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Newlyweds: Did you gain weight after your wedding?


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*bumping up this thread a bit*

I lost about 10lbs pre-wedding and have gained about 14 post wedding. My clothes are not looking good right about now. So I'm back to watching what I eat and working out.

It was glorious to eat whatever I wanted after the wedding, but now I am paying the price and miserable!

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I think its the cohabitation nothing to do with marriage. I moved in w.my fiance right after we got engaged last sept and boom it started coming on. You eat when he eats..for me when i lived home I never ever cooked dinner..now not only am i cooking the dinner I am tasting it as i'm making it..then i'm nibbling on it until he comes home...and then i eat it for dinner lol. Now I stopped cooking as the solution

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I gained 3 lbs on the honeymoon (all inclusive - hard not to gain a little weight), lost 2 lbs. 3 weeks later (1 week after the AHR) and gained that 2 back the following week. That just sort of happens to me though sometimes. I gain and lose the same 3 lbs. 20 or so times over the course of a year.

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hehe, fun to see this thread being bumped! :)


Now that I can officially give my $0.02, I will!


After we got home from a 2 week stay at the Iberostar, I had gained about 5 lbs...not too shabby. But I got really lazy from then until about May, so in actuality, I probably gained like 15 lbs before I finally started to buckle down and diet/exercise again. I've lost 8 lbs of that already so now I'm just 7 lbs away from what I was before the wedding lol.

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Grrrrr, I am NOT a fan of this thread. Unfortunately, it's almost a year later and I am still at my post-wedding gain. Haven't lost any. Haven't really tried. I am a loser and quite the BL last year. There's always something that's my goal for when I can work out. Now it's when I move in 2 weeks, I'll have ROOM to do it. So hopefully, I'm for real this time and start working out when we move.

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Carly- I know exactly what you mean! I have decided that I'll definitely be able to work out at home once we move into our new house because I'll have more room. So, that's been my excuse for the last two months. Before that it was I'll do it when the semester ended... after vacation... etc etc. I always have a plan, but then move the deadline.


For our wedding I was at my lowest weight, but since then I have gained and lost gained and lost. The BL competitions on here somewhat kept me on track, but since the last one ended I've gained again. In total, I'm probably up 10-12 lbs since our wedding. Blah.

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Glad I'm not the only one that fools myself though! I can't remember what my previous reasons for not working out were... I've lived in Matt's teeny tiny apt for almost 3 years now, so there's never been room to workout. And I hate gyms. I am too self-conscious. I know that no one cares about me there, but I can't ever get comfortable enough to go. I've tried before and I would go but stop doing whatever I was doing if someone came near me. I'm a tard.


When do you move, Kelly? Maybe we can motivate each other to stick to this last goal. (Psssht!)

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I lost 25 lbs before we got married and gained 15lbs since the wedding. Ive been in a downward spiral of eating non-stop SHIT since we got back. Why? Now most of my clothes dont fit... whoops.


Originally Posted by carly View Post
And I hate gyms. I am too self-conscious. I know that no one cares about me there, but I can't ever get comfortable enough to go. I've tried before and I would go but stop doing whatever I was doing if someone came near me. I'm a tard.
Carly - Im the same way. I still do make it to the gym, but Im not comfortable there AT ALL. I stop doing stuff if people come to close to me as well. Im sooo self-concious at the gym. The only gym I ever actually loved going to was this giagantic 24 hour place in the city I lived in before I met Craig. Now I go to the tiny hole in the wall gym in the tiny hole in the wall town we live in and I hate it. Im not a big fan of the guy that owns the place and he's always there and makes stupid comments about you not being there if you miss a month or so.... drives me crazy. I guess I liked the huge gym better, cuz I felt more anonymous and at 100 in the morning there usually wasnt too many people there :P And another thing -- why does there need to be so many bloody mirrors? I dont need to be reminded of the cellulite on my legs while Im trying to do leg presses... ugh.


Wow... sorry for the rant!

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Originally Posted by carly View Post

When do you move, Kelly? Maybe we can motivate each other to stick to this last goal. (Psssht!)
We're probably moving in the next 2 weeks. It would be great to try to motivate each other. I'm going to look into the cost of an elliptical machine for our basement. I'm sure I'll have another excuse not to work out though. School starts Monday and that'll take up all my time... lol

Originally Posted by Sloan View Post
And another thing -- why does there need to be so many bloody mirrors? I dont need to be reminded of the cellulite on my legs while Im trying to do leg presses... ugh.
Ugh, I was just looking in the mirror the other day thinking how much I HATE cellulite. Its so gross and so not going anywhere. sad.gif
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