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Mrs. Williams,

  What a great idea!! I've been trying to figure how I can get people to share the pictures they take as well, thanks for this idea.  How'd you narrow down with company/site to use to down load?


Originally Posted by Mrs. Williams View Post

Hi ladies.  I just created my photo sharing cards from Vista Print - LOVE vista print.  I did something a little different to keep along the them I've been using with Vista Print.  I hope you ladies and my guest enjoy them.

Front of Photo Share Card.jpg

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Thanks ladies for the lovely words!  By the way, they were FREE! I got 100 and only had to pay shipping.


At this point, we're not doing OOT bags because we're expecting approximately 100 guests, so at this point, we've decided to either put them on the guest table so they can pick one up as they leave the reception or send them out via mail so the guests can receive them as a "gift" once they return.

Originally Posted by Teira1031 View Post

That is a great idea, when/ how are you giving them to the guests? OOT bags or after you get home from the trip? Thanks

I narrowed down the website to use by searching through the threads here for the photo sharing websites and read to find the most user friendly one because a lot of our guests are not technically savvy - especially my parents! LOL!

Originally Posted by Tropical Love View Post

Mrs. Williams,

  What a great idea!! I've been trying to figure how I can get people to share the pictures they take as well, thanks for this idea.  How'd you narrow down with company/site to use to down load?

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