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I'm ready to explode, I have to let it all out!

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I have the worst luck ever, I swear...


On Wednesday, I go to orientation at school and they give us free backpacks. So I'm travelling by bus and don't want to take a big backpack AND my purse, so I stuff my purse in my bag. Then before I get to the bus stop I thought about my pass being in my purse, so I squat down and put my backpack on the ground so I can get my bus pass. So when I stand back up, I get about halfway up and my right knee locks. I look like a COMPLETE idiot standing on the corner downtown half standing half squatting, then my knee finally lets go... With a loud POP!.... So I finally get to a doctor yesterday, I damaged the cartilage in my knee. So now I get to start school on Monday with crutches, and I have to start physiotherapy ASAP... I swear if it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have ANY lol

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I am super duper happy for you! And I didn't mind the hijack....it's okay. That is what BDW is for. I can't wait to see how your progress goes! Maybe we can push each other in the right direction. I used to drink soda all the time and McDonald's sweet tea....I haven't touched the stuff in two weeks and I feel so accomplished. I don't care...lol...I do...if you keep everybody posted, but please keep me posted. Now, get up and do a jig cause your life is on the right track again!smile29.gif


smile03.gif for ya!



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Originally Posted by FutureMrsLewis View Post
I have the worst luck ever, I swear...

On Wednesday, I go to orientation at school and they give us free backpacks. So I'm travelling by bus and don't want to take a big backpack AND my purse, so I stuff my purse in my bag. Then before I get to the bus stop I thought about my pass being in my purse, so I squat down and put my backpack on the ground so I can get my bus pass. So when I stand back up, I get about halfway up and my right knee locks. I look like a COMPLETE idiot standing on the corner downtown half standing half squatting, then my knee finally lets go... With a loud POP!.... So I finally get to a doctor yesterday, I damaged the cartilage in my knee. So now I get to start school on Monday with crutches, and I have to start physiotherapy ASAP... I swear if it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have ANY lol
AHH, I didn't see this, this is just a little set back. Now get up and do that jig I was talking about....just do it with some crutches.
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Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg View Post
AHH, I didn't see this, this is just a little set back. Now get up and do that jig I was talking about....just do it with some crutches.
I'd look cute trying to do a jig with crutches lol And I'll definitely keep you posted, you were the one who gave me the kick in the rear I needed lol

This is as close to a jig I could probably do right now:

smile29.gif lol
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