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AHR cancelled! Need advice!

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Hi ladies,


We were married in Jamaica February 7th, returned home on the 18th. Overall the wedding was fabulous except for the fact that my family and DH's family did not get along...at all! As a result we have decided to cancel our planned reception (was supposed to take place in May) We have been contacting the various vendors/suppliers for our AHR and have managed to get our deposits back for most things. I'm extremely upset and saddened that because of the selfish behaviour of a few people, we are no longer able to celebrate our wedding, but there isn't much we can do at this point. I can't force people to grow up and get over it...


In our original invite we included info about the planned AHR so now I need to send out notices that it's cancelled. I need advice on what to say. I don't want to cause more drama so we want to say something like "we are enjoying being newlyweds so much that we have decided to cancel the planned reception and just enjoy each other" (but obviously worded better than that). I would really appreciate any adivce on proper etiquette or wording. We were planning to send the notice out with our Wedding Announcements.


Thanks in advance for any help!

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Can you say something like "instead of a large party, we'd like to celebrate with small groups of friends. Can we get together for dinner or a night out soon?" maybe in a personal note instead of a formal announcement? I'm sorry to hear about the family troubles :-(

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I agree that it might be easier if you personalize it....either way you're going to get some questions.  Since you just came back, could you send thank you cards and write a combination of a thank you and the altered plans at the same time?

Originally Posted by acireta View Post

Can you say something like "instead of a large party, we'd like to celebrate with small groups of friends. Can we get together for dinner or a night out soon?" maybe in a personal note instead of a formal announcement?

I'm sorry to hear about the family troubles :-(


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  • 2 weeks later...

How terrible.  Sorry to hear that :(  I agree with others that maybe you guys can have an informal "party" with friends.  Of course your families might be offended if they find out.  You'd think people would be able to behave themselves for something as important as a wedding?!?!?!?!?  If you are sending out cancellations, just be neutral.  Say something like "we really appreciate all the love and support but at this time will be unable to hold the AHR as previously planned".  I would not give a reason at all and yes, people will ask, but then you can tailor your answer depending on who asks :)

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Sorry to hear about that, what a bummer!  I would keep the wording neutral like above, "Unfortunately, we will be unable to have the AHR as initially planned.  Thank you so much for your love and support!"  Hope everything turns out okay in the end...

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