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What is it with texting bad news?


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I keep reading all these stories from brides who are finding out from BMs, MOHs, family members etc that they can't come, can't be in the wedding, can't do the shower, bachelorette party, whatever, and they are telling them via text message!!!!

I just think this is so freaking horrible.

It's not even happening to me and I am upset!

I know we live in an electronic age, but really, if you need to tell someone something, and you have the freaking phone in your hand, dial it and TALK to the person...don't wuss out and send a text. UUUUUGGGGHHHHHfryingpan.gif


I know I'm preaching to the choir here but it's just ridiculous!

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I think people do it to avoid a real confrontation or having to deal with hurting someone "directly". They know you'll get the message, sooner rather than later (like email) and they can avoid talking to you directly. Even leaving a phone message is too intimate for this kind of crap. They want to avoid having to say it out loud.


And yup..it's pretty crappy of them. Sad.

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you must have read my mind!! My sister and just got into this morning! She took my 75 year old MOTHER to the doctor. My Mother was told that she has to have surgery! SOOOOO My sister thinks that it's ok to send me an EMAIL at WORK to tell me my MOTHER has to have major surgery in the morning! I just can't belive that some people thing this is OK!! WTF!! It's my MOTHER not my third or forth cousin.

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Originally Posted by BlakleyBrideToBe View Post
you must have read my mind!! My sister and just got into this morning! She took my 75 year old MOTHER to the doctor. My Mother was told that she has to have surgery! SOOOOO My sister thinks that it's ok to send me an EMAIL at WORK to tell me my MOTHER has to have major surgery in the morning! I just can't belive that some people thing this is OK!! WTF!! It's my MOTHER not my third or forth cousin.
I know you said this to make a point. But I hope your mother is okay and the surgery goes smoothly.

I agree with other posts that people use texting and e-mail to avoid having to talk with someone and deal with a potential confrontation. I know one of my bridesmaid who I knew might not be able to make it, and was fine with it and completely would understand left me a voice mail at home when she knew I would still be at work. I actually called her back and called her on it. I wish she would have at least tried to reach me personally. I think it is sad...and this is a friend I have known since we were about 10.
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I think people text bad info because they don't have the b*lls to have the conversation in person, especially when the news will be disappointing. I'm sorry some of you girls have had difficulties with this and your attendees or bridal parties. I honestly think if I got one of those texts, I'd call the person up right away and deal with it on the spot. Texting just is too impersonal for such heavy subjects.


The timing of this post is pretty ironic in my life because my MOH's boyfriend of 2 years just broke up with her....via text message!! the text was literally like 2 lines long. SERIOUSLY?!? And this man is a very successful neurosurgeon in his late 30's!! Apparently age and intellect have NOTHING to do with tact.

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