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I'm totally stealing this thread idea from another forum. So I guess that makes it confession #1.


I thought it would be great for us to have a place to admit the things we really don't want to admit anywhere else, but have the compulsion to tell.


Remember, we don't judge on BDW!


It could be anything...Here are a few hypothetical examples:


My FI and I met online and my parents don't know

I ate an entire bag of cookies for lunch

I drunk dialed my ex-boyfriend over the weekend

I cheated at on-line Scrabble

I regret naming this person my MOH


SO my second confession:

I hated my engagement ring at first! It is a solitaire and it is so plain! I've gotten used to it now, but I felt so bad I couldn't tell FI that I wanted to take it back!

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Doug's 9 yr old daughter makes me want to strangle her. She can be so sweet about 25% of the time, and the rest I just want to knock her block off. I would never ever tell him this, even tho sometimes he says it himself. I just don't think it's my place.


I guess my confession is that I have a favorite child. His 12 yr old son is a doll.


Whew. I actually feel better telling that to someone.

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Originally Posted by DougsGirl View Post
Doug's 9 yr old daughter makes me want to strangle her. She can be so sweet about 25% of the time, and the rest I just want to knock her block off. I would never ever tell him this, even tho sometimes he says it himself. I just don't think it's my place.
Ditto, only replace your FI's name with my DH's name & 9 yr old daughter with 16 year old son. :)
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No big deal to hang out once in a while but I mean every single time theres something going on, he's there. It's all 28-30 year olds and his dad boppin around. I just find that strange. Is it me?
Ok, I have a friend whose dad does that. He's a pretty fun guy but there is something strange about being hammered with your BFs 60 year old dad!

When FFIL gets drunk he gets super cuddly and giggles like a school girl! It's pretty funny because he's kinda gruff, then he throws back a couple of strawberry daquiries and it's hugs all around!
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My FI's mother is a huge weirdo. I am almost dreading that she is coming to San Diego for our wedding because I know she will annoy the crap out of everyone. She is really really socially akward and makes it so uncomfortable! It's hard to explain her...should I give my family a heads up? I feel like she is going to be a huge tag-along!

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