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A Little Nervous/Crazy

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Okay, I just went and picked up all of my travel arrangements and stuff from our travel agent. I'm now starting to panick. I haven't gotten either one of our passports yet and I don't have my final dress fitting until May 21. So I am really starting to stress out. Plus I have showers almost every weekend until we leave.

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First of all I would apply for your passports ASAP. That is the one thing you dont want to be left without!!

I wouldnt worry too much about the dress fitting though. It seems that they always wait until a few days before the wedding to be done, but they always finish!!

So take a deep breath, get on those passports and then just relax till the big day!

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Definately take care of the passports now. Put a rush on it - and don't tell them you need it for x date that is closest to when you leave... give them a much sooner date in case they mess up (TammyM will probably reiterate that one!). Tell them you need it in one week or something. Put it on as much of a rush as possible, you don't want to be stressing at the last minute if you don't have to!


As for the final dress fitting - can you bump it up? Are you confident that everything will be fine after May 31? How many times have you been in for fittings before?

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You haven't recieved your passports or haven't applied?


You can get expediated shipping (I think it's two weeks a tthis point, but tell them you need it ASAP!) with a fee.


If you already applied, but just haven't gotten it you can call them if you still haven't recieved it two weeks before your travel date and they will rush it to you.

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Follow up about the passports. The only way you can get it done is if you babysit them!! Do you have a tracking number of some kind? If not, call them and let them know that they are already 9 days late and you need it ASAP! Get a tracking number if you can (although, you might have to pay for a rush to do this, I'm not sure if the US is different from Canada!). Also, see if you can confirm details over the phone so there are no mistakes.


If your first dress fitting had minor details, you should be ok on your last fitting, I think.


When do you leave?

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We applied for our passports Feb 13 and I got mine about 3 weeks ago and fi got his about 2 weeks ago. Hopefully yours is on it's way. Have you been checking the status online?


Definitely call and check up on them. Like I said, i fyou don' thave them within two weks of your leave date, they will rush them to you if you call. You just have to wait forever on the phone line. 1-877-487-2778

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Originally Posted by Nini_Bride View Post
Follow up about the passports. The only way you can get it done is if you babysit them!! Do you have a tracking number of some kind? If not, call them and let them know that they are already 9 days late and you need it ASAP! Get a tracking number if you can (although, you might have to pay for a rush to do this, I'm not sure if the US is different from Canada!). Also, see if you can confirm details over the phone so there are no mistakes.

If your first dress fitting had minor details, you should be ok on your last fitting, I think.

When do you leave?
We are leaving June 4....I do have a tracking number for both of our passports. Should I wait to see if they come next week or should I go ahead and call?
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