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Guest paying for all inclusive=guests paying for wedding food?

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My fiance' and I chose Moondance Villas in Jamaica for our upcoming wedding and chose the All inclusive option for $95 per night. Our guests are paying a total almost 1200 to stay on the resort for 5 days (not including airfare) including their all inclusive rate @ $95 a day, which I think is a lot of money (which is also why we started planning 2 years ago). It just dawned on me that the all inclusive covers the food for the wedding and now I feel kind of bad because it seems like each guest is essentially paying for their food for the wedding day.


Our wedding is coming up in June and I expressed to my fiance that maybe we should give our guests the money for that they paid for the all inclusive rate for that day but he thinks I'm over analyzing and thinks that it is the norm when it comes to destination wedding and all inclusive resorts. The other problem is that even if we wanted to give back the amount they paid for the day of the wedding, we don't have the money in our budget since we never budgeted for this in the first place.


What should we do? Anything? What are you guys doing about food for your wedding? Is is per plate or it all inclusivehuh.gif

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It's neat that the hotel doesn't charge you extra for the wedding reception! This is the first time I've heard of a resort doing this : )


How about treating your guests to a group excursion? Maybe you can find something that fits within your budget!

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Thanks for your reply. Yea, apparently all of the "all inclusive resorts" are like this (I don't know if that is true because like you I have never heard of that). i just wanted to add that we are throwing a party for everyone at nearby restaurant that has a pool, cliff diving, and live music and that is taken care of by us, so maybe that will make up for it....

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Our resort is an AI, but like many others, we are paying for dinner and drinks. It sounds like you got an awesome deal.


The party sounds fun! Your guests will love it. I wouldn't worry about the rest. If I was your guest, I wouldn't care since it's a vacation anyway : )

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I think that you are fine; if you really want to do something special for your guests then as Fanny said; maybe do an excursion or something.


We are having ours at an AI within a similar price range. We aren't even having a formal reception bc I just cant justify paying extra for food at an AI resort. We are just having tables reserved at one of the restaurants on the resort. We may do a cocktail hour on the beach that is private which our resort charges around $100 for... but that's it. IMHO, you are fine .. I think it would get tricky if you start paying people back for the day.

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Originally Posted by waliandayanna View Post
It just dawned on me that the all inclusive covers the food for the wedding and now I feel kind of bad because it seems like each guest is essentially paying for their food for the wedding day.
Ugh. Know what you mean. This is precisely why I did not choose an AI resort for the wedding, or one that provides reduced rates, or a "free" wedding depending on the number of guests booked. It would've been like I was getting guests to subsidize my wedding!

Honestly, though, I don't think you should worry about it at this point. If any of your guests noticed this part about the wedding and actually cared about it, the damage is already done. If they haven't noticed and/or don't care, then "giving back" the money for the day of would only highlight the situation and be a little awkward.
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I don't think you should worry about it. It would be different if you were going to take up all their time. But this is a vacation for them as well. They are paying because they want to go and the place and everything that goes with it, wedding included. I am going to try to bring extra special bonbonierre and other than a destination wedding when are you going to receive a OOT bag? I am sure that there are extras you will be paying if that eases your mind, and if not then that excursion idea is awesome.


Just relax, Enjoy your Day

Remember worrying will cause wrinkles!

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I can see why you feel you might owe your guests something, but in all honesty I think you're stressing yourself out when you need not be. Your guests are also receiving many perks from an all-inclusive resort, not just on your wedding day. rolleyes.gif If you say that you guys don't have it in the budget to give some money back to your guests, then I don't think you should even consider trying to do so -- that's just unnecessary added stress on your part. Plus I'll be honest, actually trying to give them a "refund" seems more tackier to me.


I agree with the other ladies in suggesting that if you really feel you have to do something, then maybe you and your FI can pay for an excursion for the guests, or if you haven't already thought about it, give them really nice OOT bags filled with things they can use during their stay. I'm sure they'll be happy with any thoughtful gesture you extend.


Your guests are there to celebrate your special day with you, I really don't think it would cross their mind that they "paid" for your wedding. In all honestly, a lot more goes into the wedding than just the food and drink -- you guys will be fronting money for other things aside from that, and in the end your guests will simply be happy to share that special day with you. wink.gif

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I agree with the other ladies you are fine. Out of all the AI places I viewed the only other resort that had a reduced rate for the AI guest was the Coyaba which I thought was nice. I'm not big on AI myself and I don't like that if guest are paying for AI on the wedding night it's not included, unless they're is a special meal or just set up fee charges. I think the party you have already planned will surfice and if you want to throw in another budget friendly item or treat that will be good enough.

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I bet your guests don't even notice that they have "paid" for their dinner at your wedding indirectly. As far as they know the dinner you have that night isn't included and you paid for it unless you tell them otherwise. I really wouldn't worry about it too much especially since you are having a party for everyone on another night that you have paid for.

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