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Manitoba Brides Planning Social

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Hello everyone! Are there any Manitoba brides out there planning their social. Ours is February 27th 2010 and I'm just beginning to plan things. I bought a couple of sale items for the silent auction baskets which has got me thinking about things. I thought maybe we could swap ideas for baskets. I have many questions if anyone has an answer it would be appreciated!!!

*How much do we charge for auction tickets?

*Any ideas for places that will donate a gift or gift certificates

*What are good grand prizes?

*Can the wedding party buy auction tickets?

*Hot lunch vs cold lunch?

*When should we print our tickets?

*When should we start selling tickets?


Thanks and feel free to add anything else!!!

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Originally Posted by jenninjamaica View Post
Hello everyone! Are there any Manitoba brides out there planning their social. Ours is February 27th 2010 and I'm just beginning to plan things. I bought a couple of sale items for the silent auction baskets which has got me thinking about things. I thought maybe we could swap ideas for baskets. I have many questions if anyone has an answer it would be appreciated!!!

*How much do we charge for auction tickets?
*Any ideas for places that will donate a gift or gift certificates
*What are good grand prizes?
*Can the wedding party buy auction tickets?
*Hot lunch vs cold lunch?
*When should we print our tickets?
*When should we start selling tickets?

Thanks and feel free to add anything else!!!
Hey! Man, I don't envy you right now! Planning our social was a ton of work, but of course TOTALLY worth it. Thankfully I had a friend who had just planned their social that I was able to go to with all of my questions. I'll help you out as much as I can. Unfortunately I can't remember our silent auction prices and I'm on vacation in Fort Lauderdale but I can pass that on when I get home. We did ticket packages, which I'd totally recommend doing. I can also send you a list of our prize packages and some places that donated (I'm pretty sure I still have that all saved on my computer back home).

Some of the questions that I can answer...

-We didn't do this, but a recent social that I was at did a mall gift card for $400 for a grand prize. People were pretty excited about this one. I guess it gives people the option to purchase what they want with the gift card. Of course there are the usual tv's, BBQ's, Wii's.
-Of course the wedding party can buy tickets. They are there to support you! My maid of honor actually won 2 baskets.
-We did pizza for our late snack. We got a great deal through Dominos. It was stress free as they brought everything and set it all up on the tables. Honestly, DH and I think this was one of the best decisions that we made. I can give you the contact info for the Dominos that I dealt with (and if you decide to contact him, I can give him a heads up)
-Our social was on October 25, 2009. We had our tickets printed in July and really started selling them in September.

I'll add more info later and I'll definitely send you our silent auction pricing and prize lists! Let me know if you have any other questions that pop up and I'll try my best to help you out.
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