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Originally Posted by Christa View Post
Dude - we totally have to do this! You work like 10 minutes from where I work. Lets put something together for sure. Because honestly, there is never a time I don't need a drink...nor a time when I don't need to vent.
I WANNA COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!smile123.gifsmile123.gifsmile123.gif smile123.gif

My confession: hmmmm....
I don't like my dad. I've tried for years...I just don't like him. It's not that he's evil or anything, we just have nothing in common/different senses of humor/etc. I just don't like him. I get sad/jealous when I hear from people who really get along with their dad.
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Originally Posted by DougsGirl View Post
Doug's 9 yr old daughter makes me want to strangle her. She can be so sweet about 25% of the time, and the rest I just want to knock her block off. I would never ever tell him this, even tho sometimes he says it himself. I just don't think it's my place.

I guess my confession is that I have a favorite child. His 12 yr old son is a doll.

Whew. I actually feel better telling that to someone.
Girls are never easy... I certainly wasn't! My guy's girls are 18 and 20. He says that I missed the worst of it (thank god) but that it has def gotten better. Good luck for the future and I hope that you can find some comfort zone with your doug's daughter... it is impossible to fill the shoes that a girl doesn't want you to fill... don't take it personal and don't give up on her. (don't expect it to be easy either)
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Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian View Post
My confession... which is not so secret because I've told Brian about it, but MIL is starting to seriously GET ON MY NERVES. She's so super clingy when it comes to Brian. She calls about EVERYDAY to talk about the stupidest stuff. Like "Oh I want to tell Brian how I found a set of pencils with the name Brian on them." She spent the night over at our house on Valentine's Day (she invited herself!!), when she comes and visits, it's not for a couple of hours like my parents, but for 8 freaking hours (and she doesn't live far). There's more, but I could go on forever. She is just driving me freaking crazy. It bugs me even more Brian isn't telling her to back off even though he's annoyed too. He says he wants to avoid drama, but I swear, he's so not gonna like it if I snap and tell her to back off.
Ugggh!!! I can't imagine what it must be like (especially with your new little guy at home!) Maybe she is having a hard time letting go of Brian (especially with your new little guy at home). If I were you I would get a little chuckle out of the fact that you have all the things she is having trouble letting go of!! Enjoy your happy family!!!!!!
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Originally Posted by amy&andy08 View Post
My future in laws are so dang pretentious, snooty shameonyou.gif and into keeping up appearances (not in the aesthetic way....more socially) that sometimes I want to just get wasted at one of their fancy little parties and run around naked smile117.gif or flash someone to liven things up. I think that would be just delightful.....shitfan.gif
Ha!! I love it! The thought alone should get you through the next "fancy little party!" (of course if that doesn't work you should seriously consider prancing around half naked!)
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I really close friend of mine is getting on my nerves! I feel like she is always taking, taking, taking and very rarely reciprocating. But for some reason I feel unable to talk to her about it. i hate conflict and a lot of the time I think that it really might just be me. I love her but sometimes I don't LIKE her!

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Mine is bad I think. I think my FI's parents are really weird and annoying and I don't like being around them very much. I could care less if his dad comes to our wedding. I think my dad and my FI's dad would totally butt heads and I said if we have to pick one to come mine wins since dad has to walk his little girl down the aisle. We spend more time with my mom who lives in a different province.

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Mandy that's kinda how I feel about my step mom! She is so controlling! She had the audacity to give me a lecture on how expensive our wedding would be and she needed to attend a family reunion the week before but, "don't worry, we'll scrimp and save so your dad can make it."


FI can't stand her! I mainly just ignore her.

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