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I was also just diagnosed with this yesterday. My doctor is sending me to get an ultra-sound of my thyroid prior to prescribing medication. Has anyone else had one of these?


My symptoms included:


Always tired (especially in the morning)

Dry/brittle nails

Issue with losing weight (with dieting and exercise)

Problems with my menst. cycle


After starting medication, how did your symptoms change? Also are have you experienced any side effects on the medicine?

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Originally Posted by soon2bePowers View Post
I was also just diagnosed with this yesterday. My doctor is sending me to get an ultra-sound of my thyroid prior to prescribing medication. Has anyone else had one of these?

My symptoms included:

Always tired (especially in the morning)
Dry/brittle nails
Issue with losing weight (with dieting and exercise)
Problems with my menst. cycle

After starting medication, how did your symptoms change? Also are have you experienced any side effects on the medicine?
I was diagnosed when I was 9 so I've been dealing with this for a long time. Once I started taking medication most of my symptoms disappeared quickly. Because I was young, rather than really losing weight I pretty much just stretched (got a lot taller) so I'm not sure how quickly weight would normally come off. It took about 2 weeks or so for most of my other symptoms to disappear. I was on Synthroid for a long time, then switched to Levothyroxine, this caused me some side effects (I lost big chunks of hair). Now I'm on Levoxyl which is just a generic of Synthroid but not as "generic" as the Levothyroxine. So far I haven't had any side effects from this drug and it's been a couple of years since I started it.

Hope that helps, good luck!
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It could possibly take a while before you feel 100% normal again. Unfortunately the dosing is a bit of a guessing game. Your doctor will probably start you on a fairly low dose and then have you come back in a few weeks for more blood work. Depending on you TSH and symptoms you may have to tweak the dosage and/or the medications a couple times.


I had atypical symptoms (mostly joint pain) without much weight gain so it took a long time for my doctor to think of testing my thyroid. My levels were so out of whack that it probably took 2 months for me to be back to normal again.


Also, FYI, if you're ever thinking of becoming pregnant, just make sure you talk to your doc about it. An endocrinologist that I work with told me that he usually doubles people's dosage as soon as they want to try getting pregnant. Hypothyroidism can sometimes increase risk for miscarriage if you're not on a high enough dosage. Also, don't hesitate to ask for a referral to a specialist. It never hurts to see someone who is an expert in the subject! Good luck! You will feel better soon!

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So far I have had my dose raised once and have another appointment to get the blood checked next week. My doc is monitoring it and starting me low. I have had a slight noticable difference in how exhausted and am a bit more regular. I am also taking a bunch of suppplements for adrenal support and a few other issues I was having.

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Originally Posted by SgtPepperette View Post
Ive been battling thyroid disease for the last 2 years. I was orginally diagonised with hyperthyroid, and graves disease. Every year I walk in the Breast Cancer 3 Day, and I was out on a training walk. It was 13 miles, not that big of a walk to me. And during the walk I felt like I was having heart attack symptoms. It turned out my thyroid was working 6 times the normal level. So I had a radio active iodine treatment.

Basically I take a pill that has radioactive iodine in it, and it kills my thyroid through my bloodstream. So it completely burned out my thyroid. So now I am hypothyroid. My doctor put me on synthroid. Well its been almost two years and my levels jump around every month. My doctor can not get it regulated at all.

I was interested in armour, but she was completely against it. Instead she put me on a T3 medication along with synthroid. I started to feel a bit better but still not great. Well she took me off that and now Im only on synthroid. Im in the process of finding a new doctor. My doctor also makes pretty rude comments, and doesnt truly take what Im saying in consideration. She treats me based on bloodwork, while I prefer to use those labs, and how Im actually feeling. At one point, she said your always fatigued. Its probably your diet.

I would prefer a holistic doctor but most around me are really expensive, and have a long wait list.

Im fatigued, like I could honestly sleep 14-16 hours a day. Weight gain comes on very easy, and is very difficult to lose. Weakness, muscle fatigue, and the list goes on.

I feel so defeated by this. And question if I made the right decision with the iodine treatment at the time. It all happened so fast, that I didnt really research it as much as Id like.

Its very frustrating!
OMG!! I am SOOOOOO happy (in a sad way) to have stumbled into this thread today. I'm hyperthyroid as well and was officialy diagnosed in April of 2007. I've been on medication to suppress thyroid function for almost 2 yrs now...and my levels still aren't under control.

Evidently the meds work for 50% of patients; the other 50 which I fall under have to have surgery. I am not a candidate for RAI (radioactive iodine) because mine is too far gone, I'm going to have to have a TOTAL thyroidectomy. In fact, I go for my consultation tomorrow.

I've researched and researched..scared to death that having it removed is the wrong (and permanent) move. But after two years of the meds, I don't know what else to do. They aren't working, and in the meanwhile my body is getting more and more worn out. I have the kids to take care of, and while the medication DOES allow me to function semi normally, I'm still a far cry from my old normaly energetic self.

I wouldn't have even been diagnosed if my mom hadn't badgered me into seeing the doc. She kept insisting something was wrong..my eyes looked funny and I'd lost so much weight (about 45lbs in under 6 months..without trying AND eating everything in sight). I chalked it all up to being a new mom. The kids were just 1 and I figured I was just worn out. I couldn't even lift any of them above my waist..it was that bad. Hyperthyroidism causes muscle wasting and deterioration among the other lovely symptoms. Billy used to tell me that he could feel my heart trying to jump out of my chest in bed at night...it was THAT accelerated and THAT bad.

It's such a debilitating disease. And I hadn't even HEARD of it really before I was diagnosed. Turns out, my family has a history as I have two aunts with the disease as well.

I'm going into my consult and next endocrinologist appt INSISTING on Armour. Either they agree to prescribe it to me, or I dont go through with the surgery. I have too much riding on my life right now to be feeling like complete and total shit indefinitely. This is supposed to HELP our condition, not take is out of one bad situation and plunge us into another. I'm just stuck..I can't continue the way I have been, but I can't afford to make things worse either. It such a piss poor situation.

Anyway, sorry for the marathon post, just wanted to chime in with my story.
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Savannah.. I'm not following you.. LOL

I responded to your post about Twilight and Rob Pattinson.


Anyway, I have hypothyroidism but was originally diagnosed hyperthyroid about 8 to 9 years ago. I did the medication to try and control my overactive thryoid, I had a couple of hot nodules I think they called them, for about 1 year. That didn't work so then I was given a radioactive iodine pill, which completely killed my thyroid, leaving me hypothyroid. Then, I tried synthroid felt awful. Now I'm on Armour thryoid and I'm doing much better. I still haven't found my perfect dosage after a couple of years. I have to go back and get my blood levels checked because I've been on that diet pill Alli, which has helped me loose weight but I'm getting fatigued again which could mean my Armour thryoid dosage needs to be increased.

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