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Lovelycaboweddings “Review� (LONG)


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I did try to handle this between just the two of us, but when you don't respond to my emails for a couple of weeks, yet you still log onto the forum, what do you expect me to think? I have tried a couple times to contact you via PM, and finally when I do get an email back, all of a sudden the reservation is still on (after you told me it was canceled) so I try to email you back asking a few more questions and come to find out your mail box is full and I can't send it to you. I mentioned above that you said you were sick, yet in the two weeks that I didn't hear from you, you still managed to log onto the forum yet not respond to me. I also had my MIL (who is in the corporate travel business) run the reservation number you sent me, (since I didn't hear back from you) she said it wasn't in Payless database. What was I suppose to think? Here I 'am thinking I had a reservation because I never once said I wanted to cancel it, I email you and don't get a response and then I find out the number you gave me isn't in their system.


You do represent a company, regardless if your my wedding coordinator or not. When you offer something you put you and the company you work for under the light, if things go well, you have been around the forum long enough to know that good reviews are worth allot and your company "could" get more business from it. BUT you also run the risk of something going bad and a bad review being written. I was very fair in the review I posted, everyone knew all the facts that was given and I even posted that another bride had good luck with the company you work for. If future brides choose to hire the company you work for they may never run into any problems but this forum was put in place to HELP ease the stress us brides are under. IMO you may have had good intentions in the beginning, but I felt you threw me on the back burner once that person left the company and all you said was "I will check" and I don't hear back from you for another couple weeks, At that point my wedding was about a month away, I'm not the type of person to wait until the last minute to handle stuff, hence the reason I booked this car rental several months ago. Regardless if your sick or busy, if you say you will get back with them, you get back with them, in a timely fashion. It only takes a second to contact someone to say your still working on it. Would that have been too much to ask?

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Hey CWC (:-| sorry, don't know your name). I'm personally glad that you've posted a response. It's always good to hear both sides. (to me) the fact that you've replied to this and not ignored it is a good thing. I know that when I read reviews, I take them in but don't completely judge by them... if there are multiple poor reviews, then I see that as a red flag. It's the same thing with a good review. I don't know - I don't have much to add to either side, but I don't want you to feel like we're all judging you or attacking you, I still want you to join us on the forum, because you have fantastic advice for us and you're an easy person to talk to. I appreciate the fact that we post all reviews on this forum, good or bad - we look out for eachother. I also appreciate the fact that you responded with your side and I think with both of those posted (in addition to any other reviews written) members of the forum can make a decision on their own. I've heard great reviews about you too, and if someone asked me about your services I'd direct them to all reviews and I sincerely hope others would too. I don't think anyone can judge on one single event/review/person's opinion - it's the collective information that is important.


Anyways, I'm rambling and repeating myself a lot! Thanks for posting your reply - and hopefully if any members have any questions about this they will ask you for clarification.

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Tammy I never received any emails form you, the only messages I got from you where here on the forum by Private messages and does where answered in that same moment, I think the message before the last one took me a little more to get back to you because I had to locate the person that was my contact at payless and ask him about your statuss in order to give you an answer, not becuse I didnt wanted to write back to you.

I made a mistake but I think this was not the correct way to solve the problem, any way I´m sorry and I guess next time I want to help some one out I will think it twice.

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Carla you never gave me your direct contact information, that is why I only sent you a PM. All I wanted was to know the status of what was going on, and since you logged onto the forum and didn't get back with me, it made me feel you were ignoring me. I can't imagine you would keep your brides in limbo for a couple of weeks without at least letting them know your still working on it. It's just good business. What is done is done, the first email about the cancelation was back on 4/18 and now it's about a month later and I just got an email from you this week saying the reservation is now still in place. One month had gone by Carla, to a bride that is getting married in a few short weeks thats a l-o-n-g time.

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Thank you for your response, the thing that made me a little disapointed was the fact that I got seriously judge, when all my intention was only to help, but as I said before sometimes things don´t go our way, most of the times when I log on the forum is beacuse I like to read posts and give my opinion and not only to make buisness, I have fun reading and writing things, but I never thought I would have a problem like this and be exposed like this to everyone on the forum I think this is not the correct way to solve things specially for a misunderstanding, but anyway I think every one has had at least one problem on their job (or trying to help someone) beacuse it wasn´t even my job.

So thank you for also understanding my position or the other side of the story.







Originally Posted by Nini_Bride View Post
Hey CWC (:-| sorry, don't know your name). I'm personally glad that you've posted a response. It's always good to hear both sides. (to me) the fact that you've replied to this and not ignored it is a good thing. I know that when I read reviews, I take them in but don't completely judge by them... if there are multiple poor reviews, then I see that as a red flag. It's the same thing with a good review. I don't know - I don't have much to add to either side, but I don't want you to feel like we're all judging you or attacking you, I still want you to join us on the forum, because you have fantastic advice for us and you're an easy person to talk to. I appreciate the fact that we post all reviews on this forum, good or bad - we look out for eachother. I also appreciate the fact that you responded with your side and I think with both of those posted (in addition to any other reviews written) members of the forum can make a decision on their own. I've heard great reviews about you too, and if someone asked me about your services I'd direct them to all reviews and I sincerely hope others would too. I don't think anyone can judge on one single event/review/person's opinion - it's the collective information that is important.


Anyways, I'm rambling and repeating myself a lot! Thanks for posting your reply - and hopefully if any members have any questions about this they will ask you for clarification.

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No one is judging you. Tammy just posted her experience. She tried contacting you the only way she could to handle this privately, and she didn't get anywhere that way. She posted her review. I think she did what any bride would do.


Now that we all can hear both sides of the situation, we can all make our own decisions based on what we've read. Tammy never said "don't use Lovely Cabo Weddings" - she just posted her experience. I don't think anyone is judging anyone, and no one has asked that you leave this forum!

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If you have only private messaged me then why do you say I didnt answered your emails, and I couldnt just write back to you last week because I wasnt here I havent logged on like in 3 weeks until now, when ever I got youre pm I answered them in that same moment but if you had any doubts or comments you couldve asked me in that moment that you said I was online, and its weird you say you didn´t know my direct contact info since I have received emails from you on hotmail or [email protected] regarding other things like dog care advice.

I only want to say I´m sorry for all this problem that went from a little thing to a huge mess of gossip and judging, I hope this could end soon, and forget all about it, as I told Tammy (host) yesterday now I dont even now if I should still log on the forum or just leave I feel like I will be on the spot forever, she said every thing was fine and that I was welcome to log in to the forum and be a part of it that I havent done anything to be baned.



Originally Posted by TAMMYM View Post
Carla you never gave me your direct contact information, that is why I only sent you a PM. All I wanted was to know the status of what was going on, and since you logged onto the forum and didn't get back with me, it made me feel you were ignoring me. I can't imagine you would keep your brides in limbo for a couple of weeks without at least letting them know your still working on it. It's just good business. What is done is done, the first email about the cancelation was back on 4/18 and now it's about a month later and I just got an email from you this week saying the reservation is now still in place. One month had gone by Carla, to a bride that is getting married in a few short weeks thats a l-o-n-g time.
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Hi Ann,


I understand what you are saying, I wasn´t upset because tammy did or did not say anything about the wedding company I am talking about me, the picture you see and the name that I use is me as a person regardless of a company I have wrote my experiences here as a coordinator, as a person, as a bride to be etc, what made me sad was the fact that I felt as I wasnt part of this forum like if I was a new person, what I was doing for Tammy was as a friend not as a coordinator I am not her coordinator, I am not charging her anything or asking for anything so what makes me sad is that I got judged and placed on the spot light for this carr issue as if I was the worst coordinator ever and her wedding had been a mess and I didnt even show up even someone from the forum send and email asking to keep me of the forum beacuse brides where unhappy with me on the forum, and all this happened just beacuse a car rental issue that I was doing as a favor to help out someone with a good rate I had been able to get for brides on this forum.

So you can imagine how I´m felling right now, I have a good relationship with some persons on this forum and felt really bad when I got exposed infront of everyone with this car issue as if I was the worst person ever.



Originally Posted by akh View Post
No one is judging you. Tammy just posted her experience. She tried contacting you the only way she could to handle this privately, and she didn't get anywhere that way. She posted her review. I think she did what any bride would do.


Now that we all can hear both sides of the situation, we can all make our own decisions based on what we've read. Tammy never said "don't use Lovely Cabo Weddings" - she just posted her experience. I don't think anyone is judging anyone, and no one has asked that you leave this forum!

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Carla, What is done is done. I may have talked to you privately about your dogs but I don't save those type of emails, my email systems are over loaded right now with wedding crap, anything non-wedding related is deleted after I read it and respond.


Again, this review was done, you resonded. We both voiced our sides and now we move past it. Their is no need to drag this on longer. I think you are a nice person, I think you have added alot to the forum and I think people enjoy seeing you post. I don't think you handled this situation the best you could have, but you say it's resolved now so that's all that matters in the end.

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