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Freaking out - little red itchy, burning "bites"?! HELP!

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OK - so the other day I noticed a few mosquito like bites on my back (where my bra is). They were itchy but we had a mosquito or two flying around in the house so I thought it was just that.


Today when I went tanning I laid down in the bed and the bites were STINGING! Stupid me, I didn't get out of the bed!


And now I'm covered with these red small, welt-like little bumps on my back and now spreading over my stomach.




I'm supposed to be in a strapless gown in 12 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What is going on??


And the shitty thing is I'm SUPER limited on doctors since I have Lyme disease - I do not have a "regular" doc that I trust (many docs will just tell me I'm crazy if I go and tell them I have Lyme and that I need to be treated specially because of that).


What the hell do I do?!


Do you think this could be an allergic reaction to either A) I tried Martin's tanning lotion the other day B) Rxn to the tanning beds (not being clean enough, etc.) or C) Just some other type of bug like either bed bugs or something like that??


I've been Googling but it is just scaring the shit outta me - these ppl are saying they got this and it spread EVERYWHERE including their faces and they had to spend thousands on allergy testing, etc. So I don't really trust myself to go googling this right now!!


I will have Martin take a pic of them where they're worst, on my back.


He's calling Palm Beach Tan right now to see if they think it's an allergic rxn to the beds or lotion...


I'm sobbing, because I leave for my freaking wedding in less than 1 week!! sad.gif


I'm about to take Benedryl. I took Unisom (same ingredient as Benedryl) last night but the bites came back hardcore today after tanning. wtf.gif


Wahhhh! LOL crybaby2.gif

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ok so i couldn't stay away from googling it - lol - and i'm reading about tons of ppl who have this rxn to tanning beds - either they're allergic to that type of UV light or the solution they use to clean the beds


the lady at palm beach said it could be that someone used a "tingle" product before me and that's hard to clean off wtf.gif HELLOOOOOO!!!! You need to WARN ppl about this stuff!!!


Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Please please pleeeaaasse go away soon! I've got a wedding to move forward with!! sad.gif

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oh no! could it be as simple as hives from stress? (trying to be optimistic here)


sounds like an allergic reaction to something. if you've been using new tanning lotion it could definitely be that, or if you're on any new medications. i don't think it sounds like bug bites of any kind. have you had the chicken pox before? could be that or shingles (caused by same virus as chicken pox). whatever you do, try like hell not to scratch at them (easier said than done, i know). i would go to whichever doctor knows you best to get his take on what it is.

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I can't believe you are going through this right now!!! The things that happen to constantly test our patience!!! You will be FINE! It's probably an allergic reaction. How long have you been tanning? Is it something you have always done regularly or are you new to it? How often do you try new products or even try tanning products at all? I'm gonna put my money on the tanning beds or the lotion you used. Those lotions can be so harsh sometimes. Do you have sensitive skin? You haven't started using a new laundry detergent have you?

You are so funny.....I would have freaked myself out googling too.....but I would have done it anyway!! LOL Keep us updated on what is going on. Don't panic because it might make it worse and you might get hives from stress. Take deep breathes and no matter what happens it's YOUR special day and you get to share it with the one you love!!!

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this happens to me because of my medication...and by the way I totally feel you on the doctors - I have lupus but many doctors told me I was just a typical hypochondriac girl and nothing was wrong with me - in the nicest way of course ;P.


But back to your red dots - I can't lay in the sun without sunscreen or a tanning bed because of my medication - it will give me red welts which sounds like yours? Does any of your medication cause UV sensitivity assuming you are on any??

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Jaime -- I had this about 10 years ago one summer. It freaked me out, and I actually never medically pinpointed the problem before it finally just went away. But I do recall that was the summer my daughter's father was ridiculously cheating on me and I was beyond stressed out. Last week I noticed I had two welts on my stomach -- this during the time when I was stressing bout the swine flu, FI's grandfather had a stroke, our Delta flights got changed, my MOH was saying her parents were urging her not to go to Mexico because of the swine flu. After those stressful couple days, the welts were gone.


Could you just be stressin? I know the wedding is around the corner, and I expect I will probably be a basketcase when my time is that close too. Is it possible this might be a reaction to stress?

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Originally Posted by mummergirl View Post
oh no! could it be as simple as hives from stress? (trying to be optimistic here)

sounds like an allergic reaction to something. if you've been using new tanning lotion it could definitely be that, or if you're on any new medications. i don't think it sounds like bug bites of any kind. have you had the chicken pox before? could be that or shingles (caused by same virus as chicken pox). whatever you do, try like hell not to scratch at them (easier said than done, i know). i would go to whichever doctor knows you best to get his take on what it is.
EEK! Yes, thank GOD I had chicken pox when I was little - that was my first though!!! LOL

Martin googled it and it looks like heat rash!

This is basically what it looks like sad.gif *NOT me - taken from Goggle* It's not nearly as bad as that though, but small clusters of it are!!

Click the image to open in full size.

JEEZ the burning and itching is a killer right now!!! I took Benedryl about 15 mins ago, slathered myself in Aloe & Witch Hazel, and now Martin is taking our camera w/the pics to the pharmacist to see which cream would be best.

Originally Posted by sjfreimark View Post
I can't believe you are going through this right now!!! The things that happen to constantly test our patience!!! You will be FINE! It's probably an allergic reaction. How long have you been tanning? Is it something you have always done regularly or are you new to it? How often do you try new products or even try tanning products at all? I'm gonna put my money on the tanning beds or the lotion you used. Those lotions can be so harsh sometimes. Do you have sensitive skin? You haven't started using a new laundry detergent have you?
You are so funny.....I would have freaked myself out googling too.....but I would have done it anyway!! LOL Keep us updated on what is going on. Don't panic because it might make it worse and you might get hives from stress. Take deep breathes and no matter what happens it's YOUR special day and you get to share it with the one you love!!!
GAH, I know right!! Seriously - all of this is totally TESTING me. I'll make it through though, RAWR Super Jaime!!! muscle.gif

I'm probably gonna pass out here in a bit from the Benedryl so hopefully that will calm me down and force me to take deep breaths cheesy.gif

Oh and yes I do have super sensitive, fair skin. I traded lotions with Martin yesterday - probably didn't help (I use a more natural version called Hemp Sent). I've only been tanning for about 3 wks now. I just wanted to get a base so I wouldn't burn, but this is not worth it lol!

Originally Posted by Jess View Post
this happens to me because of my medication...and by the way I totally feel you on the doctors - I have lupus but many doctors told me I was just a typical hypochondriac girl and nothing was wrong with me - in the nicest way of course ;P.

But back to your red dots - I can't lay in the sun without sunscreen or a tanning bed because of my medication - it will give me red welts which sounds like yours? Does any of your medication cause UV sensitivity assuming you are on any??
Awww Jess, I'm sorry to hear about your Lupus! sad.gif My Great Aunt has that. I have a lot of similar symptoms from Lyme. Sux.

I am on B/C which I just read can make you more sensitive to heat rash. Other than that, just Tramadol/Ultram for pain, and occasionally Hydrocodone for pain. Oh and some antianxiety meds (all because of Lyme! Argh!!!), but none of those have any sensitivity warnings.

I'm nixing the tanning!!! No way is being a little less white worth THIS! LOL When I get back I'll be soooooooooooo happy to go back to regular old Mystic Tans wink.gif
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Originally Posted by MarieSam View Post
Jaime -- I had this about 10 years ago one summer. It freaked me out, and I actually never medically pinpointed the problem before it finally just went away. But I do recall that was the summer my daughter's father was ridiculously cheating on me and I was beyond stressed out. Last week I noticed I had two welts on my stomach -- this during the time when I was stressing bout the swine flu, FI's grandfather had a stroke, our Delta flights got changed, my MOH was saying her parents were urging her not to go to Mexico because of the swine flu. After those stressful couple days, the welts were gone.

Could you just be stressin? I know the wedding is around the corner, and I expect I will probably be a basketcase when my time is that close too. Is it possible this might be a reaction to stress?
Actually I've not been too stressed recently! But normal wedding stress, yes. Maybe a combo of too much heat + stress.

HOLY MOLY!!!!!!! This stuff HURTS!!! GAH! Hope the Benedryl kicks in SOON! It's been about 25 mins now since I took it...
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