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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Girls, I am so pleased you like the dress. I really excited about it! I have some pics of me in it on my computer with veil and everything, but when I try to attach them they won't load.


I am not very web savvy. I want to add a ticker to my signature but eveytime I go to upload it tells me its invalid. Can someone tell me what i am doing wrong.

I need web for dummies :-)

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Hey ladies! I haven't posted in a couple of weeks because I had to go back to work - booooo! I teach high school and it keeps me busy all damn day.


I did want to let you all know that after a LONG wait on the whole rate special issue, they did lower the rates for all my guests. A lot of them had even paid the full balance already and they are issuing refunds! Hard to believe huh? I know it brightened up my day when I heard about it so hopefully it will restore some faith in those soul crushing money grubbers :)

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Originally Posted by Shandalier View Post
Hey ladies! I haven't posted in a couple of weeks because I had to go back to work - booooo! I teach high school and it keeps me busy all damn day.

I did want to let you all know that after a LONG wait on the whole rate special issue, they did lower the rates for all my guests. A lot of them had even paid the full balance already and they are issuing refunds! Hard to believe huh? I know it brightened up my day when I heard about it so hopefully it will restore some faith in those soul crushing money grubbers :)

Shanda that's great that you got the rate reduced! Try to have fun being back at work! I'm a Grade 1 teacher, but don't start till next week so I have a bit more time off still to enjoy! Did your principal or board have a problem with you taking the time off to get married? I have to miss the last 2 days of school for my wedding and haven't told my principal yet ...yikes!
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Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B View Post
OMG... I have no idea what the image id code is.
I find the easiest way is to upload your pics into photobucket. Then when you have your image selected there is some info displayed such as web url, IMG code, etc. Highlight the IMG code and paste it into your post or your siggy. Try that and if you still can't get it let me know and I'll try to post images of these steps for you :)
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