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I guess this question is for those photographers on the forum...


I have a STD postcard I would like to send out using a picture of the resort that I found on my photographer's site.


I emailed her two weeks ago asking permission to use the picture on my STD, stating that I would be adding a link to her site and her name on the back of the postcard. If she did not allow it, I would understand.


I had not heard back for a week, so I sent a follow up email a week ago. I still have not heard back which suprises me since she is usually pretty qucik in her responses.


My question is, do I go ahead and get these printed up without getting her explict permission, (they are just going to my guests), or do I use a picture from the resort's website since I have to get these darn things out?

Her picture is beautiful!

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ok...ive been sitting here wondering if i should respond to this and if you REALLY wanted to know what a photographer might think about this. so here goes smile41.gif


you need to get her permission. it would be wrong to use it without. you are violating her copyright by taking it from her website and using it without her permission. and you are publishing it. this photo is her property. saying youve emailed her a few times and havent heard back and are going to use it anyway is kind of like waiting at a cash register to pay for something and then just deciding to leave with it because no one came to ring you up wink.gif


i would call her. if a bride of mine wanted to use a pic from my site i would probably say yes and email her the file. the fact that you thought to put her website and info on the STD is leaps and bounds beyond what some people even think of :) im sorry she hasnt gotten back to you. my guess is shes started her very busy season. your relationship with your photographer is all about trust. and i think if someone took something from my site without my permission and used it for their STDs i would not be happy and would feel ripped off. photographers are really sensitive about this subject. we take what we do very seriously and work really hard. when someone takes our work and uses it without or permission its disappointing and frustrating.


i hope that helps.


on a side note - i would be surprised if what you downloaded from her website was of good enough quality to be printed anyway.


and pss- im not talking about saving pics from my web or blog for your wedding planning or ideas and swapping and sharing those pics. that doesnt bother me and part of why i keep a blog. to share ideas, decor, hairdos, etc...

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Originally Posted by leigh miller View Post
ok...ive been sitting here wondering if i should respond to this and if you REALLY wanted to know what a photographer might think about this. so here goes smile41.gif

you need to get her permission. it would be wrong to use it without. you are violating her copyright by taking it from her website and using it without her permission. and you are publishing it. this photo is her property. saying youve emailed her a few times and havent heard back and are going to use it anyway is kind of like waiting at a cash register to pay for something and then just deciding to leave with it because no one came to ring you up wink.gif

That's EXACTLY what I needed to know Leigh... thank you for you so much for responding and for your honest answer.

If I can get a hold of her soon, great ... if not, do you think it would be the same case if I used a different picture from the resort's site?

I was approached once by someone who wanted to use a picture of a painting of mine off an art site for a class project. I thought that was nice of them to ask and give me credit for it.
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Originally Posted by PaulaV View Post
That's EXACTLY what I needed to know Leigh... thank you for you so much for responding and for your honest answer.

If I can get a hold of her soon, great ... if not, do you think it would be the same case if I used a different picture from the resort's site?

I was approached once by someone who wanted to use a picture of a painting of mine off an art site for a class project. I thought that was nice of them to ask and give me credit for it.

whew! its actually nice to have a chance to explain this issue to brides from a photographers point of view and to educate people a little about copyright. i am no expert by any means but i do know some basics.

im sorry to say i do think its the same thing. whatever pic you use you need to get permission from the actual copyright owner - in most cases in the US the photographer. people really just dont know and dont know whats right and wrong. if they did im sure they wouldnt do it.

i DO think its a compliment - hey i love your pic so much i want to use it for my std :) but the photographer should have the final say and also determine the price if someone wants to use their work.

hopefully a quick phone call to your photographer and she can give you an answer either way.
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Originally Posted by leigh miller View Post
whew! its actually nice to have a chance to explain this issue to brides from a photographers point of view and to educate people a little about copyright. i am no expert by any means but i do know some basics.

im sorry to say i do think its the same thing. whatever pic you use you need to get permission from the actual copyright owner - in most cases in the US the photographer. people really just dont know and dont know whats right and wrong. if they did im sure they wouldnt do it.

i DO think its a compliment - hey i love your pic so much i want to use it for my std :) but the photographer should have the final say and also determine the price if someone wants to use their work.

hopefully a quick phone call to your photographer and she can give you an answer either way.

Understood! Thank you very much Leigh!
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Leigh is right on. I work for a magazine publisher. We create reprints of articles for clients. Often, photographers require extra payment to use the same photos that were printed, even if it's just a reprinting of the same article. If permission isn't granted, you could be into some serious $$$.


I know it isn't the same, but your relationship is worth more... maybe she'd cut your head off in all your photos. lol

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Originally Posted by cheese_diva View Post
Leigh is right on. I work for a magazine publisher. We create reprints of articles for clients. Often, photographers require extra payment to use the same photos that were printed, even if it's just a reprinting of the same article. If permission isn't granted, you could be into some serious $$$.

I know it isn't the same, but your relationship is worth more... maybe she'd cut your head off in all your photos. lol
Hehe! Yeah I wouldn't want that to happen to my pics! She has been a doll to work with so far and I am very excited for her to photograph our wedding.

Thanks Angela!
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