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They Said What?!

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Ok, so this thread is idea is kind of copied from a thread I saw on another forum but this is just too hilarious to pass up. I'm sure many of you girls here are like me....stuck with a crazy MIL or FMIL. I'm not saying that my MIL is evil or anything but boy does she have some real doozies sometimes. I think we should all share our funny stories just for the sake of them being so damned funny...and I sure love to laugh so here goes mine!


Not long after DH and I were engaged last August, MIL and FIL came down for a visit. She was talking to me about dress colors and I simply noted that some brides go with colored dresses these days (aka dresses that are NOT white) and I think some of them really pull the look off nicely and its different and unique. So after I say this she turns to me and says "well you better get a white dress because white is the color of PURITY" (yes, she emphasized purity lol). She is stuck in the 1950s, seriously. At the time I had been living with DH for damn near six years and I know she was just hinting that we shouldn't be sharing a bed because she didn't think it was "pure" of us lol. May I just point out that she and her DH had BIL when she was 17...heh.


AND that same day in another totally different conversation, she randomly just drops this bomb on me "women should be submissive to their husbands" (yes, she said SUBMISSIVE, I was flabbergasted! lol). I said "says who?" she said "The Bible" so I said "Well, that's nice of the Bible but that's not how I feel" and then I dropped it. She is unbelievable and sooooooo hypocritical since she is hardly "submissive" in her marriage...she brags about the fact that she tells FIL what to wear and basically runs their lives and wears the pants in the relationship, oh yes, submissive indeed *eyeroll*.


Feel free to share your funny run-ins with ignorant family, friends, strangers, whoever. I have many more stories about this woman lol I could literally fill a book! cheesy.gif

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This isn't anything someone said, but FI's aunt has been pestering me to buy Mary Kay from her. I finally did last weekend. One thing I purchased was satin lips which comes with two little tubes. I went to use it last night and one of the tubes was half empty! She sold me the one that she uses for demonstrations. Nice try, but you're not pulling that over on me!

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I have one. My FMIL is the sweetest woman, but sometimes she is a bit crazy. She has ADHD (diagnosed) and anyone who knows her can tell you that her meds DO NOT work! Haha. She is a full-force-ball-of-energy 24/7.


So...she REALLY wants FI to be a model or an actor - really, just to be famous and make lots of money off his darn good looks. I honestly think he could do it, but he is just not that type of person (he is a high school science teacher for goodness sake). He refuses to even consider it. So FMIL is ALWAYS writing his name down for the Casablanca Modeling and anything else she sees. So one day...FI and I are heading to an art show and his phone rings. His Mom has just signed him up to be on the show "Temptation Island" - like sent in his picture and everything. I'm thinking WTF?? Right? How does she think that is going to make ME feel, that she wants him to go on this TV show where a bunch of pretty people are left to hook-up and be scandalous for the world to watch.


Long story short...FI asks FMIL if she knows what the show is about and of course, she doesn't. She was so embarrassed when he told her what the show was...but seriously...don't you think you would figure that out before entering your already engaged son to be on it? Haha. Craziness!!

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I haven't got any funny ones - I just think she's a selfish maniupulative bint who can't stand being on her own so when one hubby goes she finds another quick no matter how much of a twat he is lol Ah and her kids are way down on her priorities its all abut HER.


Wedding is going to be fun not spoken to her for 1 1/2 years lmfao


Although hang on I do have one lol we were out having dinner one night and she says she's coming up to MY house to do the garden!! wtf lol I said what for thats FI's job and if he can't get his lazy ass to do it you aren't lol so laughing she says are you doing me out of a weekend up yours (they live a couple of hours ago) and I said yes lmao that ended that convo lol

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katyko - OMG, wtf?!?! I would be livid! Thank goodness you were able to keep your composure...that is just all kinds of wrong lol.


harty - hahaha, ah that's awesome! You talk to your FMIL how I WISH I could talk to mine. Where does she get off coming over to do YOUR garden? My ILs invite themselves over all the time, so I know how you feel. lol

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Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 View Post
harty - hahaha, ah that's awesome! You talk to your FMIL how I WISH I could talk to mine. Where does she get off coming over to do YOUR garden? My ILs invite themselves over all the time, so I know how you feel. lol
Lol it comes easy to me lol The other week she was visiting her sister which was about 2 hours from us and she had to pass us to go there lol

I said to FI funny your mother didn't stop lol he said well she wasnt invited was she lol I said yep correct glad she got the message lmfao smile78.gif
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Well, my story isn't as funny as the others I have read, but it sure falls under the "ignorant" catergory!


When my DH (FI at the time) and I told his parents that we will be having an outdoor, non-catholic (we did symbolic) destination wedding ceremony, they flipped. They said "what's the point of going all the way to Mexico if you really aren't getting married, the only way a marriage is legal is if you get married inside a Catholic church." WTF?! They really believed that a Catholic wedding is what makes you legally married! So, we corrected them and explained we were going to get married at the court house first and that's what makes it legal. They disagreed with us and said we were going to be living in sin like ANIMALS unless we get married through the church! Yes, they called us animals!!! So, we asked them if they considered other couples that get married through different religions to be animals as well and they replied "yes, if it's not a Catholic wedding it's not legal and they are living in sin." Then they tell us that they are very disapointed in us for putting them through so much stress because of this situation! Uh, hello, you're stressing out?! How the hell do you think my DH felt when his own parents told him this?!


So, long story short after many, many arguments with them they actually went on their own to talk to a priest and he explained what it is we were doing and said there was nothing wrong with it, it doesn't make us non-Catholic anymore, the wedding is legal, so on and so on. Well, they agreed to go to the wedding. But, for my DH's b-day, which was right before the wedding, they gave us a check for $3,000 (they told us they would pay for the mariachi and gave us some extra $) and they made sure we were still aware of their disappointment by telling us that we would have recieved a lot more $ from them if we got married "the right way". We didn't return the check because that would have just started another war with them, but sometimes I wonder what would have happen if we did.....


So, there you go, my ignorant FMIL story ! I'm amazed my DH came out so normal!

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