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How Do You Know When You're Depressed?

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I think it's a good idea to see a doctor. He may prescribe something but he can also give you recommendations for a counselor/therapist. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps you address everything head on and get to the root of it and get through it. It may be covered under insurance too. Hugs!!

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Fluctuations in hormones can cause depression. So if you've changed birth control recently or are pregnant, it is a possibility that depression may accompany it.


However, it sounds more stress-related to me. A lot of times people don't realize just how much stress can affect us, but it puts a huuuuuge strain on our bodies physically and mentally.


Someone in a previous post listed the symptoms of depression. Generally, if someone is experiencing 5 or more of these for longer than a period of a month, it is likely depression. If it is stress-related, your doctor may suggest that you start on a small dosage of anti-depression medication (it can take up to 3 months to notice a difference) in combination with stress management techniques.


So, my advice would be if you are experiencing symptoms of depression and have been for more than a month, speaking to a doctor about it would be a good idea.


I really hope things work out for you! Best of luck.

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I know that birth control drives me crazy and my hormones wacky. I tried about 7 or 8 different kinds, but eventually gave up and decided it isn't the best thing for me right now. My sister actually went through the same and don't take them either.

Do you think that maybe it could be a "post wedding" thing? I have been thinking alot lately about what is going on with myself now that the wedding is over, realizing that there are tons of things that I didn't deal with while planning the wedding and am now feeling overwhelmed. Also, it is the fact that I know that I am not counting down the days anymore to go on an awesome vacation and have an awesome wedding! I love the fact that I am now married and had an awesome time but now that it is all over is kind of sad.

I think that there are many possible reasons that lead to depression, some that we aren't even conscious of. We may spend endless hours on our own trying to figure out what is bothering us so much but never come to a clear and easy conclusion. Definitely go and talk to someone, put your thoughts and concerns out there and then hopeful you will find a persepective that will help you figure it out. Or go to you doctor and get their advice. At least then you won't be wondering what you should do and hopefully you'll get some answer.

*Hugs* to you and I hope you feel better soon :)

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Hey sweetie....I just came across this thread & I feel so bad - it's seems like we talk frequently enough that I should have known you were feeling like this. Is it weird that I feel like a bad friend for not knowing!?!?

Anyway...the only advice I can offer is to see a doc like the rest of the girls said. I know that I go a little crazy/despressed/emotional when I'm sick (I have crohn's), so it could be something physical. Or stress can do crazy things to your body too.

Take care & let me know if you need to talk! Sometimes a great stress relief is to just vent - you know we are all good for that!!!



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Kathy I'm so sorry that you're going through this! If there is anything I can do please let me know.


As far as depression goes, I suffered from clinical depression when I was 17 and 18 and my symptoms were pretty severe. I couldn't sleep, I was fantasizing about suicide (even attempted once), I was in a constant state of sadness for about 4 months before I was diagnosed. When I say constant, I mean that I NEVER EVER felt happy, not even for a few minutes at a time. I was lethargic, didn't show emotion, didn't care if anyone around me lived or died. It was pretty bad. I went to the doctor who sent me to a psychologist for review, and then I was prescribed meds in conjunction with intensive therapy. Only you can know truly whether you're depression stems from a chemical imbalance or if its causal. Meds can only treat the imbalance, but if you're not chemically embalanced they can actually induce depression as well, so its pretty tricky. I would suggest that you try to pin point why you are sad, and if you can't, then go talk to a doctor and ask for them to recommend a psychologist. The psychologist can determine whether they believe you need to just talk to someone or if its something more severe.


Since my dpression I have had instances of sadness that have lasted a few months. When I moved to Toronto from Vancouver, both Michael and I had quit our jobs, and made the move and that was stressful. We moved in a down market, there were alot of unknowns and stress, so I was sad most of the time. I cried every day for about 2 months, but because I'd been through chemical depression I was able to distinguish between the two. Sometimes life events can trigger sadness, but if we take control of them we can become happy again.


I don't know if my rant even helped :S **huggs**

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I'm so sorry you're feeling like this. I went through something very similar 5 or so years ago. I did finally go to the doctor after much too long in hindsight. She asked all the pertinent questions to rule out medication side affects, pregnancy, etc., and put me on a mild anti-depressant for 3 months. I did make a few other changes while I was on them (new job which was my major source of stress and anxiety), but I don't think I would have even had the drive to do that had it not been for the improvement in my overall mental state as a result of the medicine. After 3 months I didn't have to take them any more, and just made sure I maintained some constant, healthy outlets for stress and have been great ever since. Just be reassured, you're not alone and you can feel happy again - promise. hug2.gif

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Originally Posted by BachataBride View Post
Hey sweetie....I just came across this thread & I feel so bad - it's seems like we talk frequently enough that I should have known you were feeling like this. Is it weird that I feel like a bad friend for not knowing!?!?
Anyway...the only advice I can offer is to see a doc like the rest of the girls said. I know that I go a little crazy/despressed/emotional when I'm sick (I have crohn's), so it could be something physical. Or stress can do crazy things to your body too.
Take care & let me know if you need to talk! Sometimes a great stress relief is to just vent - you know we are all good for that!!!

Awww Amanda!! Don't feel bad, we do talk often but I haven't really made any mention of it around here until now. I've been keeping it in and trying to deal with it on my own (to no avail). I think its just all the stress between work and stuff. I was working out regularly for a year and a half and then I just kind of fell of the wagon, so maybe that's part of it. I'm going to start working out diligently again very soon, so I'm hoping that my mood will improve too. I really appreciate your concern and your offer to let me vent, I'll probably take you up on that. You're such a sweetie pie. smile03.gif

Ana - Wow, you went through so much...I'm glad to hear that you're ok now. Thanks for sharing something so personal like that with me. *hugs* I really admire your courage!

Ladies, thank you so much again for your overwhelming support! I guess we all go through these things every now and then. It's nice to see that I'm not alone on this. I'm pretty certain I'm not pregnant and I know it's definitely not my birth control pill as I've been on the same brand for over 10 years, but thank you for pointing these out to me as possible contributors to my mood...it hadn't even dawned on me. I took a depression test (101 questions) online during my lunch yesterday and it classified me as "severely depressed"...I have to say that surprised me even a little, I knew I was feeling "depressed" but I didn't realize it was severe. I'm going to give it a few weeks after I start working out again and if I'm still feeling as bad as I do now, I will likely seek out my physician and see what he says.

Thank you to all of you again for being so supportive, I love you girls...BDW is by far the best community online, we all love each other so much and I think that's awesome. love.gif
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