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"Twilight" Series and Movie Discussion--WARNING! Spoilers!


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So I first heard of the Twilight series over 2 years ago from a co-worker and she was just gushing over the characters and at that point I don't believe that #3 or #4 were out yet. It was funny because she tried to layout the plot for me and I will admit I kind of thought it sounded dumb.


So flash forward to Dec 2008 .. I love to read so appropriately many people get me Books for Christmas because I'm not good at telling people what I want and for the most part if I want something I just buy it myself. So I get the Twilight series for Christmas. and I'm like great, everyone talks about this series, I'm probably going to hate it because I've had so many bad book experiences that people recommended. So I get sick following New Years and am stuck in bed with nothing to do.. I pick up Twilight at 8:00 am hhaha that night when my fiance came home from work I'm laying in the same spot 200 pages into New Moon with an empty plate next to me and a couple empty cans of soda.


I was addicted day 2 I was probably a bit better, but I better stay home just in case. So here I am like a school girl Reading about Bella and Edward doing nothing but reading.. I can't stop I need to know what happens next.. By night fall I'm at the end of book 3..


Day 3... Ok I should go to work today but what do I do call in so that I can finish my vampire love story .. So there you have it I called out of work to read Twilight and I loved every minute of it. I even went to Stephenie Meyer's website and read her partial draft of Midnight Sun ... So I get it and though I was disappointed with the first movie, I know at some point I'll probably end up watching all of them as they come out.. So yes I too have a guilty pleasure for Twilight

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i didn't read the books but i thought the movie was pretty awful (that may be *because* i haven't read the books).


i know that generally the novel is always far better than the movie. i can only hope this holds true for the twilight series, because if the books aren't better i need new friends, lol. they all are SO into the books.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Everyone


So i finished the series last weekend (I know Im late to the game) I read all 4 books in about 3 weeks and had to admit they are SUPER entertaining. I also read Midnight Sun (Twilight from Edward's perspective) which i really liked but sad cuz its only part of it. I have to say though that um the movie was probably one of the worst movies I have even seen - it did ZERO justice to the books!


Im kinda sad now the books are over - its how i felt when i finished Harry Potter. I need a new escape!! I really hope the author finishes Midnight Sun!

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Yea...I gleefully and proudly admit to being just about the biggest Twilight geek I know of in my circle of friends. But the movie sucked. Big time. Huge.


I love me some Rob Pattinson, but he was the ONLY thing good about it and thats even factoring in the whole books-to-movies-usually-suck thing. The only thing they did right with that film is cast him. lol But I do like the other actors ..I think they are all perfect except for those who play Rose and Jasper. I don't know what the hell they were thinking on those two. That chick is no where near anything I'd call "the most beautiful girl in the world", and he doesn't have a physically dominating presence, though the actor in real life is really nice looking out of that horrible makeup they had on him in the first one.


The sequel coming out in November (on my b-day no less!) is going to be FAR superior...better director (thankfully), bigger budget and better yet..a director WILLING to use that budget to invest in the things necessary to make it what it should be. Even the vampires look better..the whole thing is just way slicker and more polished. I actually eerrr..sorta got my hands on a copy of the script. Don't think I'm a stalker. lol I got it from one of the communities I post in online. But yea..it's better. Way better. Dont' give up on the whole thing just because of the first shonky ass movie...go see the sequel for sure.


Yael- they integrate some of Edward's point of view into the next movie, so we actually get to SEE what he's doing/going through. Should be pretty cool.

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That is good to hear about the New Moon movie because seriously Twilight was a mess LOL. Im def gonna see New Moon though because I want to see how they make Jacob grow like a million feet tall and how they do the wolves :)


Oh and I totally agree with you ladies how in Breaking Dawn she like skipped Edward's getting close to Renesme - wtf? I feel like that book had so much build up and then she realized oh shit its already 750 pages, i better wrap it up haha. But at least it did end "happily ever after"

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LOL!!! I did the exact same thing, except I was really sick the whole time - I would have been off for a week anyway, but the twilight books made my week in bed fly by!! I read all 4 in a week! I would doze off every now and then, and wake up and continue reading! I LOVE them!!


I also enjoyed the first few chapters of Midnight Sun. At first I was like "Seriously she is going to write a book she already wrote?!?" but I had nothing left to fuel my twilight addiction and I was in withdrawl after a week of straight reding, and I actually really liked it. I wonder if she'll do the others as well... I would like to see what Edward was up to when he left Forks for so long.




Originally Posted by niujess View Post
So I first heard of the Twilight series over 2 years ago from a co-worker and she was just gushing over the characters and at that point I don't believe that #3 or #4 were out yet. It was funny because she tried to layout the plot for me and I will admit I kind of thought it sounded dumb.


So flash forward to Dec 2008 .. I love to read so appropriately many people get me Books for Christmas because I'm not good at telling people what I want and for the most part if I want something I just buy it myself. So I get the Twilight series for Christmas. and I'm like great, everyone talks about this series, I'm probably going to hate it because I've had so many bad book experiences that people recommended. So I get sick following New Years and am stuck in bed with nothing to do.. I pick up Twilight at 8:00 am hhaha that night when my fiance came home from work I'm laying in the same spot 200 pages into New Moon with an empty plate next to me and a couple empty cans of soda.


I was addicted day 2 I was probably a bit better, but I better stay home just in case. So here I am like a school girl Reading about Bella and Edward doing nothing but reading.. I can't stop I need to know what happens next.. By night fall I'm at the end of book 3..


Day 3... Ok I should go to work today but what do I do call in so that I can finish my vampire love story .. So there you have it I called out of work to read Twilight and I loved every minute of it. I even went to Stephenie Meyer's website and read her partial draft of Midnight Sun ... So I get it and though I was disappointed with the first movie, I know at some point I'll probably end up watching all of them as they come out.. So yes I too have a guilty pleasure for Twilight

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Originally Posted by YaelM View Post
Hi Everyone

So i finished the series last weekend (I know Im late to the game) I read all 4 books in about 3 weeks and had to admit they are SUPER entertaining. I also read Midnight Sun (Twilight from Edward's perspective) which i really liked but sad cuz its only part of it. I have to say though that um the movie was probably one of the worst movies I have even seen - it did ZERO justice to the books!

Im kinda sad now the books are over - its how i felt when i finished Harry Potter. I need a new escape!! I really hope the author finishes Midnight Sun!
I just finished the last book this weekend. I'm kinda sad its over sad.gif and I honestly didn't think I would like it as much as I did. My favorite book of the series would have to be Eclipse. I wasn't crazy about Edward being gone in New Moon and although Breaking Dawn was good, and I am glad it ended on a happy note- I just guess I was left unfullfilled. If that makes any sense.

I can't wait for the next movie, I have seen trailers and it looks way better! And the buffed up Jacob is soooooo HOTT! blush2.gif
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