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Getting the Dress There

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My dressmaker asked me to bring in my dress two weeks before the wedding and she would re-press it and pack it for me.


BUT - I can't figure out the best way to transport it. rolley garment bag? Hanging bag?


For those of you who are already married - how did you get the dress there?

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That's so funny Christa. My dressmaker was saying something about packing it in a rollie bag which sounded really strange to me. I'll call her and see if I can get more details - she does this all day everyday so she knows better than me! I agree, a heavy dress could be a problem if you're actually carrying it on a hanger.

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Originally Posted by NATASHA View Post
That's so funny Christa. My dressmaker was saying something about packing it in a rollie bag which sounded really strange to me. I'll call her and see if I can get more details - she does this all day everyday so she knows better than me! I agree, a heavy dress could be a problem if you're actually carrying it on a hanger.
Well I'll certainly be interested to hear what you find out!
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Well, there's pros and cons to both ideas, packing and carrying on. My girlfriend carried hers on the plane, but there was no room in the first class closet, so she had to put hers in the overhead compartment on top of everyones things. She said that carrying it through the airport was terrible as well. I called my airline ahead of time to try to make arrangements and they told me it depended on who ever was working the desk at the gate and the flight attendents. so if someone is having a bad day or the flight is full, you might get screwed. She (the airline person that I spoke to) actually got married in Mexico and she packed her dress. I actually packed mine and it was fine. The only con is that it could get lost somewhere along the way. I took the chance!


To pack it...


I left it in the dress bag and right before I went to the airport I laid the bottom of the dress bag into the suitcase leaving the top out.

Next, I laid some other items of clothing on top of it.

Then I folded the top half over the things in the suitcase and zipped it up. By placing things between the fold you avoid a crease. This is a great way to pack dresses, mens suits, or just about anything you would hang when you get to your destination. Another key is to keep each item of clothing seperated by plastic, like the plastic that covers your dry cleaning.

I took my dress out as soon as I got to my resort and it didn't even need to be pressed. (Marks outfit was done the same way and his was fine as well)

I know Dreams will press your dress and your FI suit for free when you get married there.

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Thanks for all the advice!


I know that I'm definitely taking the dress as a carry on with me. It just dawned on me that the dress would be my ONE carry on allowed on the plane. I'm so used to taking my rolling carry on in the plane and usually can fit a couple of days outfits in there.


What did you guys carry on the plane with you? I know that you're only allowed a second carry on... but for the girls that did take their gowns with them on the plane, did you guys take a second carry on with you?

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Originally Posted by MARKSBRAT View Post
To pack it...

I left it in the dress bag and right before I went to the airport I laid the bottom of the dress bag into the suitcase leaving the top out.
Next, I laid some other items of clothing on top of it.
Then I folded the top half over the things in the suitcase and zipped it up. By placing things between the fold you avoid a crease. This is a great way to pack dresses, mens suits, or just about anything you would hang when you get to your destination. Another key is to keep each item of clothing seperated by plastic, like the plastic that covers your dry cleaning.
I took my dress out as soon as I got to my resort and it didn't even need to be pressed. (Marks outfit was done the same way and his was fine as well)
I know Dreams will press your dress and your FI suit for free when you get married there.
Great packing strategy! I feel like I would be to nervous about something happening to the dress to put it in a checked bag though.
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