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His wedding gift is not going to arrive in time :(

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Awww man sad.gif


Of course, I'm being super emotional right now on top of not feeling well (generally run down, mild fever, scratchy throat... basically whiny as hell lol). But I just tracked Martin's gift (the watchbox) and it says it's scheduled to be delivered on Wednesday!! sad.gif sad.gif


We leave tomorrow... sad.gif I even paid expedited shipping! They should have shipped it sooner. I'm so sad sad.gif FI knows about it sorta - not what it is but that there's something coming. I know he got me something. If any of y'all have read the "Love Languages" book, my love language is gifts. So I'm kinda bummed not to be able to give Martin his gift as a symbol of my love to him sad.gif


Rats! It's totally not the end of the world, I know. Just a bit of a bummer...

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shoot JL that sucks sad.gif is there any way you can track the delivery and hijack the truck enroute to you? you know how sometimes it can take days to get to you altho the package is already in your area. maybe you can work with the delivery company to work something like this out??


if not, at least you have an excuse to plan a romantic evening just the 2 of you when you get home to have him open it and celebrate together :)

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This sux! Jam is anyone going after you that can pick it up and bring it for you?


Dont get yourself all upset over it. You have been through so much do not let this get to you. Martin will eventually get his gift, i know it might not be when you wanted him to get it but he'll still get it and love it.

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Think I got it worked out! I am just soooo super stressed because we are dealing with major last minute issues paying the resort and our honeymoon travel sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif It's all just so damn stressful. I just want to be able to RELAX on our vacations!!!


Anyways, I wrote my Dad & FSIL plus our roommates - trying to coordinate if roommates can grab it from our front door and either Dad or FSIL can pick it up and bring it down with them (they're not leaving til Thurs). It will work out fine. There are just too many last min crises going on right now and I physically feel like crap! sad.gif

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Hopefully Lisa... that is, if our freaking payments get situated! Otherwise I'll be spending my vacation trying to organize payments!! AGHHHH! I am SO frustrated right now!


Way too long of a story and I do not care to go into it but I am crying and I just got through yelling at Martin and it just SUCKS. cry.gif

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I am sorry to hear you are feeling so stressed. But you must realize that it is only naturaly since the big day is getting closer and you are getting more nervous wanting everything to be perfect. We all understand. We either will be or have gone through this. Just take deep breaths because everything will work out beautifully in the end. You day is going to be totally amzing no matter what happens. You have worked to hard and too long for it not to be otherwise. So just keep saying that to yourself while deep breathing..."My day is going to be amazing. It will be everything I dreamed about." I have been reading your threads and I have no doubt about it. I wish I could be as organized and creative as you have been. You are an inspiration for us all. Thank-you. (Now you can't break down, you have to strong for the rest of us!)


Soak in a tub, with some soft music, a glass of wine, while FI rubs your feet! That should help you relax! Don't forget the bubbles!

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Originally Posted by itsfinallyhere View Post
I am sorry to hear you are feeling so stressed. But you must realize that it is only naturaly since the big day is getting closer and you are getting more nervous wanting everything to be perfect. We all understand. We either will be or have gone through this. Just take deep breaths because everything will work out beautifully in the end. You day is going to be totally amzing no matter what happens. You have worked to hard and too long for it not to be otherwise. So just keep saying that to yourself while deep breathing..."My day is going to be amazing. It will be everything I dreamed about." I have been reading your threads and I have no doubt about it. I wish I could be as organized and creative as you have been. You are an inspiration for us all. Thank-you. (Now you can't break down, you have to strong for the rest of us!)

Soak in a tub, with some soft music, a glass of wine, while FI rubs your feet! That should help you relax! Don't forget the bubbles!
awwww, thank you! That was so sweet, just what I needed to hear. Really, thank you!! hug2.gif
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