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HI ladies! so we are getting married next June 2011 in Cancun......we are inviting about 120 close family and friends.......we are keeping it really close.... we sent our STDs about a month and a half ago......and now we are getting questions from people who are not invited (but saw our STDs at from actual guests) and they are asking how come they were not invited?? like helloooo AWKWARD!! how annoying! Geez how am i suppose to answer such a stupid question!??!!!


Anyone else experiencing this stupidity?? smile105.gif

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Oh wow you have just confirmed my greatest fear and I'm only inviting about 50-60 people!! Why are people so rude/stupid though?? What do they want you to say when they ask? Sorry you just were not good enough to make the cut. LOL maybe responding that would get them to quite down.

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yea it is getting ridiculous.......i've seen you twice in my lifetime, just because your brother is our good friend and is invited doesnt mean you should be too! OMG I sound so mean but really!! and this girl really said that to us when we were at a bar this past weekend.....i know this is not the end of it......so i'll have to come up with something good to say......that wont' sound rude but will let them know the deal!

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Ugh, how frustrating!!! People can be so rude!!!! Like they are entitled to an invite for one reason or another. I'm not even to that point yet and find myself trying to explain to others about how we plan on inviting a very limited number of people (family and bridal party only). Even at that, we should have about 40 people. We mainly limited the list that way so we could avoid these questions -- like how do you really invite one friend and not another even though they are friends, too? Awkward situation..


Maybe you can just tell them that due to the resort limitations you had to keep the guest list to a certain number???


Good luck!!  :)

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Oh, that's the worst.. I mean really -- you barely know them!!!!


Originally Posted by Bride2B22 View Post

yea it is getting ridiculous.......i've seen you twice in my lifetime, just because your brother is our good friend and is invited doesnt mean you should be too! OMG I sound so mean but really!! and this girl really said that to us when we were at a bar this past weekend.....i know this is not the end of it......so i'll have to come up with something good to say......that wont' sound rude but will let them know the deal!

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I honestly dont know how anyone could ask this question, I would NEVER ask someone a question like that! Luckily I have not had anyone ask this question, but if they did I guess I would just say that we are only inviting close/immediate family and friends (and the friends we have invited we have know for a very very long time) so its mostly family in our case, we sent out about 40 invites which equals out to about 90 people, and we probably "know" at least 250-300 which is what will probably be invited to the AHR, you could also mention that if you are having one.

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We have had that question come up more than once.  Even had guests ask if they can invite someone, like a sibling or friend.  Ahh NO!  It is sooo awkward, my face turns red and I start tumbling over my excuses!!  And I always feel bad, even though they put me on the spot. 


We decided to tell everone from the beginging that our wedding would be small and that it was due to the resort and our desire to personally know everyone at our wedding. I find it weird when people at weddings don't even know the bride AND groom.  We have stuck to that explaination and some accept it while others still ask...all the time!  I'm serious!!  One of my FI friends always asks him if he can come on the trip and now his gf keeps hinting how much she loves weddings and asks me about my planning every time I see her.   Just makes me feel happy that I didn't invite them since they cleary have no manners and just want to use us for the trip!! 

Good luck and try and let them slide off your back! smile72.gif

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Oh my! I figured i wasn't the only one getting these questions! I also want to know everyone who attends our wedding. and we are planning on having an AHR, but even then there are still some people i wouldnt invite anyways.....it's just that to me my wedding is speacial and i want to share it with those who would love to be there for us......not just with the people who want to use us as an excuse to go to Cancun.....which most don't end up going anyways!


Thanks alot ladies! You girls are the best! So lucky to have found this forum. It has saved my sanity! XO!

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