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Originally Posted by NHPT View Post
sarah-----hmmmm, so what time do i need to take pics in order to get sunset? mariana said it wont set until around 7:30- is that wrong? what shoudl i change? i changed the initial time to allow more of me (i love being selfish-haha!) already. thanks so much for the tips- i know it wont stay on time but the closer i can get it the better. let me know what you think.
Hmmm...well, on May 7th the sun was setting about 7:30ish, so it's definitely going to be later than that at your wedding. We showed up at our reception at about 8, and it was dark. After looking at your timeline, I think the best option for you would probably be to just sneak away for a few minutes during dinner if you want sunset pics. You don't have a ton of time saved in your timeline for pics- the 45 minutes after the ceremony are seriously going to FLY by. Maybe that is all the pics you want to get and I'm sure Juan can do alot in 45 minutes- it just wouldn't be enough time for me! What about taking some before the wedding, or are you against that idea?

Whatever you decide, just make sure you make it clear to Juan! He'll keep you taking pics forever...Make sure he knows what time you want to be at the reception, what time you want to go back out for pics, etc...
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ohhhh i get what you mean- hmmmm- i guess we will have to sneak out for some sunset shots- i guess we will just have to play it by ear- but its hard beacuse it really seems like matt and i are not going to eat with our guests! oh well- we can eat after its over-ha!

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Originally Posted by NHPT View Post
ohhhh i get what you mean- hmmmm- i guess we will have to sneak out for some sunset shots- i guess we will just have to play it by ear- but its hard beacuse it really seems like matt and i are not going to eat with our guests! oh well- we can eat after its over-ha!
Nicole, Reese and I totally plan to sneak out before the sunset. I used the calculator on this site to determine the mosst accurate sunset time... Have you tried it?

None of the guests will mind especially if they are eating the main course or the party had started.
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janetta- i was thinking that- but since we are already maybe goingto get there after they had started on their meals........... whatever- i dont care too much- just whatever Juan thinks will work best- my guests are not shy and they are crazy so i know they will start the party whether we are there or not!!!!!

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Originally Posted by NHPT View Post
janetta- i was thinking that- but since we are already maybe goingto get there after they had started on their meals........... whatever- i dont care too much- just whatever Juan thinks will work best- my guests are not shy and they are crazy so i know they will start the party whether we are there or not!!!!!
I think that's the best idea Nicole- just make sure Mariana knows what time you want the food started, and that you want it started without you. They waited for us to start eating, which turned out fine, I just felt bad that my guets waited so long to eat. They had drinks tho, so they were fine!
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i guess i just wish now that we started the ceremony a little earlier and were able to have Juan a little longer- but its too late now- oh well- i just want to be able to enjoy our party for as long as possible- in hindsight i wish i had started the wedding at 5PM. oh well! thanks for all your help guys- had a minor freak-out but not much i can do now- thanks!

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Don't worry Nicole, it will all be fine. I wish my ceremony was earlier too, just because the ceremony & reception went by so fast! But, looking back, it was so wonderful and we weren't bored at all- time flew by and I enjoyed every second- you will too. Don't stress about the time, what happens will happen and your guests will be having so much fun they aren't going to care if you sneak away for a few minutes. You can always have Juan stay later if you need him to- he'll ask you if you want him to stay longer...


Just an idea, but maybe in your case you should save your dances until later, when it's dark, after everyone eats- that will either give you more picture time during the daylight, or more eating time with your guests before you sneak away for sunset pics...just a thought...

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sarah-that was the original plan- but we wanted to make sure we got those first dances and cake cutting captured in pictures- ugh- hard to know what to do- i guess in the end my guests wont relaly notice and i will be most glad taht i have pictures taht capture the most important moments. hmmmmm- this is hard to decide

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You can still get it in pictures, you can just have Juan stay a little longer if you have to. I just mean if you do it at the end of the dinner, you'll have more time to eat with your guests- that is, if you were planning to dance while they're eating...


I know, it's so hard to decide. Honestly, if you don't want to stress about it, just see how it plays out- I'm sure it will be fine. The ONLY thing I would do differently now that i think about it is have started dinner before we got there...but even then, I don't know if I would have wanted to miss it!

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