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Can we get by with only 3 hours professional photography?

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So we're really on a budget, and I absolutely fell in love with a particular photographer's work.  I bargained down the price of her cheapest package by a few hundred dollars, but it's for just 3 hours.  It's her and an assistant.  We only need coverage of the ceremony, cake/champagne immediately afterwards, and then pictures on the beach and around the resort for us and the bridal party.  No reception pics needed.  Can we do all this in 3 hours?  I'm really stressed about it.  The other photographer I was going to book was about the same price, but no time limit!  It seems crazy in comparison, but I love the work of the more expensive photographer (and with good reason I guess, lol).  Can any past brides comment on the timing of photography?

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I am not a post bride yet, but I would assume not. I don't know how long your ceremony would be, but 3 hours is not much, and I'm sure you'll be surprised by how quickly that time goes. What about photos of you getting ready? 


I think the worst would be to feel rushed. The last thing you need is to have that extra stress to get to the things you really want covered (all the bridal party and bride/groom pictures you want, toasting...etc). I would hate to look back and wish I had a little more time to do this particular pose, or that particular location. 


For me photography is one of the most important aspects of our day. It is what we will look back on for the rest of our lives to remember one of our most important days of our lives! I do understand being on a budget though! 


All in all I think it's about what will make you the most happy at the end of the day. Go with your gut! Only you know what you really want and whats most important to you!


Good Luck!! :)

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I'm not a post bride either, but this is something I looked into quite extensively when choosing a photographer for our wedding.  We were on a tight budget and like you fell in love with a photographers work, but the cheapest package, which was still over budget was for only 3 hours.  I did a lot of research and found that 3 hours is do able, but may feel rushed.  My FSIL and FBIL got married in Mexico and they chose a package with only 3 hours of photography and they said it definately wasn't enough.  They said the entire time taking their pictures they felt rushed, and the photographer was kind of rushing them through pictures.  This being said, there photographs are beautiful, but they said thats one thing she really regrets, only having a photographer for 3 hours and feeling rushed.


Maybe you can just purchase one more hour to still remain within budget and allow longer time, rather then going to a different package?


For us photography was important and ultimately we chose a photographer with unlimited time with his packages, which im extremely happy we did as we won't feel rushed at all.

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I'm not a past bride, but recently went through the exact situation like you. I chose a photographer I really liked and could only afford a 3-hour package, although I could have gone with another photographer with unlimited time. You can always add additional hours later and pay the hourly rate, when you get closer to your wedding and you know how you're doing with your overall wedding budget. That's what I'm planning to do.

Originally Posted by starrysim View Post

So we're really on a budget, and I absolutely fell in love with a particular photographer's work.  I bargained down the price of her cheapest package by a few hundred dollars, but it's for just 3 hours.  It's her and an assistant.  We only need coverage of the ceremony, cake/champagne immediately afterwards, and then pictures on the beach and around the resort for us and the bridal party.  No reception pics needed.  Can we do all this in 3 hours?  I'm really stressed about it.  The other photographer I was going to book was about the same price, but no time limit!  It seems crazy in comparison, but I love the work of the more expensive photographer (and with good reason I guess, lol).  Can any past brides comment on the timing of photography?


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Originally Posted by starrysim View Post


So we're really on a budget, and I absolutely fell in love with a particular photographer's work.  I bargained down the price of her cheapest package by a few hundred dollars, but it's for just 3 hours.  It's her and an assistant.  We only need coverage of the ceremony, cake/champagne immediately afterwards, and then pictures on the beach and around the resort for us and the bridal party.  No reception pics needed.  Can we do all this in 3 hours?  I'm really stressed about it.  The other photographer I was going to book was about the same price, but no time limit!  It seems crazy in comparison, but I love the work of the more expensive photographer (and with good reason I guess, lol).  Can any past brides comment on the timing of photography?


Did you find a photographer already ? 


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I am not a past bride, but I'm doing 3 hours of photography.  I think it depends on how many guests you're having and if you're going to want pic's with everyone... If you want pic's getting ready, and after ceremony pic's, and pic's of you and your fiance alone, you might feel rushed. Your ceremony, depending on what kind you're having, may only be about 30 minutes, and if you don't want any getting ready photo's then you may be fine.  But, think about the other events that you may want photo's of that day too.

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We are doing 4 hours of photography- and I had concerns that it would feel rushed but I planned it out and ran it by the photographer and he seemed to think my plan was realistic.

1/2 hr with guys getting ready

1/2 hr with girls getting ready

1/2 hr ceremony

1/2 hr pictures of the bridal party/guests

1 hr bride & groom session on the beach and around the resort

1 hr @ our reception (we are doing the 1st dance, cake cutting, garter toss, etc at the beginining to get photos)


I keep debating about the rush in the reception- but I also know our photographer will stay an extra hour if we decide on the day off that we want to shell out the extra $$$


Now video is what I can't decide on, professional or "home video"-- what's everyone else doing?

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SweetLe - Wow, that looks like a very packed schedule! 


In our 3-hour window, we're only looking for pictures of the ceremony, the cake and champagne afterwards, group pictures, and then pictures of us on the beach and around the resort.  I don't really *need* pictures of us getting ready, or reception pictures - we can do with non-professional ones for those.  I think we should add a 4th hour, but I'll do it later on.  


Thanks everyone for the input!  

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If we end up doing 4-hours of photography, our schedule would look exactly like yours! For videography, we are doing home videos. All my family members have high-end digital camcorders anyways. My sisters said that they preferred the home videos of their wedding, over the professional videos, because they caught more funny and interesting moments.


Originally Posted by SweetLe View Post

We are doing 4 hours of photography- and I had concerns that it would feel rushed but I planned it out and ran it by the photographer and he seemed to think my plan was realistic.

1/2 hr with guys getting ready

1/2 hr with girls getting ready

1/2 hr ceremony

1/2 hr pictures of the bridal party/guests

1 hr bride & groom session on the beach and around the resort

1 hr @ our reception (we are doing the 1st dance, cake cutting, garter toss, etc at the beginining to get photos)


I keep debating about the rush in the reception- but I also know our photographer will stay an extra hour if we decide on the day off that we want to shell out the extra $$$


Now video is what I can't decide on, professional or "home video"-- what's everyone else doing?


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I'm not a post-bride either, but I'm with krsmith and JayKay on this one - 3 hours seems very, very rushed. 


You'll need 1/2 hour for ceremony, at least a half hour to get pics organized of BP and those joining (a group photo op?), another hour at least for you and your groomie, and then pics of cake cutting, toast, etc....time will fly! 


We're having three hours for our day after session alone!!! I'm a picture nut though ;)

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