talking to her husband completely - she actually move into my old place after I move in with FI. WTFhuh.gif??

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