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BDW Biggest Loser: Season V ~ Official Thread ~ FINAL Results Posted


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Jacilyn - glad you are feeling better! Whatever you had sounds HORRIBLE!


I am only down 1/2 of a pound. I flew to Northern Cal for the weekend for one of my BM's birthday and drank WAY too much. I'm having a hard time getting back into workout mode now. I took my running shoes to go for a run while I was there, but I was too hungover to go...


Its a new week, gotta get back on track!

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Ok I may wait until tonight to send in my weigh-in and see how it goes. I just went to the bathroom and thought oh I'll check it again, cause I just can't believe I went up that much. Now I'm 1.4 lbs from my weight earlier. so that would put me up 3 lbs, but 3 lbs is better than 4!

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i had a small gain, no biggie since i have my period ... but even tho i took a pic and remembered to bring my camera with me to work, i forgot i had taken the cords (that connect my camera to the computer) home last week. duh. i'll have to see if i remember to send it tonight (i'm going out after work).


seems like every time i gain i somehow forget my pic LOL. i guess subconsciously i don't want anyone to see it? LOL

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Originally Posted by tdmitchell View Post
Hello ladies! AnnR when does season 6 begin? I would like to join! I need motivation! I've been trying to exercise, but it seems like a do real good every other week. lol, I need it to be an everyday thing, so hopefully this will motivate me!
well it's really up to those of you that want to participate. usually there is a week between the "seasons" except for this last one - there were a few weeks because of the holidays.

there are 2 more weigh ins after this week. when do you guys want to start up the next season? will there be enough interest? i can start a new thread if enough people are interested.
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Ann I'm interested

OK Ladies I'm starting this 3 day ice cream diet on Monday. Just typing it sounds ridiculous but one of my aunts swears by it. So we're doing it as a group. Almost like a biggest loser to support each other. It start Monday so I know I'll be starving by our next weigh in. The diet is soo freakin weird with eating things like beets. But my aunt says I can substitute so I'm working on my shopping list tonite bc my FI and I are going away for the weekend so i have to do all my grocery shopping by tomm nite. Oh also can I blame my lack of any weight change on the fact that my fi just got laid off from his part time job this week. So that has really caused alot of stress for us bc I quit my part time like 2 weeks ago but this was very unexpected. I tend to eat with every emotion but this was really bad and I've been pigging out on homemade lasagna all week.


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