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Anyone Recently Receive Flowers from Bittersweet?t

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Wow. I've been reading this from the beginning, as well as the other recent BDW bride (can't recall who of the top of my head) this whole shifty communication and not receiving flowers on time is lame and lame is really understating it. I hope you get your flowers on time b/c they really are gorgeous! Try to remain calm if they don't show up -- ya easier said than done though, eh? Your wedding will be just as beautiful with fresh Jamaican flowers!! Good luck I hope things get sorted out :)

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My fingers are crossed that she redeems herself and gets those flowers to you ASAP. Hell if she was a good vendor she would drive them to you if she messed up and forgot to ship them, because she messed up and she needs to fix her mistake. I really hope you get them on time, and I also hope that no one else from here uses this vendor. She said she is back on track now, in another thread, and that no one else will be without their flowers, well here she goes again. Stay Away, bittersweet is just bitter if you ask me.

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Well this whole story really stinks! I really hope you get your flowers on time...I am sure you are beyond stressing over this...I would be for sure. I really really hope it all works out for you. Honestly...you have been very calm...I would have been blowing up the phone lines and email. But really that never does me any good in situations like this..so you have probably handled it better then I. :) Best of Luck!

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Hey ladies! Thanks for all of your posts! Well another day has gone by and no response to email and NO flowers. Yesterday I sent another email and told her how unprofessional her company is with their broken promises. No response to that either. It's looking like I won't have the flowers b/c they were obviously not shipped as promised. I am in the process of picking out some backups for when I get to the resort. Thank goodness I am so busy with other last minute stuff that I am really just over this! I hope that I have been able to help other brides avoid this disaster! Happy plannning to you all! :)

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I am so sorry this has happened to you...that is really crappy. I cannot believe a vendor on BDW would actually do this...well, I can believe it. Usually they get banned.


Rest assured that ROR does have beautiful flowers. You might pay a little more, but you have a good option for backup. If you don't get your flowers before you leave, make sure you fight to get your money back.


Enjoy your wedding, time with family and friends, most importantly your husband!! You will LOVE the ROR. It was the best decision ever! Can't wait to see pics, and read your review.

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Originally Posted by Scott-Pierre View Post
Hey ladies! Thanks for all of your posts! Well another day has gone by and no response to email and NO flowers. Yesterday I sent another email and told her how unprofessional her company is with their broken promises. No response to that either. It's looking like I won't have the flowers b/c they were obviously not shipped as promised. I am in the process of picking out some backups for when I get to the resort. Thank goodness I am so busy with other last minute stuff that I am really just over this! I hope that I have been able to help other brides avoid this disaster! Happy plannning to you all! :)
OMG I am SO SORRY that this has happened to you! As you probably know from my posts, that I have been in the same boat with this vendor. I ended up using the resort for my flowers and they were beautiful so don't worry your wedding will be amazing with or without Bittersweet's flowers! I would suggest trying to get a refund ASAP as it took over a month and a half to get mine... She only responded to me once I threatened to sue her, otherwise I would have to deal with the run-around emails, and then soon after, no emails at all... I really am sorry that you're in this situation... I was hoping that she had learnt her lesson after screwing me over... Best of luck to you, and just keeping thinking about the amazing wedding you're going to have next week!! :)
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Blows my mind that she hasn't realized that this could ruin her business!!!!! Don't piss off a stressed out bride.. I agree with an earlier post.... she should be driving your flowers to your door. Good luck and remember their only flowers you still have the right groom and nothing else matters... Best Wishes....

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Dr BrainFreeze - Thanks for your post! I do feel a little better knowing that I do have the backup of Tai Flora at the ROR... it just stinks that the flowers most likely won't be what I really want b/c I know that they may not be available last minute and they will be super expensive!


Glamourina - I was following your thread closely and I just had a sinking feeling in my stomach that my situation was not going to turn out well. It seems that we are not the only ones that have been shafted by her. I am glad you finally got your money back! :) I saw your review and the pics... your flowers turned out gorgeous anyway!


AnnR- It doesn't seem fair that Bittersweet is allowed to be on here after screwing over several brides here on the forum. She shouldn't get any extra exposure!


To update everyone I sent an email this morning demanding a full refund. Another day has gone by and no response to my NUMEROUS attempts at contacting her and no flowers. I plan to blow her phone up today until she finally answers and gives me the refund. I have never had such a bad experience and I hope that no one else has to go through this. Thanks to everyone for all of your positive wishes!

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