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Deadly swine flu virus in Mexico

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Originally Posted by pixystix View Post
No problem Lisa! I know I like to have as much info as possible so I am happy to share everything with you. I'm glad you mentioned Marco not emailing you back because Viviana told me when she was speaking with on the phone that his wife was in an accident and he has been out of the office. So, if you need fast answers I would email or call Viviana until he gets back to you. I think she said he would be back in the office today but he probably has a ton of emails to respond to so it may take him a day or so to get back to you. I'm so glad you guys are planning on going though! When do you depart from Cabo??
OOhhh, that makes me feel better - poor guy! Thank you for that info! So, if all goes well, I will be on the beach in Cabo the Wednesday before our wedding - we're staying through the 18th at the Sheraton. How about you guys? I was heartened to hear that the Sheraton is working with you. My nerves are pretty rattled and my patience is a bit low right now. But, am hopeful that Sheraton will work with us. I will let you know what they say.
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Hi Everyone! I haven't read through this whole thread, but I did just get back from Puerto Vallarta. I was in Mexico while all of the hysteria was going on. We had 4 guests cancel, but I feel lucky that was it. I want to let everyone know that Mexico is safe, gorgeous, and fun as always. I am so sad that the media has sensationalized this flu to the point of hysteria. It's so awful that girls are canceling weddings and the Mexican economy is suffering so severely. We had such a wonderful time there... it was hard to even imagine what in the hell was going on with the media around the world. It's simply ridiculous!!! It makes my angry because it seems like so many people are suffering due to the hysteria.

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Here Here Jaime - I live in the UK and due to fly on 23rd May - cut off date for changing destination is 22nd May so we don't know if we are even getting married at this point. If our Foreign Office do not change their advice, they will cancel our wedding in Mexico BUT when!!!!! Its so frustrating especially when swine flu hasn't even hit the news at all today on any channel. We want to go to Mexico still but have a 1yr old so bit worried about him but this is a joke!!!!

Rant over hehe



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That is just terrible!!! sad.gif


Seriously, IMHO those Canadian and UK travel agencies are going to have some serious explaining to do after this dies down!! I'm so mad at them for basically banning travel WITHOUT government bans!!! angry.gif So many people still WANTED to go but they made it nearly impossible!! Mexico is such a delicate country... it's just horrible what this is doing to them, it makes me so sad sad.gif



Just to let you know our Government have banned flights and are advising against all travel to Mexico unless necessary. Which basically means all the airlines have pulled service and the insurance companies are refusing to cover you if you go! I'd have still gone but couldn't get a flight lol


I'm lucky at this mo the hotel has promised to refund me my deposit, but the photographer isn't refunding. I don't blame her but its a pain because I can't recoup that cash so for me thats a lot gone for nothing. She has said she will do a free portrait for us if we go within a year which is nice of her but the chance of me getting away again inside 12 months is 0 lol

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Originally Posted by JaimeLynne View Post
Harty - whoops, I did not realize the UK DID ban flights!!! wtf.gif Canada did NOT though - am I correct on that??

I'm really sorry about your situation, girls. ARGH!

As far as I understand the gov of Canada did not ban flights, but all the tour companies did. So of course we were cancelled. But I do know that American operators in Canada were still flying to Mexico. Too bad our company wouldnt refend our money so we could rebook with them.

Oh well, I have taken my lemons and made a trip to Cuba. I can't believe I replanned a wedding in 4 days!!!! I got everyone but 2 guests rebooked, a wedding date, and recently just scored a photographer, which I hear is not an easy feat in Cuba!!!! We leave in 10 days!!!!!!!!! Can't believe its actually working out (knock on wood, knock on wood, knock on wood :)
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Originally Posted by JaimeLynne View Post
Harty - whoops, I did not realize the UK DID ban flights!!! wtf.gif Canada did NOT though - am I correct on that??

I'm really sorry about your situation, girls. ARGH!
Wrong again JaimeLynne, Canada has banned flights as well until sometime in June I think and flights everywhere else (Dominican, Cuba, et cet) have gone up in price significantly.
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Hi ladies - I saw this on a blog and thought I'd share - hope none of your resorts are on the list!


Hotels are consolidating their guests. Several large hotel chains that are suffering from extremely low occupancy have closed the doors to some of their resorts and placing all their guests in one location. Funjet has a list of hotels that are closing and where they are transferring their guests, please click here


<http://www.funjet.com/advisories/advisoryDetail.asp?selectedContent=hotel_status&XM LFile=hotel_status&ID=117&name=SwineFlu&OAC=&plCod e=> .

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Originally Posted by heidi_lk View Post
As far as I understand the gov of Canada did not ban flights, but all the tour companies did. So of course we were cancelled. But I do know that American operators in Canada were still flying to Mexico. Too bad our company wouldnt refend our money so we could rebook with them.

Oh well, I have taken my lemons and made a trip to Cuba. I can't believe I replanned a wedding in 4 days!!!! I got everyone but 2 guests rebooked, a wedding date, and recently just scored a photographer, which I hear is not an easy feat in Cuba!!!! We leave in 10 days!!!!!!!!! Can't believe its actually working out (knock on wood, knock on wood, knock on wood :)
I'm so glad it worked out for yoU!

Originally Posted by daisy14 View Post
Wrong again JaimeLynne, Canada has banned flights as well until sometime in June I think and flights everywhere else (Dominican, Cuba, et cet) have gone up in price significantly.
Ok, well, I guess this was just the case in the beginning then. I know a lot of girls on here were affected when that happened, and to my knowledge there weren't gov't bans in place at the time, only warnings. I feel so bad for those brides!!!

Boy, the DR, Cuba, Jamaica, etc. must be really profiting from all of this!!
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Hello! I have been stalking this thread, reading every day but not posting. Things have been so up and down and stressful, I have basically just been waiting and seeing what would happen next. Thank GOD things have turned around (at least a little, for now). Last week was the worst week ever - it was like a roller coaster ride! One moment I thought ok, this will all be fine, and the next I was crying at my desk b/c I'm so worried. I had about 11 guests in total that were considering cancelling (one was my MOH, the other a bridesmaid). It looks like only 3 of them actually did/will - none in my wedding party, thank goodness. I'm so thankful to have you girls to turn to in the unsure time...thanks for all the girls who posted from Mexico reassuring us that everything is fine there...that has really helped me through these past weeks. So, as it stands (and we have no Plan B or plans of changing), we are still going ahead with our wedding on May 24 in Cancun. We leave on the 20th (two weeks away now!) and FI and I cannot wait!!!!! It is so nice to be able to go stress now about every other last minute wedding detail I haven't done yet (there are unfortunately a LOT of them), and not this stupid H1N1 Flu and freaking out about my guests. Yesterday I was feeling so confident I went ahead and made all my payments - snorkeling excursion, hotel, rehearsal dinner, shuttle to the hotel, etc. Things are certainly looking up!


Stay strong girls, we will ALL get through this. I know its hard to tell in times like this, but I believe that everything does happen for a reason. smile03.gif

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