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What drives you nuts?

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Let me preface this by saying I adore my FI, as I am sure everyone on this forum would say about their significant others. However, once you have been in a relationship for awhile and especially once you have been living together there are bound to be things that drive you bonkers censored.gif and vice versa, I know there are things I do that drive my FI crazy. I just needed to vent some since they are minor things but can still have me pulling me hair out. hissyfit.gif


For me:

1. I hate that my FI ALWAYS leaves the bathroom light on, even when he didn't need it on in the first place.

2. I also can't stand when he squeezes the toothpaste from the middle of the tube or leaves the cap off.


For my FI:

1. I know it drives him crazy when I can't decide on which restaurant to eat at or I switch it a million times (sometimes once we are already in the restaurant)

2. I have also woken him up at 2am more than once to kill the giant, alien bug crawling around because I can't go near it.


So, I'm curious what is it that drives you nuts about your significant other? Hopefully, I'm not the only one with random pet peeves blush2.gif

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ohh.. I was just talking about this with married friends..lol..

for me:

-I hate that FI (now husband) cant hang his bath towel straight on the towel rack

-FI puts everything on the edge of the shelf in the refrigator.. I am always thinking things are going to fall off..lol..


For him:

-I channel surf constantly.. he is always saying.. just leave it one channel..

-It takes me forever to order food at a restauant.. I never know what I want

-I have him kill the "giant" bugs (spiders, cricket, etc)

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- He knows the dishes need to get done but won't do them (It's his 1 chore)

- I can't remember the last time I saw a whole TV show beginning to end when he's home

- He's a social alcoholic (he starts buying friends rounds cause he wants to keep the partying going)



- I don't' make decisions about where to eat when we go out

- At 9pm, i want to make runs to Walmart, usually for ice cream

- My cat

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Originally Posted by CrystalM View Post
- I don't' make decisions about where to eat when we go out
- At 9pm, i want to make runs to Walmart, usually for ice cream
- My cat
Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one with a lack of restaurant decision making skills. I also take forever to order once I'm there....and frequently regret my decision and want to change it. I just love food! =)
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Originally Posted by Carlitarenee View Post
Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one with a lack of restaurant decision making skills. I also take forever to order once I'm there....and frequently regret my decision and want to change it. I just love food! =)
Same! I have never been anywhere to eat that there wasn't SOMETHING I like to eat.
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Lol I agree with a lot of what you ladies put down..


For me:

-He leaves his socks/clothes all over the place

-I especially can't stand when he uses all of the toilet paper/paper towels and either leaves the used up roll or he'll take a new roll out but won't put it on the holder itself...lol, drives me crazy!


For him:

-We both hate doing dishes, and usually he does them...

-I steal the sheets in my sleep

-It's a habit for me to leave my hair straightener on the bathroom sink while it cools down and somehow he always ends up tripping over the cord; he gets so annoyed!

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Girls - FI and I always argue because i never pick what i want for dinner and I always make him decide!!! Anyway here are ours:


My pet peeves

1. He can NEVER hang up his wet towels...instead he likes to throw them on the bed....the worst place they could ever go!

2. When he shaves he leaves little hairs all over the sink and it drives me insane!

3. He always forgets to tell me important things!! Like 2 weeks will go by and he'll be like "oh, did i mention i got a raise?" hahaha how can you forget to tell me that!?


For Him

1. I always leave the cap off the toothpaste and it drives him nuts (we resolved this by buying the "pump" kind...hehe)

2. I steal things like tweezers or combs from our bathroom and put them in my purse and they arent around when he needs them

3. I can never remember where I put my keys...or when leaving a store it takes me 10 minutes to find my keys in my huge purse

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Originally Posted by JOSIE View Post

Girls - FI and I always argue because i never pick what i want for dinner and I always make him decide!!! Anyway here are ours:

My pet peeves
1. He can NEVER hang up his wet towels...instead he likes to throw them on the bed....the worst place they could ever go!
2. When he shaves he leaves little hairs all over the sink and it drives me insane!
3. He always forgets to tell me important things!! Like 2 weeks will go by and he'll be like "oh, did i mention i got a raise?" hahaha how can you forget to tell me that!?

For Him
1. I always leave the cap off the toothpaste and it drives him nuts (we resolved this by buying the "pump" kind...hehe)
2. I steal things like tweezers or combs from our bathroom and put them in my purse and they arent around when he needs them
3. I can never remember where I put my keys...or when leaving a store it takes me 10 minutes to find my keys in my huge purse
Oh my gosh! I do the same thing with my keys and tweezers!! I kind of resolved the key thing by adding a carabiner to the ring and I hook them to the strap. Now I just have to remember to hook it instead of dropping them in my purse
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This is too funny:)



-He leans in too far towards the mirror while shaving and gets all his hair on the sink edges! Yuck!

-He sets his alarm WAY too early and presses snooze every 7 min for about an hour!

-He LOVES sushi, he could eat it every time we go out. I love it too, but not ALL the time!



-I also always loose my keys and cell phone. Oh and my sunglasses on sunny days go missing too, usually after he's set the alarm for the house and I have to go rushing around to try and find them!

-I often don't notice that I took the last roll of toilet paper. Ooops :) Sometimes it's funny if I'm home to help him out :) but I do hear about it if I wasn't home... lol

-I ALWAYS go over on my cell phone minutes.

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Originally Posted by JOSIE View Post
2. When he shaves he leaves little hairs all over the sink and it drives me insane!
OMG... I forgot about this one! My FI does this and it drives me nuts!

Originally Posted by Barbo View Post
This is too funny:)
-He sets his alarm WAY too early and presses snooze every 7 min for about
LOL.. I am sooo guilty of this! Even worse, my alarm snoozes every 4 min!
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