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Bummed about our wedding video :o( *good update #31

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What are your thoughts/advice on this email I wrote real quick to the owner? Is there anythign I shoudl take out, add, etc? Wording okay? Also I am still working on closing paragraph-


Good morning.


Joe and I watched our wedding video last night. I have to say I was a little disappointed/sad :o( I wasn't going to say anything but this morning when I woke up, I was a little bummed out about it...and still really am. The gentleman who did our wedding was great, he was a really nice guy and I don't want to get anyone in any kind of trouble, but I do feel that I need to voice this as it was a very important video to us.


I noticed a lot of the pictures we supplied were cut off, the entire picture wasn't captured. Two examples: our grade school photos are already shot from the mid waist up, but on the video they were cut off from the shoulder, you couldn't tell it was a grade school photo, it was pretty much just our faces. There was one of my dads favorites pictures of me as a kid (why I included it)...it was me covered in mud from the waist down b/c I fell at our campground, I was crying, the entire pic wasn't captured though, it was just my face pretty much. This happened to most of the shots and I was just confused about that. What was the point in going through and picking out pictures when they entire memory wasn't captured.


On dics 2, about 5 different times the video gets distorted looking, like a checkered look almost. It also skipped a few times. We paid good money and I am upset that the video's are not good quality.


I felt like the entire reception was pretty much just the dance floor, whether people were dancing there or not. I guess I was expecting to see guest arriving, guests tables, people by the bar, etc. I am glad the dance floor was captured however I didn't think that would be the only coverage.

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I'm sorry, that really sucks! I agree with trying to get the raw footage and taking it to someone else. At the very least you should get your money back, although that doesn't fix anything. I think you do need to email the owner and I think your email above is appropriate, not out of line at all. You should include what you want done though, like having a refund, fixing the footage or asking for the raw material. Good Luck, let us know what his response is.

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I was replying to your email, but since you posted it here, I'll just put it here too! I put one word in red.


For the closing paragraph, I would take the advice of someone above and request the hard copy of the footage and no additional charge so that you can get someone to edit it for you. Or request them to have someone else look at it and see if they can manage to put together a more appealing version.


(BTW - I accidentally edited your reponse originally instead of quoted it, so it might have looked funny for a few mintues until I realized I hit the wrong button.)

Originally Posted by Jacqueline View Post
What are your thoughts/advice on this email I wrote real quick to the owner? Is there anythign I shoudl take out, add, etc? Wording okay? Also I am still working on closing paragraph-


Good morning.


Joe and I watched our wedding video last night. I have to say I was a little disappointed/sad :o( I wasn't going to say anything but this morning when I woke up, I was a little bummed out about it...and still really am. The gentleman who did our wedding was great, he was a really nice guy and I don't want to get anyone in any kind of trouble, but I do feel that I need to voice this as it was a very important video to us.


I noticed a lot of the pictures we supplied were cut off, the entire picture wasn't captured. Two examples: our grade school photos are already shot from the mid waist up, but on the video they were cut off from the shoulder, you couldn't tell it was a grade school photo, it was pretty much just our faces. There was one of my dads favorites pictures of me as a kid (why I included it)...it was me covered in mud from the waist down b/c I fell at our campground, I was crying, the entire pic wasn't captured though, it was just my face pretty much. This happened to most of the shots and I was just confused about that. What was the point in going through and picking out pictures when they entire memory wasn't captured.


On dics 2, about 5 different times the video gets distorted looking, like a checkered look almost (pixilated). It also skipped a few times. We paid good money and I am upset that the video's are not good quality.


I felt like the entire reception was pretty much just the dance floor, whether people were dancing there or not. I guess I was expecting to see guest arriving, guests tables, people by the bar, etc. I am glad the dance floor was captured however I didn't think that would be the only coverage.

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Jacqueline that really sucks sad.gif I think your email is good - and you're definitely doing the right thing by writing to tell them how you feel. They need to know for the future. I agree that you should ask for raw footage - maybe you can take it to someone else who can edit it into something much more professional looking?

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OMG..That is terrible. They should not only give you the raw footage, but also a partial refund/discount for what you paid for their service being that there product should represent their company/their work and they have the nerve to give you such an amateur video. I think your email is great, but if the response is not what you hoped it would be then send them another one that is a little harsher. Let them know that word of mouth is one of the greatest marketing tools a company could have and that you will be sure to inform the many brides you network with that they are crap.

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Ugh, that totally sucks.

My advice for your email. Take out the emotional aspect of it. Make it a bit more professional sounding. The guy probably won't care so much if you are sad sad.gif ~but he will care about the specific things with the video that didn't meet your expectations. For me the emotional aspect just makes it sound a little more like disappointed bride versus disappointed customer. Does that make sense? I'd also include in the closing paragraph what your expectations are to rectify the problem. It's good that you don't want anyone to get in trouble but really if this is the videographer's idea of good work he will likely be doing this for other's weddings. Definitely ask for a recut or the raw footage!

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tracy your advice was great! i just sent the email though :o( i wish i would have saw your reply before i sent it b/c u make a really good point about the emotional part. oh well :o( heres my final email i sent. and like someone said above, if he dont do anything about it i will write a more professional, stern email like u said, from more of a "customer" standpoint.



Joe was there and picked up our wedding video last night, and we watched it last night. I have to say I was a little disappointed/sad :o( I wasn't going to say anything but this morning when I woke up, I was still bummed out about it. The gentleman who did our wedding was absolutely great, he was a really nice guy and I don't want to get anyone in any kind of trouble, but I do feel that I need to voice this as it was a very important video to us.


I noticed a lot of the pictures we supplied were half cut off, the entire picture wasn't captured. Just two examples to name a few: our grade school photos are already shot from the mid waist up, but on the video they were cut off from the shoulder, you couldn't tell it was a grade school photo, it was pretty much just our faces on the entire screen. There was one of my dads favorite pictures of me as a kid (why I included it)...it was me covered in mud from the waist down b/c I fell at our campground, I was crying, it was hilarious, but the entire pic wasn't captured, it was just my face pretty much. This happened to most of the shots and I was just confused about that. What was the point in going through and picking out important pictures when they entire memory wasn't captured?


On disc 2, about 4-5 different times the video gets distorted looking, like a checkered look almost pixilated, it also skipped a few times. We paid good money and I am upset that the video is not good quality, and it seems that no one reviewed this before giving it to us.


I felt like the entire reception portion was just the dance floor, whether people were dancing there or not. I understand that the dance floor is a big part of the reception, but I guess I was also expecting to see guest arriving, guests tables, people by the bar, etc. I am glad the dance floor was captured however I didn't think that would be the only coverage at the reception. I've personally seen other wedding videos that were like mini movies with great footage and editing on the recap, etc. However I used Martin's Video based on word of mouth and I'm going back and forth on regretting my decision. Though it captured good stuff, it did not meet my expectations.


I am not sure how this can be handled since the footage can't be re-captured. I do not know if it can be redone, or if reimbursement can take place. Again, I hate that I am even writing this type of letter, but i feel that you need to be aware since we paid good money for this video.

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OH i do have a raw footage tapes, there are four lil tapes in case anything happens to our dvds so if anything at all i will take them to my sister's guy.


BUTTT he wrote me back already- heres his reply:


Jaqueline and Joe,


I'm sorry you are disappointed with parts of the video and much of what you are saying can be correceted and redone. I will review your video and get back to you.

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