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Mayan Palace Brides- Post Here!

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Mayan Brides!


We haven't had any Mayan updates lately. Anything to share? cheesy.gif

Recent visits, pics, etc.?


I was hoping to make a site visit this December before the wedding but as it turns out we lack the funds to go now crybaby2.gif


So I'd love to hear from you Mayan Brides!


Rachel cat.gif

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Hi Rachel,


I have nothing to really share except.... I just paid my down payment!!! We won't be doing a sight visit. My childhood friend got married there in Feb 08 and her feedback had me sold. But you visit I can't wait to see your pictures.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Amyh,


So far, most of our guests are staying next door at The Westin. I was curious if The Mayan provided guests with day passes or something to access The Mayan the day of the wedding?? Did your guests just say they were there for your wedding and were escorted back to the lounge area? How did this work? Did your photographers need any sort of pass that you remember? WOW I really threw out a bunch a questions dizzy.gif I put in a question to the hotel but they're a bit slow to respond smile78.gif


Thanks so much!


Originally Posted by amyh View Post
Rachel, are you referring to the wedding day? If so no. The Mayan does not require that you nor your guests stay at the resort for your wedding. Most of our guests stayed next door at Melia, we did as well.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally Posted by beach_knot View Post
Hi Amyh,

So far, most of our guests are staying next door at The Westin. I was curious if The Mayan provided guests with day passes or something to access The Mayan the day of the wedding?? Did your guests just say they were there for your wedding and were escorted back to the lounge area? How did this work? Did your photographers need any sort of pass that you remember? WOW I really threw out a bunch a questions dizzy.gif I put in a question to the hotel but they're a bit slow to respond smile78.gif

Thanks so much!
Sorry I missed this No one needed passes (including the photogs), they were just told where the wedding was. There is security, but they are there to keep uninvited guests out. We didn't have too many, because of the rain there weren't any random people walking around that day. However there was an elderly couple trying to crash, my mom asked who they were and they said they were the grandparents of the bride, haha! My mom told them they must be at the wrong wedding b/c her parents had passed!

Anyhow, ask away!
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  • 1 month later...

I just made another payment to the Mayan everytime I pay I get so excitied although my wallet does not.


Is anyone doing just chip, guac and salsa for appies? We are doing the buffet so I didn't want to do full appetizers because I don't want people to get full and I just wanted to do something small with drinks to hold people over while we are talking pictures.




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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Originally Posted by MaryS View Post

I forgot when is your wedding?
Well Mary , since we moved out our date, now I am having a hard time to find a saturday available in the Mayan for November , I wanted November 14th, but is taken .... so It seems now I need to go with November 13th, 20th, or 27th...

I am still debating, since we are all coming from Mexico, we will be there only for the weekend so having the wedding on Friday , leaves me out with having a pre-wedding event sad.gif
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