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The best workout DVDs I have ever owned- P90X


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Originally Posted by Jess View Post
I'd get a resistance band...unless you can do a pull up - if you can you are all good...resistance bands are pretty cheap though - I think I paid $7.99 at Sports Authority
Yeah I didnt want to buy from beachbody because it gets spendy. Yean no pull-ups here :) I will have to look at a sports place. Thanks!
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Just wanted to shout out to my p90x girls and say I'm starting to see the progress in my arms, back, stomach! I tried on my wedding dress and it felt more snug than i remembered it, but it fit well and my mom said thank god I wasn't going to say anything but they ordered you a size smaller than we asked for!!! Thank god for p90x or i would have been crying and dress to small! Hope you're all seeing the benefits from working out!

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I forgot to post this for those of you who borrowed/downloaded....however you got your copies i found these AMAZING worksheets that you can download for free online to keep you going... enjoy!! I started a cheering section so put your progress/updates/pain and agony in there! lol


Caustic Musings P90X Log Sheets and Calendar Download

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I am on week 13 now (final recovery week) and I wanted to let everyone know that letting my muscle swelling go down and doing cardio is now when I'm finally seeing how toned I am. I felt really strange because my pants started feeling a little more snug (after they had drastically loosened up over the last 3 months) just in month 3 all of a sudden and I freaked out. Now the swelling is gone I finally noticed how toned I am and how perky the booty is!! I'm totally satisfied :)


I can't wait to finish and do the fit test and take my measurements, I haven't weighed myself in 2 months!


FutureMsMoulton - I used those spreadsheets throughout the entire program and they were so easy to use and compare how I did the week before and allow me to push myself even one or two reps each week, I highly recommend them :)

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Thanks for posting the worksheets! I've just been using a notebook, but will definitely download them. I started week 3 yesterday and I am so tired. But man I love the way my clothes are fitting. My first dress fitting is 10/1 so I have until then to bring it ;-p

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