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Some people have no shame.


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Sorry ladies but, I just got a call from my mom saying that someone broke into her car… while it was in our driveway!!! We have a semi private driveway since our home is the only house in our neighborhood which is little elevated, so itâ€s a small hill type of driveway (if that makes any sense). All they took were cosmetics and small electronics, but the point is how desperate can someone be to break into a car for no reason on someoneâ€s private property!


Uggh! It pisses me off. Someone broke into our home two years ago and from time to time, weâ€ve been home when, we feel, people have tried to break in. If there is no car in the drive way, they will park the car then tap on the windows or knock on the door ask for some erroneous person. Hello weâ€ve lived in that house since I was born and no one, other than our immediate family, ever parks in our driveway.


We try calling the cops but they never do anything about it. When they broke it, it took them 2 hours to get there! Hello, the station is 5 blocks away!!! Oh, but they try to say that we are not in that jurisdiction! All this in a neighborhood will homes are selling for almost a million!



okay, thanks for letting me vent J

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That's disgusting! But I feel your pain. Try this next time:


Amy: Officer someone just broke into my car and is trespassing on my property.


Police Officer: Ma'am I'm afraid we don't have jurisdiction even though if I peed from the police station it would land on your magnolias.


Amy: Perhaps I can explain it in terms that you can understand. If you don't get your donut eating arse over here immediately, you will leave me with no choice but to exercise my second amendment right to bear arms, I will take out my rifle, which I have a registered license for, and I will shoot at the trespasser.


Police Officer: We'll be right over ma'am.

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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
That's disgusting! But I feel your pain. Try this next time:

Amy: Officer someone just broke into my car and is trespassing on my property.

Police Officer: Ma'am I'm afraid we don't have jurisdiction even though if I peed from the police station it would land on your magnolias.

Amy: Perhaps I can explain it in terms that you can understand. If you don't get your donut eating arse over here immediately, you will leave me with no choice but to exercise my second amendment right to bear arms, I will take out my rifle, which I have a registered license for, and I will shoot at the trespasser.

Police Officer: We'll be right over ma'am.
Originally Posted by dragonfly View Post
Sorry Amy, that is really crappy.

Glenda you are too funny, in Canada we would just politely ask the thief if there is anything we can do to help them with, we would never want to offend them!!!

smile120.gif Y'all crack me up.

In Texas, I think they'd just go ahead and bring out the guns.
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My brother-in-law's parents actually had a situation like that too. Their daughter is a nurse so she was going to work at like 3 am and noticed her dad's truck door was open... in his driveway. She went to shut it and got quite a surprise when she looked in the window! Stupid punk kid who I went to school with. It was fun. I embarrassed the crap out of him!

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Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian View Post
That's nuts!

But... who steals cosmetics? That's kinda gross. I mean I'm sure your mom has great hygiene and everything... but honestly, what the hell are you going to do with used cosmetics?! Use them? Ewww.
I know what you mean! Thats what I mean by not having any shame, I mean why? There was nothing in the car that was valuable! I swear GET A JOB if you can't afford to buy your own make-up!!@!

Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
My brother-in-law's parents actually had a situation like that too. Their daughter is a nurse so she was going to work at like 3 am and noticed her dad's truck door was open... in his driveway. She went to shut it and got quite a surprise when she looked in the window! Stupid punk kid who I went to school with. It was fun. I embarrassed the crap out of him!
Oh, I'm sure its some punk kid in the neigborhood. Last time the broke in, it was summer time too. Haven't kids ever heard about going to the Movies!!
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Originally Posted by amyh View Post
Oh, I'm sure its some punk kid in the neigborhood. Last time the broke in, it was summer time too. Haven't kids ever heard about going to the Movies!!
Come on be understanding they need to steal the money to get to the movies!! LOL

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