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Strangers to my wedding????


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Alright, I am frustrated right now!! Is is just me or does anyone else be upset about the fact that complete strangers are invited to their wedding? Imagine that, my boyfriend received a phone call last night from his brother saying that he invited some friends of his to our wedding!!! We don't even know those person. I don't want to do a big fuss over this and certainely don't want to argue with my boyfriend, but I don't want strangers to my wedding either. What should I do?

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That would certainly piss me off, so I understand. How does your FI feel about this? I can see that this could become sticky if your FI does not take issue with his brother's actions. How many people did you and your FI want to invite? For instance if you have set a limit with the number of guests, you could tell your FI's brother that at this time you don't have additional room for added invites.


I'm so sorry and completely understand your frustration!

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I know how you feel. FI's brother invited some people to our wedding and so did his Mom. We know these people, but not well - but either way, we had to not invite some people that we are friends with in order to keep it small and now people are inviting others to come and then not even telling us they have booked their travel!?


I'm not sure what there is to do about it though...good luck.

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That is pretty frustrating and pretty rude to not ask you if that would be ok. I am sure his brother is just turning the trip into a vacation with his friends, so could your FI talk to him about his friends coming, but perhaps not to the wedding? Maybe they wouldn't mind as I am sure his friends are just coming to party it up down there, not specifically to attend the wedding? Also, April is still a long time away and you know how people will get all amped up about attending.. only to never book anything.. maybe they will flake out anyway. Best wishes!

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It really does suck. I think there is not much you can do about people inviting people you don't know. BUT you can make it 100% clear that those people are NOT invited to your wedding ceremony and reception as you are paying the costs associated with the reception/wedding yourself and you did not invite these people.

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I'm sorry. Yeah that was one thing that I made sure I was strict on when we told people that we were doing a DW. We said immediate family and close friends. I don't care if my friend is seeing someone and brings them as their date, but to have people start inviting the world no thank you. I know if it was up to my FI's mom we would have like 500 people there because they are party animals and know so many people. I'm completely satisfied with the 25-30 that are showing up :). One thing you can do is say that with what you have set up with the resort you can only have a certain # of people and the max is your guests minus the strangers. It's your day you can call the shots.

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If it involves our money, then yes....I'll be pissed to the utmost pisstivity! lol


That's extraordinarily rude for anyone to simply assume that just because you're going away to be married, there are no cost incurred by the two of you when people just invite themselves.


I'd probably walk a line on this one. If it were ME, just because I don't so much care who watches us get married, but I do care about whose included in the private celebration of our marriage..I'd just tell him "hey, you know if they want to come, fine. But they aren't invited to the reception. That's for family and friends of OURS only."

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Oh, I totally understand! What is it with people thinking that they automatically get to bring a +1?? I don't want a random stranger showing up to my WEDDING when they've only been dating a guest for like, 1 month. That's just crazy. On your wedding day you should just be surrounded by people you love - not random people who you'll never see again!

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