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Toddling Flower Girls Advice Needed

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I was wondering how any of you might have dealt with willful toddlers in your ceremony. My nieces, one who will be 3 by the wedding & the other who will be 2, are my flower girls. I'm starting to wonder if getting them to walk to the end of the aisle might be too much for the 2 year old even though her cousin is walking in front of her.


My sister suggested making a daisy chain that my oldest niece can carry and have the girls hold on to their portion to follow her lead. Has anyone tried this or have any tips?




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My niece is turning 3 shortly after we get married. She is so excited and we've got her practicing. What about dressing her up and giving her some play flowers to carry? I purchased a pomander for Emma and showed it to her and told it, it was hers if she wanted to be a flower girl. Then we had her walk up and down the hall "like a princess" would and that worked like a charm. I saw her again yesterday and she was telling everyone about being a flower girl on the beach.


Good luck.

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My sis is getting married in Oct. and will have her 3 yr old nephew and 1.5 year old niece (siblings) walking down the aisle. We are having a mini version of her bouquet (like 5 or 6 flowers) made and they are going to hold hands and walk together. their dad is the BM so we're hoping they seem him and go towards familiarity!

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Originally Posted by KLee147 View Post
My niece is turning 3 shortly after we get married. She is so excited and we've got her practicing. What about dressing her up and giving her some play flowers to carry? I purchased a pomander for Emma and showed it to her and told it, it was hers if she wanted to be a flower girl. Then we had her walk up and down the hall "like a princess" would and that worked like a charm. I saw her again yesterday and she was telling everyone about being a flower girl on the beach.

Good luck.
That's a great idea- I think I can talk the 2 year old into practicing. Thanks!
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Originally Posted by MissyR View Post
My sis is getting married in Oct. and will have her 3 yr old nephew and 1.5 year old niece (siblings) walking down the aisle. We are having a mini version of her bouquet (like 5 or 6 flowers) made and they are going to hold hands and walk together. their dad is the BM so we're hoping they seem him and go towards familiarity!
That's a thought! My brother-in-law will have escorted my mother down the aisle by then so maybe he can stand at the end to encourage her to walk towards him.
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We had an almost 2yo ring-bearer. Our wedding planner suggested having one parent at one end and the other one right near the front and having him walk to the parent in front - or if they aren't in the wedding party, maybe have the 2nd parent sit in the front so they can walk toward them at least.

In the end, he wouldn't really walk so his father (one of our ushers) just carried him down the aisle - at least he carried the ring pillow and we got some cute pictures of that :). You have to be a little flexible with kids that age :).

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My FG was just shy of her 4th birthday when she walked in front of me. I had a bucket to match her dress and before the ceremony, we put together her bouquet with some silk flowers I brought along. She was so excited about making her bouquet, she practically sprinted down the aisle to show it off to her dad who was standing up at the front (someone for her to walk to). It turned out perfect.

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My Ring Bearer was 2 (Just about 3) and my Flower girl ahd just turned 2.


The Ring bearer wouldn't walk down unless his mom was with him, so I told her just to walk with him and my Flower girl was THRILLED to go down that isle. She loved throwing the flowers out of the basket and all the attention.

She was a holy terror however, while we were getting married..LOL

She wanted to stay up in the Gazebo. I didn't mind, I was actually laughing alot, but it's something to keep in mind with kids that young.

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Our daughter is going to be our flower girl. She will be about 2.5 by the time we get married. I highly doubt she'll just walk down the aisle on her own, but we're not too concerned about that. Definitely have to be flexible with the little ones. Great ideas though, may have to try them!

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