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Thanks Tammy, after some more discussion, he was just not into "rolling around in the waves" so I asked can we do a "day after shoot" and showed him Yael and John's TTD slide show he agreed to something more like that. YAY!

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yay erika! and maybe he's not into "rolling around in the waves" but he might be into something fun like jumping into the pool at the end, especially if it's hot as balls! lots of ladies who don't even do ttd end up in the pool, lol! and if he really doesn't want to get wet you can do a few that style at the end of the session, alone. maybe if he sees you in there looking all sexalicious he'll join you, lol!

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This is not so much a confession, more a venting post with a small confession of anger. I am so mad at my MOH, she bailed on us saying they could not get time off work at that time and money was really tight, we had planned this wedding in such a short time that getting away was impossible. This I understood, however then I find out she booked a trip to Disney with her family for the same time we are planning on getting married, again I understand needing a family vacation, the thing that really hurts, she calls me at work last week to tell me she can't be part of the wedding and she is so mad that we planned a destination in such a short time, well guess who told me they were going to Disney, not her no way, she sends her husband over to tell me. That is what I am mad at.

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err I have been around my FI little boy since he was a month old. I took care of him for most of his 4 years of life.. and still am. we have been going to court for a long time over his mother keeping him from us when she pleases when we have custody every day of the week, and every other weekend. The worst part is, when she spends time with him she doesnt really spend the time with him. she takes him to grandmas house. He now is starting to be a pain in my right side. always saying mean things because his mother cant get over the fact that me and FI are still together and that Im not going any where. (she wanted to do couples therapy with him less the a month ago,wtf.gifwtf.gif)The problem is.. at least what im venting about is the fact that she is croupting this poor little mans head. she tells him to call his cousin Sissy!! like as in sister.. stfu.gif right?! i feel so bad for him. I wish there was something we could do smile67.gif other then try and keep his life as stable as we can when we actually get to spend time with him.. mind you she doesnt follow the custody order!! what is wrong with mothers/fathers/grandparents these days. I do myself have a 3yr old child from a pre. marriage. so who ever wants to judge and say that the mother is just worried that im stepping on her toes.. by all means im not but the kids needs a mother who cares. my ex and FI and I get along great, and we have respect for each other. my daughter is a lot better off because of it. emotionally healthy.. etc. .. ok so that was my rant of the day. Im just really worried about him. I Love him like my own and i hate to see him grow up having a lot of issues, emotionally. it just kills me to hear him repeat things his mom says to him about us. he's only 4!! issues she has should only be for adult ears with other adluts or in therapy stupid.gif!! Not to a little boy who shouldnt have that kind of feelings and thoughts and stress in his life. he should be playing and smiling and having a good time,.... errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! voodoo.gif



sorry.. i thought this would help.. now i feel just a little bit more girl_werewolf.gif

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Stamperamma: OMG!! I'd totally be pissed! I told everyone that I understand if they would rather take a vacation somewhere else other than PC. But what your MOH did was lie to you! She told you it was about getting time off work, etc, but then she goes and books another vacay? My blood pressure is rising and it's not even me who's involved!


IslandBride2B: Keep staying strong and keep giving your little boy positive influences, talk to him openly and never give up. Always be there for him so he knows he can open up to you. He needs a good role model with good morals. Good luck! She'll always be around so be careful! Sending out good vibes to you!

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Tam if my wedding planning experience thus far was a sign for me then I'm in a sh*t load of trouble lol! Stay positive, everything will work out. It becomes a lot clearer if you picture only you and FI. Then the drama of everyone else fades and you know you guys are getting married because that's what you want. Your wedding isn't about pleaseing anyone else but yourselves :)

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