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I'm sooo annoyed!!


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So my MIL called me earlier today to tell me that one of her clients offered a bedroom set for my FI and I - for free. my MIL owns an upscale upholstery store in NY and her clients usually throw away great things! she told me to check it out and if we don't like it we don't have to take it. I said sure, no problem, we'll look at it.


i told my mom just a few minutes ago that tomorrow we were going to check out this bedroom set. She asked me if it was used and I said yes. I went to the bathroom to shower and my mom literally made me open the door and tried to have a conversation with me while I was in the shower!!! she told me i should not accept a used bedroom set because it is bad luck for a marriage especially when you are just starting out!


I'm just so aggravated with my mom! i mean I just lost my job, my FI is also looking for a job, the economy is in shambles and you're freaking worried about us buying a brand new bedroom set?!?!? i mean seriously, there are more important things to worry about! censored.gif


because of everything that is going on, we decided we are going to stay in his mom's basement until we get ourselves together. trust me i DO NOT want to do that; but right now we have no choice! we decided on a DW so we can use the $ we would've spent on a wedding here to buy our own apt. but now, that's not even going to happen! so i figured if we like this bedroom set, why not? One less thing to worry about...right?


I feel like my mom is so not being reasonable. all she is worried about is me having the same caliber of a life as my sister does (my sister got married last year and she is my father's daughter who my mom adopted. she has a good job and a great apartment). but she is forgetting all the bumps and struggles my FI and I have been through to get to where we are right now. why can't she see that things are hard right and we just can't get everything we would like yet!


am i overreacting? is she right?

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I don't see anything wrong with taking and using the used bedroom set; especially since you don't have a ton of money right now to waste on a brand new one. I've never heard that it's bad luck to do that. I can understand that your mom probably wants you to have everything brand new and perfect when starting off your marriage, but you also don't want to start off with a strained and depleted bank account. It sounds like your being reasonable by not spending money on unnecessary things right now. Try not to stress out too much over it!

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Your mom is just being a mom. They're all like that. She should be friends with mine. :)


Everything is better when it's free. Your brand-new-used bedroom set will be the setting for the romps you and your FI will have together. NOT with your mom. (sorry...mental image...but you get the point)

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I totally agree with you ladies but it's a Leo a bit frustrating and upsetting when everytime I present my mom with a new idea she always has something negative to say! I'm just going to have to get over it. I know that everything are doing is in our best interest. It's the only way we will be able to move forward....we have make some sacrifices!

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Originally Posted by Sapphire723 View Post
Heh, I would have handled it like this -- "You're going to buy us a brand new bedroom set, Mom?! That is SO THOUGHTFUL!"

LOL I like that one! But really it is just furniture, and material things come and go. If you like the set, take it, it will be new for you. You can also tell your Mom you misunderstood and it was a wedding gift to the two of you. Maybe save your self an ongoing headache.
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