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Tam - glad things are getting better and you have a place to vent...thats what we are here for! As the other ladies said - communication is key!!


Ya i love my dress :) What did you end up going with - im sure its amazing!

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My dress looks like this....but way better on me than the model...I am more hour glass.

Ok, I thought I could cut and paste.. apparently not...

It's strapless with tiny beading across the boobs, wrap/tight at the waist with some tiny areas of gathering in the chiffon skirt....a-line. Simple with a little bling..

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Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
Mandy that's kinda how I feel about my step mom! She is so controlling! She had the audacity to give me a lecture on how expensive our wedding would be and she needed to attend a family reunion the week before but, "don't worry, we'll scrimp and save so your dad can make it."

FI can't stand her! I mainly just ignore her.
What a jerk !!! My question would be- "Whats more improtant, your ANNUAL family reunion or my ONCE IN A LIFETIME weddinghuh.gifhuh.gif"
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I confess...

I've been extremely down lately. If I had my way, I would go right up to my boss and quit this job (I'm an IT person, who was shuffled into a Legal Assistant position... I'm using my IT skills to refill printer toner, and explain exactly where the "Any key" is. Seriously.) - but I'm worried about the economy. There aren't a lot of jobs right now... well, anywhere - and most of my experience is life experience rather than schooling - I'm can't compete with some of these people who have been out of work for months.


But it seriously is getting to be too much right now. I'm worried I'm only moments away from smacking my boss upside the head. undecided.gif

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Sweet blackrose, I hear your pain... Have you been looking for another job? I was in a similar situation for awhile last year. My boss knew how I felt, but thought I won't leave, since I was with the company for about 8 years (finance world). Sooo, since he didn't do anything about my situation/position, I started looking around, sending my resume out, found a new job and eventually I left. There was some begging and "let me see what I can do" talk, but it was obviously too late. Enough is enough. Just seriously looking for another job is a breath of fresh air and you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel...

On the other hand, having a job you hate unfortunately IS better than not having one at all. Of course, if the hated job doesn't interfere with your health. I have few unemployed friends and they are miserable and kind of ready to take a cut in pay, just to start doing something.

If you decide to start looking around, best of luck and keep us posted!

Greetings from Miami :)

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I confess I feel like a HORRIBLE person.


My grandma has been in the hospital since the 4th of July and my Grandpa was admitted on Thursday, and they have diagnosed with colon cancer. I feel badly that I live far away and am not around to help my mom. and even worse I feel scared to go home and see them and how bad things have gotten.


and I feel bad that I am now eating mac and cheese.

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I have to confess that I feel like my dad has more of a chance of turning into bridezilla than I do.

I sent him a very outlined and informed "proposal" for the ceremony and reception site this week including prices and all that, I won't just ask him to write a check without knowing what it is all going to. I get an e-mail back saying that him and my stepmom(who I have other feelings about at the moment that I will save for another confession) would like to know who is contributing to the wedding because they are not clear on that. The next sentence goes on to say that I need to check out another resort in that same area(not should, need to) because despite the fact that it is more expensive and a little too hoity toity for my taste, he has "contacts" there. Oh brother.


And then today I find out he just interviewed a wedding planner. Without even mentioning anything to me about it.


This is getting ridiculous. I have finally found a place in California I have my heart set on and he's still in denial that we won't go get married in Hawaii because FI's family can't afford it. I don't have time for this, we need to set a date!

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Hmmm... Interestingly enough - I think I may have confessed a little early about my job. I have been interviewing and trying to get myself out of it (actually, I'm in the same boat you were speaking of - my boss doesn't think I have the guts, honestly) - and low and behold. One of my 2 interviews in the last 2 weeks called me back. She is calling my references tomorrow (which will go perfectly well - my boss isn't one of them, which the new job does know why), and then I will be moving on.


Of course, right after this happy news my boss sent me an incredibly evil invoicing project (that I should mention isn't even my problem) and agreed to help me with half - which is a laugh, as she always backs out or finds something else more 'pressing' whenever this happens.


I CONFESS - I'm going to feel perfectly evil and PERRRFECTLY FANTASTIC giving her my notice tomorrow morning. Ya!fryingpan.gifsmile123.gifbunny_4.gif


Of course, I'll still probably be stuck with the project - but I will do it with a big smile on my face, as I slowly remove my personal items. Mwahaha...

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