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Davids Bridal - My Experience and Your Opinion

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I'm so sorry you've had to go through all of that. As if this wasn't stressful enough!


I had a terrible experience at David's also. First the AC was broken - Texas in June is not a great month to have the AC not working. Plus trying on all those dresses. HOT! The lady that was helping us was never around. My mom and MOH were with me and we kept going around and looking for her to get other dresses. Finally she told us we could go pick up whatever we wanted and try them on. So we did the whole thing ourselves. I found a dress I loved, but she wasn't around to talk to her about it. Eventually we just walked out. I plan on going dress shopping again, but not there!


Good luck with the complaint! I hope they get back to you soon. :)

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Sorry that you had to go through that! That is absolutely unacceptable. I would call corporate again, and ask for a refund. Tell them if they don't at least refund the amount you spend on alterations, you will report them to the BBB, etc.

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I'm sorry to hear about all the bad experiences with DB's...that's the last thing we as brides should have to deal with!! I guess I'm one of the few that has had a good experience (so far anyway). I've only tried on the dresses, haven't ordered it yet and obviously haven't gone through the alterations process. However, I will say that my experience was good. I purposefully made a weekday appointment, early in the day to avoid the DB's madness. Although I didn't have an DB associate just for me (apparently someone called out that morning), the woman who did work with me was very helpful, pulled all my dresses that I selected and some she thought I'd like. She was very good at paying attention to both brides she was working with at the time (me and one other).


I LOVE the dress and just need to order it now. Although, I may consider doing alterations somewhere else...not sure though.

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I will NEVER give my business to DB. My friend and I walked in there last week to look for dresses. I really want a short dress so when the girl greeted me I explained to her what I was looking for. First she gave me a look like I was crazy. Ok i looked past that and we followed her around the store. The dumba$$ kept showing me this big dresses so my friend tells her AGAIN what kind of dress I want and yet again she gives me a look. (Now I am starting to burn up) We walk around for another minute or 2 and she turns around to ask me what my FI does for a living so I tell her he is in the computer field. So she proceeds to tell me that if I am looking for a short dress just to safe $$ then maybe I should reconsider marrying my FI. At this point I lost it and I told her that it was none of her business why I want a short dress and that her job was to show me the kinds of dresses I want. Then I ask for a manager and she shows up apologizes for the employees behavior and someone else shows up to help. This lady was ok at first and then she starts asking me where were my FI and I from. I tell her that I am Colombian and FI is Puerto Rican and she proceeds to tell me that its girls like me that are taking all the good PR men away from the PR women. WTF?!?! My friend tells her that what she said was very inappropriate. So I begin to try on dresses and then after I came out with the first dress on she has the balls to tell me that I need to lose 10 pounds in order for that dress to look nice on me. Needless to say I had enough of DB and I pretty much told her where she can go and we walked out the store. It was so bad that a lady standing next to my friend told her daughter that she wouldn't give her business to people like that.


Let us know how the complaint with BBB went

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Originally Posted by EDSROSA View Post
I will NEVER give my business to DB. My friend and I walked in there last week to look for dresses. I really want a short dress so when the girl greeted me I explained to her what I was looking for. First she gave me a look like I was crazy. Ok i looked past that and we followed her around the store. The dumba$$ kept showing me this big dresses so my friend tells her AGAIN what kind of dress I want and yet again she gives me a look. (Now I am starting to burn up) We walk around for another minute or 2 and she turns around to ask me what my FI does for a living so I tell her he is in the computer field. So she proceeds to tell me that if I am looking for a short dress just to safe $$ then maybe I should reconsider marrying my FI. At this point I lost it and I told her that it was none of her business why I want a short dress and that her job was to show me the kinds of dresses I want. Then I ask for a manager and she shows up apologizes for the employees behavior and someone else shows up to help. This lady was ok at first and then she starts asking me where were my FI and I from. I tell her that I am Colombian and FI is Puerto Rican and she proceeds to tell me that its girls like me that are taking all the good PR men away from the PR women. WTF?!?! My friend tells her that what she said was very inappropriate. So I begin to try on dresses and then after I came out with the first dress on she has the balls to tell me that I need to lose 10 pounds in order for that dress to look nice on me. Needless to say I had enough of DB and I pretty much told her where she can go and we walked out the store. It was so bad that a lady standing next to my friend told her daughter that she wouldn't give her business to people like that.

Let us know how the complaint with BBB went

HOLY censored.gif!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would have told her the reason the PR men don't date Puerto Ricans is because of women like her. That would have shut her up quick!
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Wow!!! Thats all I have to say. It is amazing that so many people have had such a horrible experience. Corporate told my mom on the phone that they dont have any dissatisfied customers. Yeah right!!! This obviously proves that statement wrong. My mom mentioned to them that negative feedback about their store would travel quickly. Their response was that they could afford to lose us as customers because they are such a big corporation and they could regain more people as customers. She was probably right. They are huge. That would be like telling people to stop shopping at Walmart because the clerk threw your groceries in the bags. Davids Bridal has great prices...and people will continue shopping there (unfortunately.) But that doesnt give them a right to treat their current customers like crap. I just got so annoyed when corporate told my mom that we "didnt spend that much money there." May be true to a multi million dollar corporation...but for someone who lives paycheck to paycheck, we spent a small fortune.


Anyone else have any experiences they would like to share? This is just more and more ammo against them. Maybe we should consider a class action lawsuit :) hahaha. What would we sue them for, emotional distress? But to the brides that have had a good experience there, I am genuinly happy for you. The dress is almost what makes the wedding day (well, aside from the groom being there. :) The two most important days in my life are my wedding and the day I give birth. Lets just hope it gets fixed by this afternoon. Ill keep you all posted and let you know what happens!!

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Originally Posted by EDSROSA View Post
. This lady was ok at first and then she starts asking me where were my FI and I from. I tell her that I am Colombian and FI is Puerto Rican and she proceeds to tell me that its girls like me that are taking all the good PR men away from the PR women. WTF?!?! My friend tells her that what she said was very inappropriate. So I begin to try on dresses and then after I came out with the first dress on she has the balls to tell me that I need to lose 10 pounds in order for that dress to look nice on me. Needless to say I had enough of DB and I pretty much told her where she can go and we walked out the store. It was so bad that a lady standing next to my friend told her daughter that she wouldn't give her business to people like that.

Let us know how the complaint with BBB went
I read this like 10 times...EDSROSA - you should have punched her in the censored.gif face!
You are a very good person for letting her get away with saying any of that to you!

As for DB experience - I got my 1st marriage wedding dress there - 13 yrs ago - I don't remember anything bad - but I didn't get my alterations done there either. What I've learned is that there are bridal shops that have really good sales on designer dresses - My DB gown was $999 13 years ago before alterations, but my Maggie Sotero now cost only $700 - Go figure...
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I would continue to call Davids Bridal coorporate office DAILY until you are happy with the out come. I can NOT stand when companies pull this sort of crap and then get away with it!! It is beyond frustrating!!! After I had purchased my maggie dress from another wedding boutique, I headed to Davids to check out the bridesmaid dresses I was in love with. IT WAS LITERALLY I CLUSTER/MOB/CRAZINESS of women, dresses, children, people.. I almost felt trashy being in there. Not for anyone to take offense to that but these poor women were having to lace up their own dresses, the employees were not listening to the brides and I was so dis satisfied with what was going on behind those doors! Now Im in the process of trying to find other BM dresses, Im too afraid to work with Davids. and you are def. not the first person to give a bad review! good luck to you it will all work out!!

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