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Sorry Tara, it's still too big. here comes the sister's advice again. If someone can grab your ring and pull it off of your finger, it's too lose. You should have to twist it a little to get it off. That way, it won't come off it gets caught on something, or while you are swimming, or anything like that.

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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
Sorry Tara, it's still too big. here comes the sister's advice again. If someone can grab your ring and pull it off of your finger, it's too lose. You should have to twist it a little to get it off. That way, it won't come off it gets caught on something, or while you are swimming, or anything like that.

Dang it, that's kinda what I thought. But the 5.5 is too small. Maybe I'll see if they can do a 5.75 like someone posted... who was that. Sorry sad.gif my mind isn't working well today.
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I had mine sized twice in the first 4 months because it felt too loose. I was going to point out the same thing that Kelly said about the ring spinning. The first time my ring came back, it was just a tad bit too loose, and like you Tara, I had to shake my hand before it actually came off. I thought it was ok like that, but within a week, it was driving me crazy. My hair is down to my waist and very heavy, so everytime I tried to finger comb my hair, it would spin and get really tangled in the mount/prongs. Same thing when I'd shampoo my hair.... I wound up taking it in and having it sized down half a size and now it's just about perfect.


If you bought a warranty on your ring that gives free sizings, I'd go ahead and have it re-sized to be safe...

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See, I don't have the spinning problem at all. it stays pretty much at the top of my finger. hmm.. interesting


So i just called the jewelry store and asked the lady and she said her size ranges between a 5.5 and a 6.5 and it changes with the weather... and basically I just need to find what feels right for me. so, that doesn't help me at all!

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Originally Posted by tvt View Post
I like the two little balls - yes kinda scary but I think it would do the trick!
You know if someone read just this line.............. I mean come on, someone else must have thought it too right. lol
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Wow... that doesn't sound like a very knowledgeable sales lady. You should NOT have to worry about your ring falling off and your finger shouldn't expand that much in cold weather that it's uncomfortable. very interesting.

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