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Originally Posted by nickicolb123 View Post
Ok here is my confession: I absolutley hate the fact that my FH works with his family. It is a family owned business and they all work TOGETHER (his parents, 2 brothers, 1 sister and employees). Here it is 7:30 and he is still not home. He left at seven this morning!!!! Additionally, we went over to his brothers house last night for dinner. UGGHHHHHH. I can't seem to get rid of them. His mom and sister are super snooty shopaholics and his brother seems to always have some type of insult to throw at me. After almost ten years, I am fed up with them. Glad to get that off my chest
I understand what you mean, I think it would drive me crazy too. On the other hand we are not close to any family distance wise and the ones we are (my family) we never spend time with. I secretly wish my family was a close-knit family, I sometimes think it would be cool.

My FI's brother never talks to me, in the 2.5 years we have been together I have had maybe 1 actual conversation with him. He barely speaks to me but according to my FI that is just the way he is... it bugs me though, I swear he hates me.
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OK...here it goes (i just discovered this thread I love it)


confession #1: I really, really don't like my brother and I wish he wasn't coming to the wedding


confession #2: I was pretty much fired from my first teaching job. I was getting laid off anyway because of budget cuts and they aren't hiring me back. My job sucked and I worked my ass off...but it still sucks. I wanted to tell THEM that I wasn't coming back, not the other way around. It was an absolutely horrible position and it wasn't possible for me to do everything that they wanted me to do, but I still feel like a failure. and I am really embarrassed and dont want to tell anyone. Ok thats it.

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Originally Posted by Cassondra2009 View Post
but I still feel like a failure. and I am really embarrassed and dont want to tell anyone. Ok thats it.
I felt the exact same way, like I was no good, like I screwed up. Your friends and family know you, they know what kind of person you are, just remember that. Hard times are hitting everyone. Keep your chin up. Alot of us feel your pain.

My other confession:
I'm addicted to this site and it makes me stay up way past my bedtime.
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Originally Posted by Cassondra2009 View Post
confession #2: I was pretty much fired from my first teaching job. I still feel like a failure. and I am really embarrassed and dont want to tell anyone.
if it makes you feel any better, i never even *got* a teaching job, because i was actually "removed" from my student teaching assignment (failed), and therefore essentially kicked out of my major (art education), just a few months before graduation. apparently i really sucked at *actually* teaching, because i had gotten practically straight A's in all the theory, lesson plans, etc. in all the semesters prior. among other things, they said that i "exhibited no joy in working with the children," that they didn't think it was the profession for me, and that someday i would know in my heart that they were right.

honestly, they *were* right. i was frazzled and stressed every day, didn't know how to discipline children, couldn't control a classroom, and hate speaking in front of a group ... makes me very anxious and panicky ... i couldn't imagine signing on to do that to myself every day! mind you, this is 15 years later ... at the time, i hated them, was humiliated, embarrassed, and felt like an utterly useless failure. i went thru a deep depression and almost dropped out of college. instead, i changed my major, went to school one more year, and moved on. i was far too ashamed to tell people the truth back then ... i just told everyone *i* decided teaching wasn't for me.

so, you got a lot further than i did! wink.gif don't beat yourself up too much ... any problems you had could have had a lot more to do with the situation and work environment than with your teaching skills! things *will* get better, and you'll find your dream teaching job somewhere else. all things happen for a reason. smile03.gif
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Originally Posted by Cassondra2009 View Post
OK...here it goes (i just discovered this thread I love it)

confession #1: I really, really don't like my brother and I wish he wasn't coming to the wedding

confession #2: I was pretty much fired from my first teaching job. I was getting laid off anyway because of budget cuts and they aren't hiring me back. My job sucked and I worked my ass off...but it still sucks. I wanted to tell THEM that I wasn't coming back, not the other way around. It was an absolutely horrible position and it wasn't possible for me to do everything that they wanted me to do, but I still feel like a failure. and I am really embarrassed and dont want to tell anyone. Ok thats it.
Man you guys are scaring me about the teaching thing. I got my degrees in psychology and sociology and now i just got accepted to an alternative program to get my certification to teach special ed. I barely squeaked into the program. I know nothing about teaching!
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Originally Posted by nickicolb123 View Post
Man you guys are scaring me about the teaching thing. I got my degrees in psychology and sociology and now i just got accepted to an alternative program to get my certification to teach special ed. I barely squeaked into the program. I know nothing about teaching!
Right now I don't have a confession. But I wanted to let you know that if you are getting and Alt Cert in SPED then you are good to go. I live in Las Cruces and they are hurting for SPED teachers...I can imagine that it is worse in Albq. I am sure that you will find something.
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Wait...I do have a confession. I am so annoyed at a couple of friends (who by the way are sisters) because they were giving me a hard time about going to another city (close by) for my bachelorette party. I chose to have it at a club that I absolutly love in a city only 30 min away. We are renting a mini party bus and the club is a thousand times better then anything that we have here in our city. What bugs me the most is that they aren't even going to the wedding...and I know that one of them can afford it! And they are still B&*ch*!^ about it. At one point I even told one of the girls..."Well I'll have without you". Her jaw dropped and she kept her mouth shut after that.

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Originally Posted by Jena0609 View Post
And they are still B&*ch*!^ about it. At one point I even told one of the girls..."Well I'll have fun without you". Her jaw dropped and she kept her mouth shut after that.
way to go! seriously, it's the next town over, and you've hired transportation. what's to complain about? sh*t, i'll come! shots.gif
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I confess that I'm procrastinating on writing my wedding review because I have some bitter feelings about our big day. Overall, the day was beautiful, the pictures turned out gorgeous, and I got to marry the man of my dreams.


On the other side, our wedding coordinator was MIA for all but about 10 minutes. She was there to give three people direction on walking down the aisle and then came to congratulate us immediately following the ceremony. Her assistant had more of a presence then she did.

But what Im still pissed about (and the one thing I truly regret) is not putting my foot down when it came to allowing my sister to bring her 2 year old twins on the vacation. Her kids are little sh*ts because she refuses to discipline them. The kids literally screamed through half of our wedding ceremony while running back and forth through the pews and playing in the rose petals along the aisle... no joke. I had to turn around and motion her to cover their mouths and remove them because I could no longer stand hearing her children over the minister.

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