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Tattoo's in your wedding photos?


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I have a tattoo on my arm that I really didn't want in the pictures. So, I stood in a way that it wouldn't show as much as I possibly could. If they are on her back, I bet that when you get your pictures and choose which ones you would want framed it won't be that big a deal. My photog did remove my tattoo in a couple of pics she thought looked better without it. I'm sure if there is a pic you absolutely want framed and they are showing you could ask your photog to remove it on that specific one, rather than worrying about every pic. Really, with where they are located, you may be surprised that they won't show at all in your pictures.
Thanks! That's just the answer I was looking for!
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If the tattoos are all on one shoulder Im sure the photographer could work around them easily. Just have the shoulder facing the oposite way. Also photoshoping is an option, but I think a lot of people think photoshop is this super easy quick fix, when its actually quite a lot of work. Especially if its in lots of pics, so I would make sure you talk with your photog first.

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If you do have your photog photoshop them out, be prepared for your friend to be really hurt by that. If she is a really good friend, which I am guessing she is, then her feelings should matter more to you than a small tattoo in your pictures. But if vanity is more important than your friend and her feelings, then go ahead and get rid of a part of her, just be prepared for the outcome.

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Originally Posted by stachr View Post
Thanks! That's just the answer I was looking for!
Glad I could help. I don't think its that big a deal if you have a photo you want to blow up and frame and prefer the tattoos be removed, if it even comes to that. I was in a friends wedding and if she had asked me or told me she was going to remove my tattoo in a specific picture, it would not have bothered me at all. But, like I said, I wouldn't worry about it until after you get your pics back and then see if it is still an issue for you. It can be fixed at that time and you can approach your friend about it. I'm sure it'll be fine.
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My sister did this to our sister at her wedding. My sister has a huge rose on the top of her breast...think as big as your hand or more. We wore halter dresses but it still showed. Thankfully my sister had long hair so she did half up half down hairdo and then in pictures put half of it over her shoulder to cover it. You can't see it in any of the pics. Thankfully the sister with the tattoo wasn't offended and actually did NOT wan her tat in any pictures b/c she hates it.


I would say either get her a shawl or the umbrellas or just make sure not to take back pictures. That way you don't have to tell her or offend her at all. Then the subject won't even come up! And you won't have an angry friend or photoshop to deal with. Good luck!

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Originally Posted by CaliaA07 View Post
My sister did this to our sister at her wedding. My sister has a huge rose on the top of her breast...think as big as your hand or more. We wore halter dresses but it still showed. Thankfully my sister had long hair so she did half up half down hairdo and then in pictures put half of it over her shoulder to cover it. You can't see it in any of the pics. Thankfully the sister with the tattoo wasn't offended and actually did NOT wan her tat in any pictures b/c she hates it.

I would say either get her a shawl or the umbrellas or just make sure not to take back pictures. That way you don't have to tell her or offend her at all. Then the subject won't even come up! And you won't have an angry friend or photoshop to deal with. Good luck!
Thanks Calia! That’s a great idea! Coincidentally my Bridesmaid brought up her tattoos when we were talking about Bridesmaid dresses last night and she said that she wanted to make sure her tattoos didn’t show in the pictures! So, I will definitely tell her your suggestions too!

I know that a lot of people seemed to think that I wasn't being a good friend, for not wanting her tattoos showing in the photos. But to be honest, I would understand if my friends didn't want me to show my tattoos in their wedding photos either!
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REally, how many pics do you think she will be in? Probably only a few.

Talk with your photog, and express your concern - I know from experience that it is very difficult to remove them in Photoshop.
Yeah I am not going to worry about removing them in Photoshop. I talked to my bridesmaid last night and she doesn't want them showing either, so we are going to look at a dress that criss crosses in the back to cover the ones on her shoulders.
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I figure you should just accept that the fact that she has tattoos. You picked her to be in the bridal party, she shouldn't have to change a thing. I let all my shitty tattoos uncovered for my pictures. I guess Im in the minority, that stuff is really here nor there for me. Just my 2 cents.

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