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Originally Posted by carly View Post
YES! It's way more expensive. And then, even more expensive, is the private catholic schools!

My children will be going to suburbs public schools (hopefully!)
Oh WOW! In Canada we dont have to pay for either public or catholic school, only private school costs money. That is such a wierd idea to me, but I guess its just because I grew up with it being free. DO you have to pay for just regular public school??
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Originally Posted by TA Maureen View Post
Just want to offer a different point of view for those worried about "forcing religion" on your children. If you believe in a certian religion and practice it I don't think exposing your children to that by taking them with you to Church (or wherever you to worship) and having them practice your faith with you is forcing it on them. I can't imagine participating in my religion but not having my children join me in that. When they get older it's up to them but when they are children it's up to me and my personal opinion (just mine) is it's better to expose them to something (whatever something is to you) than nothing. Just thought I'd offer up the other side of that coin for whatever it's worth!
I totally agree. What I meant in my post about forcing was my friend and I were almost 17! She was tied up with rope and beat. So I just want to clear up that yes younger children aren't forced. Just when they are older and doing the above is. But none of us would do that!

And Morgan I totally agree about Texas. They have so many friggin churches! EVERYWHERE! Only reason I didn't feel left out was b/c I worked childcare in one. But I wasn't attending nor did I believe it. I just worked there.
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morgan, i'm in the same boat as you. dh and i are happily agnostic and have no intention of even baptizing our kids. but there is a part of me that feels like because of my pure ignorance on religion (i grew up in an agnostic home and i've never gone to church except weddings and funerals) i will already be making my child's decision for them that they will also be agnostic, even though i'm fully open to them making their own choices... but since i have no exposure, nor do i want any, how will my kid get any? yikes i don't know.

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Originally Posted by katrina View Post
morgan, i'm in the same boat as you. dh and i are happily agnostic and have no intention of even baptizing our kids. but there is a part of me that feels like because of my pure ignorance on religion (i grew up in an agnostic home and i've never gone to church except weddings and funerals) i will already be making my child's decision for them that they will also be agnostic, even though i'm fully open to them making their own choices... but since i have no exposure, nor do i want any, how will my kid get any? yikes i don't know.
Any advice for raising kids in an agnostic house? Did you parents talk to you about religion or was it just never brought up? Did you ever feel different or like you were missing out?

I also think that if I never expose my kids to religion they will most likely be non-religious. but, maybe not. I guess they could always find at some point on their own. i just don't want to feel like I'm controlling that experience by doing nothing. but, the more natural thing to me would be to not take them to church, but allow them to go if when they get older they want to go with friends. I'm just unsure about doing it this way.

I will probably baptize my kids to make my mom happy. I have nothing against it. actually when I was 8 I thought it was really fun. you got to go in this secret hallway and get dunked in a tub that was up high above the alter. it was pretty cool at my childhood church. i don't think i've seen a set up like that anywhere else.

I'm really enjoying hearing everyone's experiences. religion can be so touchy, but it's also a complicated subject and it really helps to be able to talk about it with people.
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I selected "I am religious but don't often go to my place of worship". I have a very strong faith in God. I won't say anything bad about the Catholic religion, b/c that's who I am and who my family is, but along the way I have had some feelings toward my parish (I can't speak for other parishes) as far as their "rules" and to live "by the book". Lil stupid things that shouldn't define you as a person seemed to do just that. Times have changed though so it might be diff now days. We all bleed the same so as long as we are good people, that's all that matters at the end of the day. Like, I don't go to church as often as I should but like Carly said, I choose to pray on my own time most of the time. My sister has a new parish the last 2 years or so and has said they are not like our parish growing up so perhaps I need to find a diff church that I like...and I will in time. My faith in God has def helped me through some tuff times so can I get a AMENN! ;o)

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Aiden isn't baptized. I don't plan to intentionally raise him as agnostic, but by default that and scientific theory will be what he is initially and mainly exposed to. But he will be exposed to other religions and lifestyles the same way that anyone else is, through socialization. I have friends who are Catholic, Jewish, Atheist, Wiccan, etc. When he's old enough to ask why we don't go to church, temple etc. I will be open with him and also give him to the option of attending a mass/service/whatever and I have no trouble going with him.


I don't mind being exposed to various religions via informative teaching. I actually really love learning about religion despite my agnostic beliefs and have a bunch of books on different religions and took a couple of classes on religion in college.

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Originally Posted by CaboBride2010 View Post
Oh WOW! In Canada we dont have to pay for either public or catholic school, only private school costs money. That is such a wierd idea to me, but I guess its just because I grew up with it being free. DO you have to pay for just regular public school??
Actually you are wrong on this. When we pay our property taxes we pay into either the Public school board or the Separate School Board (which includes catholic, French immersion, etc.) If you own property in our country you pay for your kids to go to school through your property taxes. Every city has different taxes and you pay more for Separate school board taxes, not a lot more, but more). If your kids want to go to private school or Montessori, etc.. then you pay the school directly.
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